Our first stop was a park/trail by a big dam(Union Lake?). Then we went to a swamp a couple miles away. Speaking of Millbillies, two friends of mine were working on a building in Millville. A plumber was just finished installing a water fountain. One of my friends was thirsty and asked the plumber if it was ok to get a drink because sometimes you have to let the water run awhile to clean out the junk in the pipes. The plumber replied "You don't want to drink this water, did you get a good look at the people in this town"
Alas! Back when I was a Millbilly it really was the land of Millbillies.In the last 20 years it has become the land of Millgangstas :-( The crime rate skyrocketed immediately after Whitman relocated part of Camden to the HUD houses in certain areas of downtown.You know the saying "you can take the boy out of the country but you cain't take the country out of the boy"?Well it also applies to hood rats as well.Much of center city is a no go after dark.Couldn't pay me to move back there.Us Lakers have an even worse reputation.They still haven't come to a consensus on how many lakers it takes to make a full set of teeth.I'd say at least a dozen

But at least you can walk the streets here as long as you watch for the snuff splashes if yer barefoot.