Wharton again
Ted called it Bidens coronata and the middle one Ludwigia sphaerocarpa. The Solidago stricta was along 206. Also saw a field full of Eupatorium resinosum.
Was that the field in the floodplain on the west side of 206 where the guardrails are?
Where I was along the Mullica today, there was quite a lot of it. Here is a particularly large clump:
Yes they were and I think some of the Bidens were there also. The last picture is a Goldenrod maybe called flattop or grassleaved. Also the plant in post 612 pic#5 is Portulaca pilosa.Was that the field in the floodplain on the west side of 206 where the guardrails are?
I've seen tons of Rhexia but this one caught my eye.
The last picture is a Goldenrod maybe called flattop or grassleaved.
Franklin Parker Preserve
Bob, If you look closely it is actually a triangle in cross section. Also, what is picture 2 in post 630? It looks like little pieces of candy on a stick.All nice photos Tom. That rush is Juncus effusus or Juncus pylea depending upon who you talk to.
Bob, If you look closely it is actually a triangle in cross section. Also, what is picture 2 in post 630? It looks like little pieces of candy on a stick.
Prenanthes autumnalis starting to bloom.