Get out and vote!!!


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I always worry when a Democrat is president. Where I work always get slow.



Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
My candidate won. I'm excited about the future.

Mine lost. I am excited to live in a country where there is such great opportunity for all people to become anything that they can dream to be. I do not like his politics, but he is my President. If anything he has proven that the American dream is alive and well. I can't help but believe that this election has changed things. Can anyone in this country now say that discrimination can prevent them from achieving there dreams? As to the future....time will tell. God bless Barak Obama, and God bless America.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
It is an interesting country for sure! In the 60’s growing up and going to school I have very few memories of people speaking a language other than English, so with that in mind I found it quite interesting on election day when exiting the door of the polling place I found myself behind a well dressed young family all speaking in what I would say was Chinese. They had come to exercise their right to vote in their new country called America.



Sep 7, 2005
but he is my President. and God bless America.

A friend and I speak on this often even when we do or do not agree on the politics, yet watch what goes on around us. You may not always agree but please support and respect the Office of the Presidency. To not do so literally makes us look like asses to the rest of the world. Try to set us above a standard, not below one. Most of you Godwilling, will have your chance to vote again and till then, let's be hopeful.



Sep 14, 2008
atlantic county
Mine lost. I am excited to live in a country where there is such great opportunity for all people to become anything that they can dream to be. I do not like his politics, but he is my President. If anything he has proven that the American dream is alive and well. I can't help but believe that this election has changed things. Can anyone in this country now say that discrimination can prevent them from achieving there dreams? As to the future....time will tell. God bless Barak Obama, and God bless America.

Well said Grendel. I deal with people every day that come to this country from places that do not have the rights and freedoms that we do. They look on in awe when someone says something bad about GWB. They are amazed that we can talk so freely in this country. That is why so many want to come here; that is what makes us the greatest country in the world.

My candidate won last night and will become our president. I could very well be saying that my candidate lost last night, and McCain will become my president. Either way, I will respect the voices of those who voted. It is OUR country and the people have spoken.

The problems that this country has been faced with will not be fixed in one year or one term or by one man. It is up to us to fix them. And to do so, we must support WHOEVER won last night. And guide him. And use our voices. We must stand up for what we believe in and not quit until it is right. That is what makes America a great country. That is why we have pulled through every challenge that has been placed before us. Wars, the Depression, Stock Market crashing, 9/11.

Bush was not my favorite person, but he was MY president. I did not vote for him, but my fellow citizens did. I had to honor and respect that. I hope the same is done for Barack Obama. Give him a chance. We may be pleasantly surprised or deeply disappointed. But it is a choice we, as a people, made and have to live with. It is up to us to make sure we succeed.

And to get off my soapbox and be my normal self, I just have to say...YEE-F'ING-HA!!!!!! Does anyone mind if he starts a little early?:D


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I just have to say...YEE-F'ING-HA!!!!!! Does anyone mind if he starts a little early?:D

I sure wish The Market shared your enthusiasm.... :bang:


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Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Now he starts getting the Top Secret ones.

Yep, now he gets the ones that will make him pucker up. Only time will tell, some folks were ecstatic when Bush won as well. Sure hope he picks some good advisers, but it would appear he is off to a bad start.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County

The parent who buys a shotgun for a 10 year old would be the sort of person who would have the 'hunker down and buy our weapons cache now before that LIBERAL (also replace with: DEMOCRAT, BLACK MAN, UN-AMERICAN, and TERRORIST) becomes president' attitude.

Hopefully Obama will have the sense to realize that making guns harder to buy doesn't reduce crime. Ask the British Police who have to deal with armed suspects (private ownership of guns are illegal over there) while being unarmed themselves. If people want a gun, they'll find a way to buy it - legal or not.


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
The problem with gun control advocates is that they tend to be the same people who want to take it easy on criminals. Not long ago the average length of a sentence served for murder was around seven years, and in a lot of the nation's prisons those seven years are served in a place with television, recreation facilities, workout rooms, holiday feasts, etc. There's a wide and complete philosophical divide at work here.

When someone commits a violent crime the other side, believing in the essential goodness of all, looks for some outside motivation for which we are all commonly responsible. My side sees a choice made by an individual, who should now pay for it. I don't believe there is any outside influence that justifies using armed force for taking what you want from someone else. No economic condition, no history of oppression, no cultural bias against your hair color, whatever. Once you make that decision you are liable for the consequences, because that's what it means to have laws.

It's similar with the death penalty debate. I've often said to friends who are against it, "I'll give you the death penalty if we can replace it with hard time breaking rocks." Nobody has agreed to the exchange, because of course that's cruel too.

It is, imho, the result of an entire generation of people who are not comfortable with any moral judgement or standard, even when it is necessary for the protection of their own lives.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
The parent who buys a shotgun for a 10 year old would be the sort of person who would have the 'hunker down and buy our weapons cache now before that LIBERAL (also replace with: DEMOCRAT, BLACK MAN, UN-AMERICAN, and TERRORIST) becomes president' attitude.

Buying a shotgun for a 10 year old is not an unusual event for a child who is raised around guns and hunting Ben and certainly doesn't indicate a survivalist attitude for the parents.
I got my first shotgun at 9 so that I had time to practice with my father before getting my hunting license at 10.
I bought my sons their first gun when my oldest son was 8 and the younger one was 7. It was a Marlin Little Buckaroo.
Until I commit a crime there shouldn'y be anything that prevents me from legally purchasing a weapon.
For everyone who thinks guns are too easy to purchase in N.J., apply for your Firearms Purchaser's Card tomorrow morning at your local PD.
Most of you would be lucky to be able to purchase a gun by June or July 2009.
That is for rifles and shotguns only.
Handgun permitting is even worse in N.J.
Democrats and the liberal thinking that comes with them are very bad news for gun owners everywhere in the U.S.