Give me a list of "Must See's"


May 31, 2007
saw the albertson trestle today.. one word ... . .WHOA !!!!!! that is an awesome site out there.. and you'd never know it was there.. are there anymore east/south of there ?


Sep 7, 2005
Glad you made it. Truly one to appreciate.

For what it's worth, if you're looking for another "trestle" well,basically a bridge. Just South you will find the one that crosses route 30 right by The Fleming. The bar "Antiqua" is right there on the Westbound side. Now, too many private properties surround it's access so you may have to park North of it on the Fleming and walk to it. No one can bother you walking the tracks up to it, no matter what they say, but you really ain't supposed to be on it . Or go into the parking lot of the business across the pike and muscle up on it. (no fun) Obviously access is not easily granted.
It's cool and all but you needn't go through all that, you can just scope it from the ground. It is most interesting to note the bases of it on either side of the pike. This you can just do from the pike (well not standing on it lest we'll be reading about you) One side has the original stone support, whereas the other side is concrete/block as a result of widening it to accomodate the need to widen route 30 many years ago. Neat tidbit.
I passed that all my life and never noticed it till a friend pointed it out to me.



Sep 7, 2005

BOBNJ1979, and all,
I include here a couple images lent to me from the fellow I know who has a vast knowledge of the rails and quite a collection of information and photos to share. These images are prints, not originals. His gift of sharing Blue Comet info is rare in that on the local level he has bits and pieces from old timers to recant. Good stuff.
The bridge itself, photo scanned from a book:

The Blue Comet itself speeding over the bridge, sadly taken in 1941, as it's reign over the rails neared an end.
I am sure Jerseyman has the images of course. He of course shall remain beyond doubt the expert source on the Comet. Now I am fortunate enough to have another unique source of information on this piece of history.
A point made to me by this fellow that I would not have thought of was that for a spell (between 1941 and 1945 or so) You would see very few images taken around the rails as during wartime, if you were anywhere near railways with a camera you may have some serious explaining to do.
So Bob, take that walk or that ride to check out this bridge. See how different everything looks now.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
See how different everything looks now.


Thanks Largo. I was thinking it does look so different. To everyone, be warned if you walk up that bridge in the future. It is full of poison ivy. I had to bail out the last time I was there it was so bad.
