GPS & NJPB Live Maps question


New Member
May 14, 2011
Mount Holly
This may sound really naive but I do not have a GPS device. I don't want to spend a lot but I want something durable and suitable for exploring on foot off of the trails to some more remote areas. I do not have a smart phone. Am I better off getting a handheld GPS or just upgrading to a smartphone with a GPS app? Also, am I missing something with the NJPB Live Maps? Should I be able to see waypoints other members have made public? Is there a useful way to use the Live Maps without a GPS device? Lots of questions here but as you can tell I need advice. Thanks!


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I'd say NJPB Live Maps *is* intended to be used without a GPS. The main use seems to be posting links in trip reports, etc - and just daydreaming sometimes. :)

If you get a Garmin GPS, I have made a number of free maps available here:

My old "Classic" map should work on any of the older cheap Garmin mapping GPS'es, but it's far inferior to my newer maps:

To use the newer, much more detailed map you will want a unit like the Garmin Oregon, Dakota, Colorado or GPSMap 62. These models are a bit more expensive, but you can sometimes find the Dakota on sale for under $200. I try to post links when I see them on sale somewhere. You may also find bargains on used or refurbed units. The Colorado was discontinued awhile ago, and there might be some bargains.

Then there are a number of other maps I've posted that include aerial imagery and scans of 24k USGS topo maps. They also require one of the new models listed above.

Which is better, smartphone or handheld GPS? When you drop it in the creek, I think you will be able to answer that question. ;)


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Always trust Boyd's advice.

Now, lets discuss what GPS to buy if you decide to go that route. I can honestly say that if you plan on going in remote places in tree cover you do not want to buy an eTrex. I know some people will not be happy with me saying that but they do not work well in deep thick woods. Other than that they work well. You want to buy a newer unit or a used 60CSX for example with an external antenna. I have the 60CSX and the Oregon and both have good reception in deep woods for the general use that you may need. My suggestion is to keep a watch on this site and when Boyd hears about a good sale on the Oregon or equivalent you will know about it.

In my opinion the main advantage of the Oregon is the sweet bracket that keeps you from loosing it. I never worry anymore about it falling off around my neck.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
FYI, if someone else uploads a GPX file to NJPB Live Maps and then posts a link to it on the forums you'll be able to see their tracks. I don't think anybody uses that functionality though.