Last Weekend
We went to Greenwood Forest last weekend. That place is FULL of deer and I got some very nice pictures although the little boogers wouldn't stand still.
I'm glad to know this information about the trails because we ended up on the powerline and thank God for four wheel drive! We took a turn on one road that came to a large clearing where someone had a large bonfire the night before. Correct me if I am wrong but there is really one good way in and one good way out and it's not by way of the powerlines. Also, if you're driving a large truck such as our Power Wagon, careful of the low branches in the clearing!
Another nice aspect of this forest is that the State plants a lot of grassy areas and the deer are just laying around everywhere. I took some gorgeous pictures! They must spray in there, as well. I didn't find any little creepy crawlers on me.....thank God.
I was also glad to see that people weren't littering in the area. I'm a firm believer of taking out more than you carry in by way of trash.