Guess Who ?

Instead of sitting on the computer bitching why not get involved in repairing the forest of its ills, protecting that which has been destroyed so it can grow back, clean up the trash and help the river banks from becoming sand washes, and replanting those areas that have been denuded. Get in touch with Jason Howell at PPA and he, and all of us will be glad to have you join us for a day or two of great fun repairing and replenishing the forest. It is a good feeling when the work is completed. What do you say....want to join us?
Al, I hope you don't get your way. You're like the man who built a house next to a racetrack, and then stood on the porch shaking his fist and yelling at the cars going in to enjoy what they do. Enduro events were here long before you were, and they are part and parcel to pine barren history. They do much less damage to the forest than you think. There were events in Greenwood Forest in the 1970's. You cannot even see the ruts anymore. They are trying to be the best stewards of this land by following all the rules. You should let them be.
They are obviously not doing a great job at being stewards. I don't know what part of the forest you have been in but I have been a lot of it and it ain's so pleasant. Believe me, I have been on this earth a lot longer than the enduros have been.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Instead of sitting on the computer bitching why not get involved in repairing the forest of its ills, protecting that which has been destroyed so it can grow back, clean up the trash and help the river banks from becoming sand washes, and replanting those areas that have been denuded. Get in touch with Jason Howell at PPA and he, and all of us will be glad to have you join us for a day or two of great fun repairing and replenishing the forest. It is a good feeling when the work is completed. What do you say....want to join us?

I have been on the Forked River Mountain Coalition as an officer or Board member since 1995. We (including quite a few people from this forum) have taken over one million pounds of waste out of these woods in the last 25 years. Cars, tires, concrete, appliances, and tons of other junk. And through our constant efforts to have them purchased for conservation, the Forked River Mountains are now preserved. You should not throw stones Al.
Al, I hope you don't get your way. You're like the man who built a house next to a racetrack, and then stood on the porch shaking his fist and yelling at the cars going in to enjoy what they do. Enduro events were here long before you were, and they are part and parcel to pine barren history. They do much less damage to the forest than you think. There were events in Greenwood Forest in the 1970's. You cannot even see the ruts anymore. They are trying to be the best stewards of this land by following all the rules. You should let them be.
By the way, I grew up next to a race track, a horse track. My father lost our family fortune there. I was betting when I was 14. But it was fun to watch the races, I still get excited over watching them. Never shaked my fist or yelled at anyone.
I have been on the Forked River Mountain Coalition as an officer or Board member since 1995. We (including quite a few people from this forum) have taken over one million pounds of waste out of these woods in the last 25 years. Cars, tires, concrete, appliances, and tons of other junk. And through our constant efforts to have them purchased for conservation, the Forked River Mountains are now preserved. You should not throw stones Al.
You are to be commended. What will happen with Ocean County closes down the off-road traffic on the mountains? Will that upset you?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
You are to be commended. What will happen with Ocean County closes down the off-road traffic on the mountains? Will that upset you?

Yes. But I'll still live. I'm not sure what they are going to do. Personally, I'd rather see them left open to the public except for sensitive areas. Perhaps they'll come up with a new paradigm to do that.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
............….Believe me, I have been on this earth a lot longer than the enduros have been.

Then you must be well into your 90's since the first Sandy Lane was run in 1934. How old were you then ?
This my late friend Bill Schemel in the mid-1940's crossing the Sleeper Branch behind Batsto. This was a sanctioned enduro event and you can see his time card on the handlebars.

Have you really been around "a lot longer" than that ? Somehow I doubt it.

Toothy Critter

I am glad I grew up in the 80s.
It was the best combination of dirt bike suspension and Pine Barrens liberty.

I rode in the 70's. No one said boo. We rode where we wanted yet respected the environment. I go back to trails we blazed back then and cannot find them. Nature has completely reclaimed them. Easy to blame some dirt bikers for ruining the forest, yet, every day I see signs of development, drop by drop, permanently taking over. Enduro clubs do a great job of organizing and supervising their events. I used to race the Curly Fern, the Lonesome Pine, all the events and a few in No. Jersey and PA. And we left no significant footprint.


Oct 8, 2015
Like I said. Childish old farts! Please think about the other people you don't know and are not part of this round robin forum before you make judgments. One day of 200 dirt bikes in bad conditions can, and does, ruin it for others.
You mean like the stakeholders that have not been reached out to at all.wait sorry only one from that group has been contacted much is the cost to get one of your own to sit in the seat of power in Trenton?


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I am glad I grew up in the 80s.
It was the best combination of dirt bike suspension and Pine Barrens liberty.

I started riding in the Pines in 1976 when I bought a brand new Yamaha DT-400. A lot of 2-stroke power on tap but the suspension was about as plush as a shopping cart. I was tagged and legal and rode almost every weekend from my house in Gibbsbsoro down to Quaker Bridge Road and then into the Big Woods. I would top of at Bill Russell's Wagon Wheel in Dutchtown before and after my runs through the woods.

In 1978 I bought a 1978 DT-400 which had the Mono-Shock rear suspension and I had about 7" of travel front and back. That was a treat after the '76. I kept that tagged and legal too.

In 1983, a few weeks before I got married, I bought a brand new 1983 CR-480. My mother-in-law though that was irresponsible but that was okay because I didn't like her anyway. :)

That was the wildest motorcycle I ever rode and I still have it ! I rode total stealth mode all the time with that bike since it could not be tagged. I never had an encounter with a Ranger. I once rode from Medford Lakes to the Forked River clay pits with a fuel stop in Chatsworth. I really need to sell that beast and probably will this year. It is in remarkably good condition and all original.

I still ride a Harley-Davidson and my wife and I enjoy that immensely.

Here's a pic of my 1978 DT-400 in my back yard in Gibbsboro. I took this pic through a slide with my phone so it's a little fuzzy.
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mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
Instead of sitting on the computer bitching why not get involved in repairing the forest of its ills, protecting that which has been destroyed so it can grow back, clean up the trash and help the river banks from becoming sand washes, and replanting those areas that have been denuded. Get in touch with Jason Howell at PPA and he, and all of us will be glad to have you join us for a day or two of great fun repairing and replenishing the forest. It is a good feeling when the work is completed. What do you say....want to join us?
Actually Al, we have offered help numerous times. We have reached out to not only Rob, but also Olivia. No answer! I guess you need to be on the PPA to get an answer these days. It’s all good though, a lot of us are still leaving with multiple bags of garbage on a regular basis, without the media coverage. As a matter of fact I’ve been to at least two cleanups that you were at as well, if I recall correctly all that you did was take pictures of people picking up trash at one of them. Then at another if I recall correctly, you got some pictures of jeeps . One that you love to use in your propaganda of “huge Jeep clubs ruining the forest”, which is a picture of all of the jeeps parked at atsion, lined up at the cleanup ready to pick up trash. You know, the cleanup that Rob put an end to, that was on the same weekend every year for over 10 years? The most productive clean up that happened on a yearly basis? I can’t help but to feel the glee when you log on to social media and continue to prove that you, your propaganda, and your crook friends are no more than a joke to the majority of the population , and continue to lose support on what seems like a daily basis.
Yours truly,

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
Quotes from Al Horner copied from the posts in this thread, my comments are inline:

“Does no one care about the rest of the public that wants to use the forest?”
Obviously the PPA went behind the public's back to protect them by blocking roads with little brown signs

“This forest does not just belong to one group, it belongs to all the citizens of NJ”
Practice what you preach

“Stop being so selfish.”
Look at yourself

“DEP has come to realize that in order to save our forest that they have to manage the roads”
DEP not PPA,

“Please think about the other people you don't know and are not part of this round robin forum before you make judgments.”
How many ECEA members do you know? I bet you don't know. I know several PPA members. Lets not make snap judgements on who you think are good stewards and who are not. How many other people did you think of when you were blocking roads and advocating closure?

“they have children, horses, mothers and fathers, and pets that all enjoy the woods”
So do people in jeeps, trucks and on motorcycles, OMG Al, we are just like you....not in a million years

“Perhaps, off-roaders should just find a place where they will be happy, a place that is theirs, all there own, purchased with their money.”
This is the capper here, what makes you think that this is a positive thing to say? perhaps photographers should buy a parcel of land to take pictures? (apologies to other photographers) this is the most ignorant one sided statement I have seen in the last several years of anti-offroading crap that has unfortunately been posted on these forms and it keeps coming back. A truck, jeep or bike has as much right as you do to travel the SF roads without question, unless they happen to step outside of the law which I whole heartedly agree needs to stop. Truth is, I see one childish old fart here, one that didn't get his way and continues to bitch and moan instead of extending a hand to shake, only shakes a fist.
Thanks Al!

My Edit for AL, Joe Shinn
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I got word that All Horner tried to join the ECEA's Facebook group. Can you say "mole"?
This, from

jack splash, Today at 10:34 AM

jack splash
Thanks you guys for trying to understand. This is from the ECEA (East Coast Enduro Assoc) Facebook page administrator.

Beware people, the Nature Nazis are not going away. This A-HOLE just tried to join our group. For those who don't know him, he is the guy that takes pictures after an event, and supplies the PPA with ammo. He is the guy that takes images from social media and websites of events that are not even from our area and pretends that it is local. This is the guy that scans social media for helmet cams and videos that are posted to use them against us. He is the enemy. There are many more like him, and we can be sure that they already have moles in our organization. We can not let our guard down, not even for a minute. Perfect example, this weekend was supposed to be an enduro. The local forest superintendent manufactured some BS that the trails are impassible from the rain. Really? Those firecuts are all SAND. Where do you think the water goes? The point here is that even when things are quiet, the anti-everything groups are fighting against us. We have been lucky that they have been busy fighting the pipeline project. Well, that project is now dead. We all need to do our part, and we need to do it NOW


At least I am proud to use my real name, not like most of the people here that have anonymous names. Does everyone dislike their names or is worried someone will recognize them on the street or in the woods? Perhaps the next time I'll attempt to log in as Pine Needle Joey or maybe My Truck Has Bigger Tires Than Your or something really cool like that.
Then you must be well into your 90's since the first Sandy Lane was run in 1934. How old were you then ?
This my late friend Bill Schemel in the mid-1940's crossing the Sleeper Branch behind Batsto. This was a sanctioned enduro event and you can see his time card on the handlebars.

Have you really been around "a lot longer" than that ? Somehow I doubt it.
View attachment 11691
Looks like the ecology was being destroyed from the very beginnings. It sure hasn't stopped.

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
Looks like the ecology was being destroyed from the very beginnings. It sure hasn't stopped.
Al, like you I am a photographer.

What I cannot seem to understand is how closing many of the roads will stop the knuckleheads from going "off-road" (as in, into the woods, off the legal sand roads). Like you, I want access to the forest and drive legally. Not into spungs, or marsh, or rivers.

There are a lot of roads that are often impassable, but it appears to me that a lot of the water is seasonal or from nearby bogs. Park Police have to stop the idiots from going into wetlands, and Wharton needs a bigger budget for road repair. I think you are assigning blame where it really does not belong. The prominent posters on this forum have the deepest respect for the pinelands. Their knowledge of the history and geography is far greater than any ranger at Batsto or anyone at the DEP.

Attacking people because they have screen names is not making you any friends.


Apr 9, 2011
I don't post here much but I do check out the posts every day and I have to say Al go take a hike and take the PPA with you. Your a god damn hypocrite you spout off at the mouth with your bullshit that the pines are being damaged by off-road vehicles but yet you go to take pictures to call in the troops well I can tell you people are starting to see thru your bullshit and what about all the garbage left behind fro the pineland adventures customers when they rent canoes and such and the constant traffic from the canoe trucks flying thru the woods to pic the same people up. Oh that's right pineland adventures is the ppa so it's fine right? Screw you and the god damn high horse you rode in here on. It's not right this event was canceled or postponed and it's not right that you have the balls to come here to spout your bullshit it didn't work for Jason and it's sure as hell won t work for you. My family comes from greenbank area most still live there ive been coming to the pines since i was 10 with a very well-known author to learn about the pines and I bring my children out there for the same to teach them about the area and I can honestly say I will fight to keep the pines open with my last breath so keep spouting your b.s. your just waking up the beast (sorry if I offended any log time members) oh and so I'm not hiding behind my screen name my name is Phil Stuckey of Buena Vista township
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