Hanover Farms/Upton versus Amatol


While conducting research today, I found this interesting item in a 6 March 1918 newspaper:

Whatever hope remained of the government being able to utilize the Hanover Farmstract, between Whitesbog and Whitings for the great new munitions plant which it was at first proposed to locate there, disappeared last week when it became definitely known that the Federal authorities had determined upon a site not far from Hammonton for the new enterprise and that some of the equipment which had been at first sent to Hanover, had been transferred to the new site. The great plant will be located at Elwood, about five miles from Hammonton and a large force of men is already at work clearing the land for the erection of the necessary buildings. The tract comprises about eight thousand acres.
Does anyone else know that the feds looked at a Hanover Farms/Upton parcel prior to settling on the land where they constructed Amatol?
Interesting concept!!
Best regards,


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Interesting. So, possibly Woodjin would not be living where he lives today if it went through. He lives along route 70 near Upton.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
That would have really change the landscape of that area.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I didn't know that either. Interesting. Not to get side tracked but, speaking of Upton Station, they are building what appears to be a large house across route 70 from upton Station. Where those vernal ponds are. I knew that land was private but I never saw a for sale sign go up. About a year ago I saw activity there, now the foundation is there. I was surprised they got approval to build there, looks like a single house, lots of land, that is probably how they got approval. It will be visable from the road, right across the ponds kind of near the tracks. I'm not real happy about it, the less houses the better, you know. Sorry to get off the subject.

Well, Woodjin, to go even farther off-topic, two nights ago I won on ebay the family Bible of arguably Upton's most famous resident--Asa Pittman! I can't wait to take a look at it and see the family recordings in it as well as other items that Asa may have laid in the Bible. I'll let you know what I find!

Best regards,


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Wow! What an amazing find and a very rare thing to see on ebay! The Pittman family is still living there. William or Bill Pittman is the elder. He is an avid pickerel fisherman though I have not met him. We know people in common.

Wow! What an amazing find and a very rare thing to see on ebay! The Pittman family is still living there. William or Bill Pittman is the elder. He is an avid pickerel fisherman though I have not met him. We know people in common.



Thanks for the information about Bill Pittman. If you ever get to meet him, let me know and I will share photocopies of the Bible's contents if you think he'd be interested!

Best regards,