Judging by the topozone link you posted, Guy, the Pine Crest Train Station marker is near the JCRR tracks on the other side of Pine Crest from Carranza, going the further away from Carrannza starting at the sand road crossing at Pine Crest. That's probably why I didn't see it. It was awhile ago since I was there, but I believe I walked from Pine Crest towards Carranza. I'm a little unclear when I did what, as I started from different spots each time I hiked the tracks around there. And I got it straight now. Carranza is between High Crossing and Pine Crest.
So the alleged Harris Depo may have just served Harriville, miles away. I was wondering, Renee, why you posted that Joe found some tracks miles away from that area. Now it's starting to make sense. There may indeed have been tracks that went from the area of the Pine Crest Depo into Harrisville. Or maybe Joe was seeing a mirage after you had him hiking so far.

Seriously, there really may have been tracks. Harrisville stopped operating log ago, and the Pine Barrens sands may have covered a secret of a ghost railroad.
It makes sense, Guy, that the depo may have served towns far away from the tracks. I imagine that was the case with many towns that used the railroads back then. There were certainly enough roads to go there. I should just remember the joke about the city slicker and the local yokel:
A City Slicker got off the train and looked at the sign that said the town was three miles away. He then asked a local yokel "Why is the depo was so far from the town"?
"I donno, said the local yokel. I guess they just wanted it close to the tracks."
It is possible that there was a Harris station that was later renamed Pine Crest Station.
This is all interesting. I've been thinking about doing another article about the JCRR. It's been long enough since the last one appeared that I can duplicate some of what was in that article.
For what it's worth, here's that track diagram with mileage markers again.