Hermann city and the Argo


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Last Sunday my wife and I explored around Hermann city. We tried to get down there before in the summer but the place was totally over run with ticks. Sunday had turned out to be the perfect day. No ticks (to speak of) and no snow.

What a great trip. saw all the ruins including the one a little further down stream right along the mullica. Found a geocache (spelling?) also. I figured that the ruins right along the river must have been the hotel, and the other ruins the furnance/glass factory, but I'm not certain. Any elaboration on this would be appreciated. When I was helping my wife over a fallen cedar in the ruins, her pants got caught on a broken branch and ripped the whole backside of her jeans open. This made the trip even more amusing!

Of particular interest however, was right along the shore line. It was low tide and we found tons of glass in the sand. At first we figured that the glass was post hermann city era, but upon walking the shore line we noticed no other glass. The concentration right there couldn't have been coincidence.

The most suprising thing was what I found sticking out of the sand in the recessed tide. The remains of a boat. In Becks book "More Forgotten Towns" there is a picture on page 144 of Hollis Koster examining the ruins of either the Argo or the Frances ships and that is exactly what I must have been looking at. I had the book in the truck with me and I compared the photo to my find and I'm confident that that was it. I wouldn't have thought the remains would still be intact considering that the photo was taking in the 30's but never the less...

I wish I had brought my camera along. All in all a very nice trip!



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
woodjin said:
Last Sunday my wife and I explored around Hermann city. We tried to get down there before in the summer but the place was totally over run with ticks. Sunday had turned out to be the perfect day. No ticks (to speak of) and no snow.

What a great trip. saw all the ruins including the one a little further down stream right along the mullica. Found a geocache (spelling?) also. I figured that the ruins right along the river must have been the hotel, and the other ruins the furnance/glass factory, but I'm not certain. Any elaboration on this would be appreciated. When I was helping my wife over a fallen cedar in the ruins, her pants got caught on a broken branch and ripped the whole backside of her jeans open. This made the trip even more amusing!

Of particular interest however, was right along the shore line. It was low tide and we found tons of glass in the sand. At first we figured that the glass was post hermann city era, but upon walking the shore line we noticed no other glass. The concentration right there couldn't have been coincidence.

The most suprising thing was what I found sticking out of the sand in the recessed tide. The remains of a boat. In Becks book "More Forgotten Towns" there is a picture on page 144 of Hollis Koster examining the ruins of either the Argo or the Frances ships and that is exactly what I must have been looking at. I had the book in the truck with me and I compared the photo to my find and I'm confident that that was it. I wouldn't have thought the remains would still be intact considering that the photo was taking in the 30's but never the less...

I wish I had brought my camera along. All in all a very nice trip!


Nice area right Jeff? I always get a little melancholy when I look out at the Mullica from spots like that. I think to myself; so this is the river Beck loved, and I am looking out at it as he did many times.


Nov 12, 2004
Riverside Nj
BobM said:
Nice area right Jeff? I always get a little melancholy when I look out at the Mullica from spots like that. I think to myself; so this is the river Beck loved, and I am looking out at it as he did many times.

I think the same thing when I'm out that way.


Oct 19, 2004
Belleplain, NJ
woodjin said:
The most suprising thing was what I found sticking out of the sand in the recessed tide. The remains of a boat. In Becks book "More Forgotten Towns" there is a picture on page 144 of Hollis Koster examining the ruins of either the Argo or the Frances ships and that is exactly what I must have been looking at. I had the book in the truck with me and I compared the photo to my find and I'm confident that that was it. I wouldn't have thought the remains would still be intact considering that the photo was taking in the 30's but never the less...

I wish I had brought my camera along. All in all a very nice trip!


I have both of Beck's 'Forgotten Towns' books...I also have the one by Ms. Schmidt and dammit if I can't remember the title of it! We bought it at her store in Chatsworth while getting lost going letterboxing. My Beck books are so dogeared and well loved, even my kids read them time and time again.

Heather in SJ


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
You know Bob it is funny because that very thought did occur to me. It occured to me right as I was stitting on the ruins along the mullica of what I assume was the hotel and former Koster family residence. I guess we are a like minded bunch. I made a resolution at that time also to explore more of the mullica in that area via kayak. I just got a kayak. I've had a canoe but the head winds have kept me out of that area, the kayak should be more suitable.

Stu, yes that cache was crammed with stuff. I didn't open it and I replaced it exactly where I found it (actually my wife found it).



May 29, 2003
That foundation next to the river is not the old Koster home from what I have come across. I'm pretty sure the Koster home was in the heavy grass area when you come in. I would like to know what the foundation you are referring to was associated with. I haven't found out yet.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
You know, I was thinking that when we were there because Beck mentioned something about pieces of the furnance falling on to the roof of the Koster home/hotel. The ruins in question were obviously too far away from the furnance for that to be the case. Let me know if you learn anything.

Come to think of it. I had seen a video filmed in the 70's, I think, that showed the last house in Herman City. I barely recall this so I might be mistaken. If I can track down that video I'll let you know if it sheds any light on the ruins in question.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I have been going crazy looking for that video. I checked my personal collection and re-rented videos from the medford pinlands center. No luck. I can't imagine I would remember something that didn't exist. The search goes on. One of the videos from Medford broke (tape) the moment I put it in, so hopefully they have a back up video..it might be on that one.
