Hurricane in the Pines


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BobM said:
Will FEMA take their time helping us because we are toothless, inbred pineys?

You are going places that I will not tread on.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I won't really go there either, but I think there is a lesson to be learned from the past week. When they say to evacuate, don't screw around - get the hell out.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Boyd said:
I won't really go there either, but I think there is a lesson to be learned from the past week. When they say to evacuate, don't screw around - get the hell out.

Yeah, that worked really well for those who just had surgery. They literally bounded down the steps of the hospital.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I was reading CNN this morning, and the mayor down there seems two faced. Here is the small excerpt from the article.

(See the mayor's order to stop the talking and send soldiers to help -- 1:00)

"A few moments ago, he stopped a truck full of National Guard troops ... and said, 'Point your weapons down, this is not Iraq,' " Starr reported.

How things change...

BobM said:
Will FEMA take their time helping us because we are toothless, inbred pineys?
Come on Bob, you don't really buy that, do you? Do you really think the g'ment is thinking "all the wealthy white folk are out so it's ok"?
This thing didn't just happen to New Orleans as the news would have you believe. This thing is huge. What about Biloxi? What about the area further north that got ripped with tornados, can't even remember the name of the area because the news doesn't talk about it? What about the countless other towns along the gulf that were devistated by Katrina? The people of New Orleans are crying that they are forgotten but what about these other folk? This thing is huge.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
The guy who runs another forum that I post on had his servers hosted at DirectNIC in New Orleans. Obviously, his site is down. He has a temporary site up with some updates of what's going on. He pretty much summed up how I feel:

Most of you probably haven't noticed, but the SA servers finally had their plug pulled Thursday afternoon despite the heroic efforts of the people at DirectNIC. While I appreciate what they did for us, their devotion to some websites seems a little misguided in the midst of what is happening. That "what" is hell on earth in the greater New Orleans area.

Rich, myself, Livestock, and probably some of the other writers have been watching the hurricane aftermath with nothing short of dumb shock. There is a disaster going on right now and it is manmade. The disaster is three strangers in Mississippi, together because they're all that's left and alone in a town without buildings, drinking floodwater polluted by corpses, shit and gasoline. The disaster is a woman wading through waist deep streets holding her daughter and wondering why the trucks won't stop to get her out of the city. The disaster is ICU patients dying one after another because diesel didn't flow and order couldn't be kept. It's an uninterrupted chain of personal disasters. It's inept triage on a national scale.

It's unbelievable that this is America. It's hard to comprehend that these repeating images of herds of people without food or water or medical treatment after nearly a week are happening on our soil. They're our fellow citizens and while the politicians, directors, planners and generals congratulate each other at press conferences they are suffering and dying.

I have seen some efforts in the media to pressure officials to accept responsibility. None have, because in public office the buck stops nowhere. The only person I have really seen come close to capturing the raw fury of the people trapped in New Orleans or forgotten in Mississippi and Alabama is CNN's Anderson Cooper. He confronted Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu on live TV, chiding her with a voice cracking with emotion that he couldn't believe the politicians were patting each other on the back over a job well done when he just saw rats eating a woman's body in the street of Biloxi.

On the Internet I've seen people blatantly placing blame on Bush, FEMA, Congress, the National Guard, and even Homeland Security. Who is responsible? Who should be blamed? All of them. This is a colossal failure of our government to care for and protect its citizenry on every conceivable level.

The heroes are the men and women on the scene doing their utmost to help those in need. Coast Guard rescue workers plucking people to safety and Red Cross workers feeding people from emergency kitchens are heroes. The man who commandeered a bus and got people out of New Orleans when the government was woefully impotent is a hero. The woman who smashed the glass on a convenience store to loot bottled water for fifteen kids who should have been absolutely inundated with supplies by then is a hero. The doctors and nurses hand-bagging ventilator patients 24 hours a day in dark hospitals are heroes.

In the ineloquent but true words of the Mayor of New Orleans: "Don't tell me 40,000 people are coming here. They're not here. It's too doggone late. Now get off your asses and do something, and let's fix the biggest goddamn crisis in the history of this country." CNN was better prepared to deal with this disaster than FEMA was.

I am ashamed of my country's government in a universal way right now. Republicans, democrats, opportunists, it doesn't matter; they're all guilty in this situation. In a magical world where justice is actually served most of these people would not have jobs in a month or two. Instead the people without jobs will be the millions who have lost everything and found their government with its back turned. Remember that people are still dying because of this incompetence. Remember that when each and every one of these fools appears on TV for a photo op or complains about "placing blame later," because placing blame now is the only hope America has to change the situation.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Anderson Cooper rocks! Not only is he a great reporter, he has a great sense of humor.



Sep 10, 2003
the final outpost
Without a doubt there is a lot of handwringing and finger pointing going on over the catastrophe on the gulf coast. Personally I feel much of it is misguided. In large part by a media whose not so veiled intentions to tarnish the administration at any cost. Even the truth. The New Orleans office of emergency management has a very thorough and comprehensive plan in place to implement in the event of a hurricane or other natural disaster. You can read it here. I can save you the trouble, having read it myself and can say categorically that the troubles down there are the result of a total collapse of local government. When it became obvious to the mayor that he had neither the control of his underlings nor the confidence in them he ordered the evacuation. He didn't execute his plan, he bailed. While New Orleans' Mayor Ray Nagin criticizes, carps, and moans -- far away in dry, safe Baton Rouge we should be asking him where was his government in the days following the hurricane? Any sensible disaster plan would have required every policeman, every fireman, and every public health worker to remain in the City and to come to work the following morning.
Where were they? New Orleans has a police force of 1,700 officers (majority black.) Even under the terrible conditions, the presence of those officers around the city would have gone far to maintain a sense of order. And where were the firefighters -- yes, without water pressure they couldn't have fought fires, but they could have begun rescue efforts.
It appears that Mayor Nagin's government (like the Mayor himself) simply disappeared. Many probably evacuated and there have been reports of policemen turning in their badges and leaving. The only heroes in this crisis appear to be the valiant hospital workers who struggled for days with no support from their own city to keep the sick from dying.
Where was the local Health Department? Where were the stocks of medication and food that any sensible city often hit by hurricanes would maintain? Why were hundreds of school buses left idle instead of being pressed into service to evacuate those poor about whom we're hearing so much?
This is being turned into a racial issue now. Black demagogues around the country are beginning to howl at President Bush's and "white" America's failure to respond more quickly. But they're simply trying to deflect attention away from what they want to keep secret. Why did the black Mayor and his government presiding over a majority-black and overwhelmingly poor city fail to provide his own constituents with the barest support during the city's worst crisis?
The Federal Government is doing what it always does, coming in afterward to clean up the mess. And I'm sure we'll be hearing for years what it could or should have done better. But the fact remains that it's a far bigger mess in New Orleans than it might have been because of Mayor Nagin's obvious incompetence. The racialists should pipe down, contribute some money, and ponder what, and who actually drove New Orleans to its knees.
The collapse of New Orleans' institutions in its worst hours is the true national disgrace. The truth is that the federal government isn't the first line of defence, its the last line of defense. How confident are we in OUR elected local government officials?


Jun 8, 2005
Estelline, SD
Thanks, King o'the Pines-

Here I was thinking - in what I now recognize was a clearly befuddled manner - that it was a complex situation and that casting accurate blame would be a difficult, long, drawn out procedure that might never be completely resolved. But then you boiled it all down and brought sense out of chaos and confusion.


That saves all of us so much time, not to mention the strenuous effort of critical thought! ! Whew. Now we can relax.

Y'all have a nice day, heah?



Sep 10, 2003
the final outpost
The emphasis here should not be that the horrendous response to the disaster was as a result of someones skin color. To make this conclusion would be to completely miss the point. The emphasis of skin color is in direct response to those who would complain that the rescue attempts were slow, because of skin color ie, racist. The governor, (white), and state senators, (white) equally share in the blame of the collapse at the local level. But why would those who shout racism completely overlook those who are most directly responsible for the well being of its residents. But thanks for your opinion. At least we know how you think.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
BEHR655 said:
Come on Bob, you don't really buy that, do you?

Actually, what I do believe is this. Yes, it is huge but it could have been avoided. Bush gave the wealthy their huge tax cut, is spending billions and billions in Iraq, and just recently forked over half the frigging wealth of the country to the energy companies. I think a little of that money should have been given to strenghen Louisiana's Levee system. They have been asking for it for years. And that political appointed FEMA guy should be fired, from now on put people in that position who are qualified to respond to big disasters.


Sep 10, 2003
the final outpost
A bit off the topic but who here is familiar with the NewMadrid fault line that runs through the Mississippi Valley? The earthquake that inevitably will swallow most of Missouri may only be weeks/months/years away. What should the federal gov't be doing about it now, before the earthquake strikes. How can Bush, or subsequent presidents prepare us for it. More importantly how can the earthquake be prevented?? Is more $$ the answer? Is it ever? Just curious.


Feb 16, 2005
Egg Harbor
A first hand update

Just figured I'd throw this out there. But I just got off the phone with my Uncle in Miss., Bay St. Louis area. He drove back down from Tunica (outside of Memphis) to get some belongings from his house that he and my Aunt swam out of. He said there is no running water. He brought some food down to his one neighbor, the other he found dead when her refridgerator fell on her in the storm. He said that the Florida highway patrol is running the gas stations. You can only get up to 20.00 dollars worth. But they brought the price down to 2.45 p/gal today. Also the national guard is clearing the highways, and he said he was amazed to see the amount of emergency vehicles from all different municipalities throughout the US.

Oh yeah he said that since the don't have water to clean anything, that everything in the house is begining to grow a nice fur coat!

That whole N.O. situation is crazy. I can't believe those guys were firing on people trying to help them. How stupid!


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Roostriz said:
Just figured I'd throw this out there. But I just got off the phone with my Uncle in Miss., Bay St. Louis area. He drove back down from Tunica (outside of Memphis) to get some belongings from his house that he and my Aunt swam out of. He said there is no running water. He brought some food down to his one neighbor, the other he found dead when her refridgerator fell on her in the storm. He said that the Florida highway patrol is running the gas stations. You can only get up to 20.00 dollars worth. But they brought the price down to 2.45 p/gal today. Also the national guard is clearing the highways, and he said he was amazed to see the amount of emergency vehicles from all different municipalities throughout the US.

Oh yeah he said that since the don't have water to clean anything, that everything in the house is begining to grow a nice fur coat!

That whole N.O. situation is crazy. I can't believe those guys were firing on people trying to help them. How stupid!

Great information...thanks. And those firing on the workers got what they deserved!

Apr 6, 2004
"Bush gave the wealthy their huge tax cut, is spending billions and billions in Iraq, and just recently forked over half the frigging wealth of the country to the energy companies. I think a little of that money should have been given to strenghen Louisiana's Levee system. They have been asking for it for years. And that political appointed FEMA guy should be fired, from now on put people in that position who are qualified to respond to big disasters."

Well said, Bob.