Isolation 2020

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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
let's agree to disagree on this.I put about as much faith in anything Murphy says as you do I What Trump says. There is a fence here and it,s too narrow for either of us to walk.

Well, I suppose you and 46'r believe in what Trump says, and I"m okay with that. Everyone is different.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Click the player for the date 4 17 20 then you can slide the time if you don't want to listen to the whole thing. Also. I can assure you that 46 er and I aren't the only ones that think like this.
By the way I just found out that someone on my job has it but their not saying wh:confused:n my crew no less and up near my area.I think I know who,one of two people that have been out for a week. My Daughter that works in Cape May has three people she worked with positive and 15 people in the hone quarantined.It's an old age home.My other daughter who is a nurse in Vineland veterans home has two nurses out with it and a resident has it. No I am still not afraid.Millville shop rite also just had an employee test positive for it.
By the way my other step daughter and her daughter were sick in January before this really was well known.My daughter said she had a dry cough and could hardly climb the stairs of her home without stopping every couple of stairs for wind and her daughter was bad sick for a week too. Looks like there is new evidence this did come from a lab and wasn't from people eating bats.Huckabee was just reporting on it.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area

I listened to it. The guest says he has evidence of mass burning of human remains in Wuhan China, and he ties it to that biological lab somehow. He says the release of the virus was purposeful (then he says just "maybe" later). He goes on to say they were burning evidence, and the host says yes, like Obama destroyed his birth certificate (I guess to hide where he was supposedly born outside the country)? He says a woman from the lab was the first to get the virus. Then he starts rapping on Dr. Fauci for him telling people to go on cruises and ball games in February. Then he starts winding it up by saying Deborah Birx started in too, saying it was not that bad, and this was all a conspiracy to make Trump look flat-footed so he'd lose the election. They bring up Rush Limbaugh as a sort of leader of this charge of deep state conspiracy. Then he claims this type of virus was begun in a North Carolina lab, and the authorities in the states were upset at the guy involved, who shifted the work and materials to China because he thought it should not just collapse. Then this guy Don calls in to the show. He calls it a black swan event and asks what the end game is? He thinks all this is being planned by the wealthy power brokers of the world. The guest says, yes, this is all a plan to destroy western civilization and capitalism. In particular, the Chinese are after Trump. They want him gone and want someone friendly to China on that throne. The host goes on to say the Trump is an absolute replacement by God to the Presidency. Then they drag up Hillary's name, saying if she was installed this would have never happened---no need to. The guest says this is all being done to destroy Trump and the populist movement worldwide. The host says the word of God planned this for awhile. Then he says Bill Gates is somehow pushing for a cashless society? He calls it a spiritual battle for humanity on Earth. The host believes we are in a threshold period of the final rapture. He says the clock started when Israel reappeared as the driving force 72 years ago. God is using Trump to put things right, and the black swan is the anti-trump. The guest then said all of this is aimed at making a slave of the middle class.

Look, I can believe it "escaped" from a lab in China, but if so it was likely an error. Even so, I won't really believe that until proven. All this other stuff is really far out and crazy talk. If I were you, I'd stick to the written bible.

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
37,079 over how long of a period? From what?

Al, I've never met you, but you have been a friend to me since the first day I posted and I appreciate that. Not interested in a real heated debate.

Depending on the year, Johns Hopkins is generally ranked first, second or third best hospital in the country by US News and World Report website.

If I needed to see a cardiologist or oncologist, and I lived in Maryland, Johns Hopkins would be my first choice.

The statistics they provide on Covid 19, are based on science and data. Not politics.

When you go to the hospital for surgery, they can usually tell you the percentage of success, and the mortality rate for a given surgery. The hospital does not get that number from listening to Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh. They arrive at the numbers from data.

If Johns Hopkins is giving you Covid-19 data, you can pretty much assume that it is the best information available at that time.

According to the US map, the Covid-19 death count in the US is over 39,000.



Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
If you think this is “just the flu” – you are 100% wrong.

In just six weeks, we’ve lost 4,070 New Jerseyans to #COVID19. That’s more than CDC statistics show we’ve lost over the past three entire flu seasons COMBINED.

It is Mr Murphy who is wrong. It is also a virus and to accurately compare it to prior flu pandemics you have to compare it to one where no vaccines were available for treatment, a similar situation to what we have now with covid-19, not the past 3 years were vaccines were readily available. Probably the 1968 or 1957 pandemic comes closest to that, and they were whopper's.

JH comparison

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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I listened to it. The guest says he has evidence of mass burning of human remains in Wuhan China, and he ties it to that biological lab somehow. He says the release of the virus was purposeful (then he says just "maybe" later). He goes on to say they were burning evidence, and the host says yes, like Obama destroyed his birth certificate (I guess to hide where he was supposedly born outside the country)? He says a woman from the lab was the first to get the virus. Then he starts rapping on Dr. Fauci for him telling people to go on cruises and ball games in February. Then he starts winding it up by saying Deborah Birx started in too, saying it was not that bad, and this was all a conspiracy to make Trump look flat-footed so he'd lose the election. They bring up Rush Limbaugh as a sort of leader of this charge of deep state conspiracy. Then he claims this type of virus was begun in a North Carolina lab, and the authorities in the states were upset at the guy involved, who shifted the work and materials to China because he thought it should not just collapse. Then this guy Don calls in to the show. He calls it a black swan event and asks what the end game is? He thinks all this is being planned by the wealthy power brokers of the world. The guest says, yes, this is all a plan to destroy western civilization and capitalism. In particular, the Chinese are after Trump. They want him gone and want someone friendly to China on that throne. The host goes on to say the Trump is an absolute replacement by God to the Presidency. Then they drag up Hillary's name, saying if she was installed this would have never happened---no need to. The guest says this is all being done to destroy Trump and the populist movement worldwide. The host says the word of God planned this for awhile. Then he says Bill Gates is somehow pushing for a cashless society? He calls it a spiritual battle for humanity on Earth. The host believes we are in a threshold period of the final rapture. He says the clock started when Israel reappeared as the driving force 72 years ago. God is using Trump to put things right, and the black swan is the anti-trump. The guest then said all of this is aimed at making a slave of the middle class.

Look, I can believe it "escaped" from a lab in China, but if so it was likely an error. Even so, I won't really believe that until proven. All this other stuff is really far out and crazy talk. If I were you, I'd stick to the written bible.
You actually did listen to it! I"m surprised:) and I think Carl Gallups knows his Bible as well as I do,in some areas even better.he has some great shows with the investigators of that Birth Certificate.Investigated by two investigators independemtly of each other and both came to the same conclusion.By the way yoir reaction to Freedom Friday is quite similar to my reaction every time I try to watch CNN:)


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
The guy at work supposedly that had it turns out to be a rumor.He is out but know one really knows why.His story is he went into a alcohol rehab and everyone knows he does have a drinking problem so it may be the truth.


Aug 18, 2015
Atco NJ
We have a handful of employees with it. The first case was a friend. I think HIPPA laws prevent them from telling you who, but it's not difficult to figure out. I was actually looking to quarantine when my friend had it but was told to keep working

Toothy Critter

I for one am old and a target for this virus. Just as when I learned electricity, I do not fear it, but I highly respect it because it can KILL ME. All I can say, politics aside, is that I am thankful for, not only the front line people, but so many more in the backround. Whether they are concerned about their chances of infection or not, so many people are still working through this pandemic, either voluntarily, or because they have no choice and need the paycheck. Store clerks, stock persons, food delivery persons, sanitation workers who pick up my garbage, the Mail persons who deliver my junk mail, the Amazon guy who delivered stuff I was too lazy to go to the store for, Bus drivers, the guy who delivers my large pie with onions, peppers and extra cheese, and so many more besides the Doctors, Nurses, Medical persons, the Cop on the beat. All those people that are afraid of this crap but are out there among it so that I can sit on my fat ass in my house and play the ponies, Red Dead 2, and eat perogies with fried onions and sour cream and drink Coors Light (gotta watch that weight);) Thanks for having my back.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Both claim it is a fraud and give plenty of evidence why.I could see myself there was stuff was copy and pasted on it.Also the hospital he claimed to be born in in Hawaii in 1961 did not even exist yet under the name on the birth certificate which is it's name today. If your really interested I can send links.He (Carl) is a friend of Mike Zullo and Sheriff Joe Arpaio,the guys who hired the investigators.Th.ere are links of freedom Friday to the discussions with Mike and also other places on the net.
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