I've been working on the railroads


Aug 18, 2015
Atco NJ
Thanks for the info Jerseyman, I'll print that and stick it with the pictures.

I can't zoom in on these. Be good to have that option.

I started out higher quality but wasnt sure at what point file size became inappropriate here LoL
If anyone needed better quality I can email, have others not posted because they were similar.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
This wreck occurred on October 17, 1966 at 1:15 a.m. at the siding for Betz Laboratories, Inc., now Pro Tech Marine, between Savoy Boulevard and Lebanon Road, northeast of Chatsworth village.Best regards, Jerseyman

Jerseyman, are you specifically referencing the photos in post #32? I can't resolve in my mind the vegetation and topography difference between the photos in post #32 with what is along Savoy Blvd today. Although I'm not familiar with the siding you mention..I suppose it could have swung to the south and went along that stream, but then it would have had to cross Savoy blvd to get to that building.
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Feb 22, 2013
Additional two cents. For quite a while there were rail cars off in the woods on the east side of the CNJ just north of Rte 72. Don't remember any building; don't remember there being the extensive embankment work seen in the pictures. Different wreck?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Additional two cents. For quite a while there were rail cars off in the woods on the east side of the CNJ just north of Rte 72. Don't remember any building; don't remember there being the extensive embankment work seen in the pictures. Different wreck?

When did you eyeball those cars Johnny.

I based my information solely on the facts provided: mid to late 1960s and at Chatsworth. The accident report I posted above fit those parameters. While I agree with you that the photographs do not fit the location described in my wreck report, I'm not sure what to say. The only other accident that occurred in October 1966 was up at Shrewsbury, but riding that far on horseback from Atco would be beyond difficult. The freight cars viewed in the photographs fit the 1960s scenario; it appears the B&O car was built in 1945. Other than these two wrecks, I can find no other major CNJ derailments in the time period cited.

Best regards,


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Thanks for the reply Jerseyman. There was another one in the late 1960's 4 miles to the NE of the Marine Tech plant; the derailment of a train carrying sand just NE of Woodmansie. You can see the cars using http://www.historicaerials.com. I'm sure the photos do not match that one though, but the circumstances of how it happened were similar (supposedly by juveniles). The below is a post from 15 years ago on this forum by "Westyvw" in response to me mentioning it in 2002:

"I know exactly the spot you are talking about. Back around 1970(+/-) a JCRR train derailed at that location. There were 5-6(+/-) 'sand hopper' cars scattered along the tracks on their sides. I believe the siding was constructed there and a crane on a flatbed car was brought in to remove the large pieces of the derailed cars that they cut up. When the cars were removed, so was the siding. Only the large clearing remains. My father belonged to the Sportsmen's Fish & Game Protective Assn of NJ back in the 50's & 60's. Now refered to as just the Sportsmen's club, it is the first club you see at Woodmansie when you come in from Rt. 72 (the 'modern' cinderblock club). As an early teen, I remember walking down the tracks (NE) from the club to the wreck and climbing in and out of the overturned cars. I remember doing this a few different times and that it took them quite a few weeks to clean it up. There were mounds of pure white sand that spilled out of the cars all along that section of track."


Feb 22, 2013
Bob, it was when my kids were still in school, probably around 1970, no idea what year. Reading the above, that 2002 posting expands what I remember. Man, how I wish I'd taken pictures in the Pines back then when we wandered all over and saw stuff no longer visible/there.....


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Bob, it was when my kids were still in school, probably around 1970, no idea what year. Reading the above, that 2002 posting expands what I remember. Man, how I wish I'd taken pictures in the Pines back then when we wandered all over and saw stuff no longer visible/there.....

Thanks Johnny! Yes, that is a different wreck than the one in the photos by enormiss. But it does align with the one at Woodmansie in my post.


Jan 22, 2007
Southern NJ
I have a strong feeling that you can eliminate the sand car derailment by Bullock in the 60's. There were more cars toppled then, and unless my eyes are deceiving me, there is a curve in the track in one of those photos. That is a straight run near Bullock. Too, the trees seem more deciduous in those photos, whereas by Woodmansie they are almost strictly pine along that run.
Hey Bob Every read this page
http://www.leagle.com/decision/197261461NJ553_1506/WICKS v. CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. OF NEW JERSEY#


Jul 4, 2011
The railroad had to keep the right of way along the tracks clear of vegetation in order to prevent forest fires. Perhaps the trees are much larger past the view of the picture. However, trees were generally smaller from frequent fires. I saw a picture from the 1930s in Medford along Stokes Road near 5 points where a man was taller then the forest.

Me in the NJPB Plains 1971


  • in the dwarf forest.jpg
    in the dwarf forest.jpg
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Mar 12, 2008
Hammonton, NJ.
This wreck occurred on October 17, 1966 at 1:15 a.m. at the siding for Betz Laboratories, Inc., now Pro Tech Marine, between Savoy Boulevard and Lebanon Road, northeast of Chatsworth village. On October 16, 1966, five juveniles, ranging in age from 11 to 15, were “fooling around” and decided to switch the track on the CNJ mainline to align with the 150-foot-long siding leading into the Betz facility. When the boys couldn't open the lock, they used a spike and a piece of tie to pry the lock open. After turning the switch, the boys took off. When freight train JS-1, operating from Bridgeton to Jersey City, came along early the next morning running at 40 m.p.h., the train entered the siding and the speed and sharp curve caused the two diesel locomotives and 10 cars of the 23-car train to derail just 80 feet from the new Betz building. The line entering the Betz plant was on a slight downgrade. Three train crewmen received injuries from the wreck and required hospitalization. The estimated damage caused by the wreck exceeded $1 million and it took over a week to clear the mainline and siding.

Best regards,

Thanks for that info on the crash and the bldg Jerseyman. I always wondered what the name of that place was. Do you know what the did at Betz? What a rough time for the CNJ. It would be less then a year before they filed for bankruptcy for the 3rd time.