Knockin' Around


Sep 7, 2005
So today I stop up the street from me & my son Sam & I Knock around in a cool old Pine grove right at the end of my road. It's just a neat spot to walk into.

Of course, kids always notice the "little things"
The little booger's shell was like frozen in time on the side of that tree in the sap.
One other pic.

Later in the afternoon I decided to take a little walk down the street and into the woods to visit a nearby "Spung or Spong" as I suppose you would call it. People seem to argue over the term for a Vernal pond which is what I believe it is. I figure as a result of nature or man made means, who cares... They're cool. I actually took a deer trail in to it as that was a clean and simple path to follow. What is hilarious about this particular body of water is the significant amount of visible deer activity on all 360 degrees of it's border when it is within a 1/4 mile of a local gun club. As the area is not really exposed to a ton of sunlight, the ground was still frozen and I could walk right into the heart of the thing and not get all slopped up.

Complete with an admirable Beach. Give me an adirondack chair, a good book, and a whiskey, and I'll settle right in. Who needs the shore when Pestletown has all there is to offer.
Some cool Shrooms on a pine right on the edge.
Of course, no walkabout, anywhere in the entire damned Pine Barrens is complete without...
There were actually two. Is it possible these things somehow migrate to the Pine Barrens? Some primal instinct burned into their very make up?
So anyhoo... it was a nice walkabout and so close to home I could spit to the doorstep. On the walk home I of course have a trash bag in hand and was picking up as much of the plethora of trash left along Pesltetown road as I could. Every good trip has a price.
Here comes the A-HOLE factor.

A fellow driving who I know but am not particularly fond of back in the development behind me stops to see why I am walking. He rolls down the window and asks. "Because I felt like taking a walk" says me. "to where?" says he. I explain about the place I went and of course I get, "we ride quads all the time back here, I never seen that" (He's only been here since the middle 90's so it's not like I would expect him to leave his bubble and look beyond the quad tires to see what else is out there). Here's my favorite part... He sees the bag I am carrying and inquires. I tell him I am picking up bottles, cans, etc. as I go home. The S.O.B. actually laughed at me and said "why in the Hell would you do that? Other people left it!"
Now... I know this fellow's house and property as our kids go to school together. It is maintained and manicured, landscaped and Perty... all the while he passes my road every day, ignorant of the crap his fellow development folks toss out their windows. To make sure that you're own little piece of the planet meets the status Quo and "F" everything else... is a trait I hate beyond belief. Did I ever mention I hate people in general?
I give Kudos to Scott as he lives on the very edge of a bunch of real Jackasses. I feel for you. (explanation: The noble RednekF350, an environmentalist, naturalist, and woodsman beyond measure, lives in proximity to this fella I speak of and others like him).
Well hey!, It really was a nice little jaunt and my usuall overdone write-up and please do not let that last bit bum you out. I was glad to be out and pleased to bring in a little trash in the process.

Be well.... G.


Sep 30, 2007
Browns Mills
Nice pics and report!

Those mushrooms are really cool.
Seeing the Locust shell reminds me of being a kid and finding them.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Thanks for the title of "woodsman beyond measure" George.
My work here on earth is done now. :)
Actually, this website is well populated with many outstanding woods men and women.
I would agree that there is a general ignorance of the woods by many of our local constituents. I know I have told the story of the one local I caught in the act of dumping a few years ago. He really couldn't understand why I was so pissed off.
The trash lying along the east side of Pestletown Road from Rosedale Gun Club to the corner is a testament to how nonchalantly litter is tossed by, essentially, the people that live back here.
Enough of that.
Nice post . I always liked to walk that pine grove and it is at an age now where it has a majestic feel.
Those groves are found throughout the pines and were planted by Parks and Forestry 40-50 years ago.
The edge of the spung you photographed is a well travelled deer thoroghfare and it is not unknown to the true hunters. It serves as a lounging area when the pressure is off too.
The clubs just drive through it and push to the east towards a line cut from Chew into Clark's Branch.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I don't have a blessed clue... sounds like a BobPBX question.
I was there, they looked cool, and I shot the pic. g.

I think she is correct. Although fungus is not my bag, she seems to have nailed it.."Fomes applanatum".

Scott, were those pines CCC planted? That looks like thier handiwork. Or is that what you meant by Parks and Forestry.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area

About 9 years ago the entire family was on the way home from work. We rounded the bend on Lacey road at that pretty lake that changes wonderfully with the seasons. Right there, in broad daylight, in full view of the road at a nice litte clearing where people fish, an old codger was taking armloads of broken up cabinetry and sheetrock out of his trunk and flinging them on the ground. I freaked out! I wheeled that old Ford Explorer around like Steve McQueen did with that Mustang he drove in "Bullet". Soon as that old dude saw me he slammed his trunk and took off West on Lacey road.

The chase was on! I foolishly lost my head and followed him deep inside the nearest retirement community in Whiting, reaching speeds of 50 mph in a 25 zone. The kids were grinning from ear to ear, and my wife said nary a word. They were all intent on finally catching an asshole in the act. He dogded down a street to his left, tires squealing. I read him correctly and knew that road came back out in a loop to the same road I was on. So I passed that road and turned left where it looped back out. As soon as I turned left, there he was coming straight for me, playing chicken.

He blinked first! He stopped his car. I got out of mine, approached his window, and yelled at him to go back and pick it all up.

He did.

What a way to start a Sunday. It felt great!
Apr 6, 2004
Good report, G. You are not alone in your contempt. The important thing is that you can still genuinely enjoy your backyard and appreciate it for the gem it is.


Awesome story, and you tell it well. Props to you.


Sep 7, 2005
I know I have told the story of the one local I caught in the act of dumping a few years ago. He really couldn't understand why I was so pissed off.
Nice post . I always liked to walk that pine grove and it is at an age now where it has a majestic feel.
Those groves are found throughout the pines and were planted by Parks and Forestry 40-50 years ago.
The edge of the spung you photographed is a well travelled deer thoroghfare and it is not unknown to the true hunters.

Yes, it is funny how they don't get why it's a problem.
My dad & I were talking about the State planted groves a little yesterday.
He cited a few others very nearby. It has always been a pleasure sitting to make the turn at a proper sunrise and watch the sunsets washing through that grove.
There is a pretty tall deer stand laid down just outside the spung so of course it is watched as you say. While I saw no recent signs, it is clear what a nice spot it is to chill out. Surprisingly clear of refuse too.



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Scott, were those pines CCC planted? That looks like thier handiwork. Or is that what you meant by Parks and Forestry.
That is what I meant.
I am not certain of the whole scheme of things with the plantations and whether or not the program extended into the years after the CCC.


Jul 29, 2003
There's something profoundly relaxing about a pine grove.

Nice photos, George. Your rows make me want to revisit a grove of white pine I haven't been to in years; it's down in Belleplain State Forest. Rednek's "majestic feel" description nails it ...



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
It is frustrating when people have that attitute (as your neighbor did, Largo) Sadly it seems like too many people have that same attitude. Take comfort that there are like minded individuals out there though (like the people on this forum).

Bob, wow! Good for you! I think I recall you relaying this story to me before. I once freaked when I saw this guy through a McDonalds bag out the window on route 72. I grabbed the bag and started to chase him down but he made the light on 539 and I got stuck at it. It was a far cry from Bullet though as I was was far behind from stopping to pick up the bag. In my head I was going to shove it back in his window and say you dropped this a**hole but it never worked out that way.



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
There is an unusual pine grove on Jakes Landing Road in Dennisville, just before you break out into the open salt marsh.
The CCC operated from 1933-1942.
I think a lot of these groves were still being established in the 50's and 60's.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I enjoyed it all George! I love exploring the groves myself. There are quite a few throughout the pines. I will post a few pictures later.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I enjoyed it all George! I love exploring the groves myself. There are quite a few throughout the pines. I will post a few pictures later.


I bet I know one you are thinking of Guy...the one along the RR between upton and Buckingham, right near Van Note Camp? I recall there is a sign in there about the origins of that grove.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I bet I know one you are thinking of Guy...the one along the RR between upton and Buckingham, right near Van Note Camp? I recall there is a sign in there about the origins of that grove.


Must not be where I am thinking of. I have never viewed a sign. EDIT: It is where I am talking about. What sign???

There are quite a few area’s where there are tree nurseries planted by the CCC and the state. Here is Bob at one in Lebanon that most likely is CCC.

Located here.,0.02562&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=1

And one of the state locations is in Green Bank right behind the Green Bank church.,0.01281&t=h&z=17&iwloc=addr&om=1



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Yes, Guy, we are referring to the same grove. There is a sign in there. I believe it says the trees are a hybrid between yellow pine and pitch pine and that it was planted in 1960 but I could be a little off on those details.

There is another huge grove in the woods at the north west corner of Magnolia road and route 70 near the 72/70 circle and I believe it extents to the east as well, south of the batona trail starting point.



Sep 7, 2005
Must not be where I am thinking of.
There are quite a few area’s where there are tree nurseries planted by the CCC and the state. Here is Bob at one in Lebanon that most likely is CCC.

That is a wonderful grove and a great shot, thanks. It does however look somewhat "young" compared to others I've seen, especially the old dogs down at the end of Pestletown Road. Over what span of years has this manner of planting taken place? I thought it was limited to a couple decades or so some time ago.
