Golden Triangle To Be Developed
A precious tract of forest adjacent to Lakehurst Naval Air Station will be developed despite efforts by PPA (including litigation) and representatives of the Navy to protect the land for habitat and as a buffer for this important Naval installation. Lakehurst Naval Air Station has evolved into a good steward of the extensive threatened and endangered species habitat found on the base. Unfortunately, neither Manchester Township nor the Pinelands Plan provided a buffer for the base, which is worried that a large residential subdivision on its doorstep will create conflict with new residents, will eventually impinge on base operations, and may put the base at a competitive disadvantage in the next round of military base closing being prepared by the Bush Administration in Washington.
A precious tract of forest adjacent to Lakehurst Naval Air Station will be developed despite efforts by PPA (including litigation) and representatives of the Navy to protect the land for habitat and as a buffer for this important Naval installation. Lakehurst Naval Air Station has evolved into a good steward of the extensive threatened and endangered species habitat found on the base. Unfortunately, neither Manchester Township nor the Pinelands Plan provided a buffer for the base, which is worried that a large residential subdivision on its doorstep will create conflict with new residents, will eventually impinge on base operations, and may put the base at a competitive disadvantage in the next round of military base closing being prepared by the Bush Administration in Washington.