Lock's Bridge


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
I've been following this thread also. Before I even found this forum this was one of my favorite places to go. I was even there this weekend and I've always wondered what was there. it reminds me of Goshen pond. And if you look at Google Earth it looks the same too. You can almost tell where the dam flooded the area.

Tracker Jim

Dec 18, 2014
Leeds Point NJ
Nice going Gabe, breathing life back into this discussion! Loving the direction this thread has taken! Here are a few more pieces...

Collection: The Pennsylvania Gazette
Publication: The Pennsylvania Gazette
Date: February 5, 1777

Title: To be SOLD by private SALE, A COMPLETE sawmill, with two saws,

To be SOLD by private SALE, A COMPLETE sawmill, with two saws, on a very good stream of water, and about 5000 acres of pine land, and 50 acres of cedar swamp, with a good house, four rooms and two fire places on the lower floor, and two rooms on the upper one, with a good kitchen, and a well of good water at the door, a very convenient barn, and stabling sufficient for 15 horses; the building, mill, and mill dam, all in good repair, with all the utensils fit for carrying on the same, with 2 log houses for sawyers, and other out buildings; situate on the main branch of Little Egg Harbour river, being the division between Burlington and Gloucester county, near the intersection of the roads leading from Philadelphia to Little Egg Harbour, and from Burlington to Great Egg Harbour makes it a convenient stand for a house of entertainment; the Little Egg Harbour stage passing to and from Philadelphia every week, as also a great number of travellers daily, about two miles from Atsion Iron works, and seven from the Forks of Egg harbour, where lumber is transported by water at the moderate price of three shillings per thousand, from the saw to the vessel. Any person inclining to purchase, may be shewn the same, by applying to JOSEPH PRICKET, at said mill, or the subscriber living in Evesham, Burlington county, New Jersey.


N.B. The purchaser may be supplied with hay and grain sufficient to carry on the same for six months.

Tracker Jim

Dec 18, 2014
Leeds Point NJ
Collection: The Pennsylvania Gazette
Publication: The Pennsylvania Gazette
Date: July 23, 1777

Title: To be SOLD by PUBLIC VENDUE, on Sixth day, the first of August

To be SOLD by PUBLIC VENDUE, on Sixth day, the first of August next, at the house of Benjamin Thomas, the Sign of the Crosskeys, in Evesham, Burlington county, in the State of New Jersey, for cash, or easy payments, as may best suit the purchaser, A TRACT of Pine Land, containing, by computation, near 5000 acres, with some fine thrifty cedar swamp; a saw mill, with two saws, on an excellent stream of water; a good dwelling house, sawyers house, barn, and other outhouses erected thereon, all in good repair; situate part in Gloucester and part in Burlington county aforesaid, about two miles from Atsion [sic] Ironworks, and seven from the forks of Egg harbour, where lumber is transported from said mill by water: Any person inclining to purchase said mill and land, are desired to call on Joseph Pricket, at said mill, and view the same. Also at the same time and place will be sold, several good horses, fit for saddle or gears, two 4 horse waggons, and gears for a single team; one covered wagon and gears, a pair of large oxen, fit to seed or work, very handy being always used on the plantation; and 20 or 30,000 feet of good pine boards, at said mill: The vendue to begin at one o'clock, where attendance will be given by

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Tracker Jim

Dec 18, 2014
Leeds Point NJ
Collection: The Pennsylvania Gazette
Publication: The Pennsylvania Gazette
Date: March 20, 1782

Title: TO BE SOLD, TWO Hundred acres of valuable timber LAND, with

TO BE SOLD, TWO Hundred acres of valuable timber LAND, with a good Saw Mill, sawyerhouse, carterhouse, stable and hayhouse thereon erected, situate on oldmancreek, part in the township of Woolwich, in the county of Gloucester, and part of the township of Pitts Grove, in the county of Salem, 7 miles from Sweedsborough landing, 4 miles from Woodstown and 24 from Coopers ferries, the land is capable of being improved into a valuable farm, with about 25 or 30 acres of meadow ground; also the team, waggon and timber wheels, with every necessary utensil for carrying on the mill will be sold, if it should be most agreeable to the purchaser, and immediate possession given. Any person inclining to view the land and mill may be shewn the same, by applying to Capt. SAWTEL ELWELL, near the premises.

Also the ruins and iron work of an old sawmill, on one of the branches of Little Egg Harbour river, about 5 miles from the Forks, where lumber may be transported from the mill tail by water; with about 800 acres of pine land, and 50 acres of cedar swamp, mostly cut over, but is now growing up with a great quantity of young timber, and within one mile of a large cedar swamp fit to cut, with a good cedar plank house at the mill, almost new. Any person desirous of purchasing may be shewn the same, by applying to HENRY SHINN, tavernkeeper, on the Egg Harbour road.

Also a house and lot, containing 4 acres of good land, fronting on New street and Garden street, in the town of Mountholly; the whole in good fence. Also 19 acres of woodland, within half a mile of the said town. For further information, apply to ZACHARIAH ROSSALL, Esq; in Mountholly.

One other lot in the city of Burlington, containing one acre and a quarter, now in the tenure of Amos Hutch. For further particulars enquire of the said Hutch, in Burlington, or the subscriber, living in Evesham, Burlington county, State of New Jersey, who will make known the terms, and give indisputable title to the above lands. JOSIAH FOSTER.
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Don Catts

Aug 5, 2012
Indian Mills
Collection: The Pennsylvania Gazette
Publication: The Pennsylvania Gazette
Date: March 20, 1782

Title: TO BE SOLD, TWO Hundred acres of valuable timber LAND, with

TO BE SOLD, TWO Hundred acres of valuable timber LAND, with a good Saw Mill, sawyerhouse, carterhouse, stable and hayhouse thereon erected, situate on oldmancreek, part in the township of Woolwich, in the county of Gloucester, and part of the township of Pitts Grove, in the county of Salem, 7 miles from Sweedsborough landing, 4 miles from Woodstown and 24 from Coopers ferries, the land is capable of being improved into a valuable farm, with about 25 or 30 acres of meadow ground; also the team, waggon and timber wheels, with every necessary utensil for carrying on the mill will be sold, if it should be most agreeable to the purchaser, and immediate possession given. Any person inclining to view the land and mill may be shewn the same, by applying to Capt. SAWTEL ELWELL, near the premises.

Also the ruins and iron work of an old sawmill, on one of the branches of Little Egg Harbour river, about 5 miles from the Forks, where lumber may be transported from the mill tail by water; with about 800 acres of pine land, and 50 acres of cedar swamp, mostly cut over, but is now growing up with a great quantity of young timber, and within one mile of a large cedar swamp fit to cut, with a good cedar plank house at the mill, almost new. Any person desirous of purchasing may be shewn the same, by applying to HENRY SHINN, tavernkeeper, on the Egg Harbour road.

Also a house and lot, containing 4 acres of good land, fronting on New street and Garden street, in the town of Mountholly; the whole in good fence. Also 19 acres of woodland, within half a mile of the said town. For further information, apply to ZACHARIAH ROSSALL, Esq; in Mountholly.

One other lot in the city of Burlington, containing one acre and a quarter, now in the tenure of Amos Hutch. For further particulars enquire of the said Hutch, in Burlington, or the subscriber, living in Evesham, Burlington county, State of New Jersey, who will make known the terms, and give indisputable title to the above lands. JOSIAH FOSTER.

Nice find Tracker Jim, it sounds like, by 1782 all the good lumber was cut off and the Sawmill couldn't make a go of it. Maybe the Atsion Iron Works bought it at this time, if they bought it at all. Maybe good for some charcoal, and bog iron in the swamps and bogs. I'm pretty sure this property was part of the Atsion property. The owners of the Atsion Iron Works in 1782 were: Henry Drinker 5/16th, Abel James 5/16th, Lawrence Salter 4/16th, and John Drinker 2/16th

Tracker Jim

Dec 18, 2014
Leeds Point NJ
Thanks Don. But for the record, although I think the first two advertisements (February and July of 1777) belong to the mill located at the locks, I cannot be sure that the third advertisement (March of 1782) is not offering for sale Estell's and Foster's other sawmill and property located on the Sleepy Creek, a tributary to the Atsion River which is about 2.5 miles further downstream.

This photograph shows some of what is left of the Sleepy Creek mill...
Estell's Saw Mill small file.jpg
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Apr 6, 2004
Nice going Gabe, breathing life back into this discussion! Loving the direction this thread has taken! Here are a few more pieces...

Collection: The Pennsylvania Gazette
Publication: The Pennsylvania Gazette
Date: February 5, 1777

Title: To be SOLD by private SALE, A COMPLETE sawmill, with two saws,

To be SOLD by private SALE, A COMPLETE sawmill, with two saws, on a very good stream of water, and about 5000 acres of pine land, and 50 acres of cedar swamp, with a good house, four rooms and two fire places on the lower floor, and two rooms on the upper one, with a good kitchen, and a well of good water at the door, a very convenient barn, and stabling sufficient for 15 horses; the building, mill, and mill dam, all in good repair, with all the utensils fit for carrying on the same, with 2 log houses for sawyers, and other out buildings; situate on the main branch of Little Egg Harbour river, being the division between Burlington and Gloucester county, near the intersection of the roads leading from Philadelphia to Little Egg Harbour, and from Burlington to Great Egg Harbour makes it a convenient stand for a house of entertainment; the Little Egg Harbour stage passing to and from Philadelphia every week, as also a great number of travellers daily, about two miles from Atsion Iron works, and seven from the Forks of Egg harbour, where lumber is transported by water at the moderate price of three shillings per thousand, from the saw to the vessel. Any person inclining to purchase, may be shewn the same, by applying to JOSEPH PRICKET, at said mill, or the subscriber living in Evesham, Burlington county, New Jersey.


N.B. The purchaser may be supplied with hay and grain sufficient to carry on the same for six months.

Fantastic find, Jim!
Apr 6, 2004
Thanks Don. But for the record, although I think the first two advertisements (February and July of 1777) belong to the mill located at the locks, I cannot be sure that the third advertisement (March of 1782) is not offering for sale Estell's and Foster's other sawmill and property located on the Sleepy Creek, a tributary to the Atsion River which is about 2.5 miles further downstream.

View attachment 5872

I'm inclined to think that 1782 advertisement was for the Sleepy Mill tract. Good work, Jim.

Tracker Jim

Dec 18, 2014
Leeds Point NJ
Aren't these ads wonderfully descriptive! There are several points that I would like to highlight in the first advertisement.

(1) There is a relatively significant home on the property... "a good house with four rooms and two fireplaces on the first floor, and two rooms on the second floor. There is also a kitchen and a "good well at the door". That could be 7 rooms - a substantial home!

(2) "A very convenient barn and stable for 15 horses. A sizable structure by my standards.

(3) "Two log homes for sawyers." "Plus other out buildings". Cool.

(4) Also very interesting is where it says nearby is an "intersection of roads leading from Philadelphia to Little Egg Harbour and from Burlington to Great Egg Harbor"... The first road I imagine is Quaker Bridge Road. The second road is not as clear to me. The road through Eagle comes to mind, but it says "Great Egg Harbour"?

(5) Also, "makes a convenient stand for a house of entertainment and the Little Egg Harbour stage passing to and from Philadelphia every week, as also a great number of travelers daily"... It is interesting to note that the Thompson's Townhouse at Quaker Bridge is not built until 1808 - 31 years later! and the bridge over the Batsto is believed to have been built in 1774 - only 4 years old at the time of this Ad.

(6) Another thing I would like to point out is "...where lumber is transported by water at the moderate price of 3 shillings per thousand, from saw to vessel." This gets me thinking that since Foster also owns the Sleepy Creek Mill (Foster acquires the Estell Tracts in 1774), that he plans to charge the future buyer a fee to help him deliver his products to sea.

(7) Finally, Joseph Pricket, who the Ad said, is "at the mill" - could he or his father be the Pricket who owns the mill at Medford as per Gordon's 1828 map?
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