[May 14, 2011] PPA Exhibit Opening: Original Pinelands Art by Terry Schmidt (Southampton, NJ)

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
FYI, this is our one and only forums member Turtle. :) Oh, and her artwork is top-notch.

You are invited to attend the opening of an exhibit of Original Pinelands Art by Terry Schmidt, on Saturday, May 14 from Noon to 3:30pm here at Pinelands Preservation Alliance.

Ms. Schmidt's original watercolors, custom laser prints, and notecards will be available for purchase through August 2011. A portion of the proceeds will benefit PPA's Education programs. Ms. Schmidt will be on hand to answer questions about her artistic methods and the locations she has depicted in her work.

Other Activities:
Children's book authors Roni Strain and Gail Hunt, educators who hope to interest young children in the delicate ecology and rich history of the Pine Barrens, will do readings from their books:

1pm: A Tree Frog in a Cranberry Bog?
2pm: The Bat's Toe

and offer crafts activities for children.

The Greater Pinelands Dulcimer Society will be on hand to provide musical entertainment.
The Pinelands Visitor Center will also be open, offering books, DVDS, gift items and clothing.
Light refreshments will be served.

Bachman's Ivory

Oct 27, 2009
Hazlet, Monmouth County, NJ
I hope to be there. Our lease is ending on the 13th unless we extend it, so it could be rough times. It will be sad moving my photographs out a few days prior but I'm so glad to be surrendering the room to turtle! Her painting skills are out of this world, if you don't look close enough you'd think it were a photograph. Can't wait!!


Feb 4, 2009
a village...in the pines
Thank you Ben and forum friends.... :) I am really excited to have this opportunity and grateful to the PPA for their graciousness and support. It has been a delight to meet and make accquaintances with Chase and Kerri as a result of this project also.
I spent a few hours at PPA last week admiring their inviting grounds and purchasing some plants at the sale. Does oji live there? I am planning to display a work in progress during the exhibit. Each week or so, I will go up to the farm after work or on my day off for a few hours and paint on site, hoping to complete a painting or two before mid-August. May is a busy month for most, but I look forward to seeing those of you who have the chance to stop by......(you know how much I embrace a reason to "socialize").

Yes Chris, Gail and her sister Roni are the Double Trouble sisters who hosted your tour of Atsion Mansion... They have a great day of fun planned for the kids and readings of their books too. So it seems we'll be having a family day at PPA!

Hope to see you then...
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Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Turtle, I'm only there when I'm not at Whitesbog or the Pemberton R.R. Station. You know I would definately be at your opening if I didn't have schooling that day, but I'll be seeing you every Thurs. night for 10 weeks starting in June. Too bad you won't make the field trips.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Sounds good to me(no sushi please). I actually learn more on the field trips and sometimes other people come along to add their expertise.


New Member
May 14, 2011
Mount Holly
I stopped by the exhibit opening this afternoon after visiting Quaker Bridge and Washington in the morning. These are beautiful paintings and you should all stop by if you have time. I've been a long time visitor to NJPB and finally decided to join. I hope I can add something to the forums here but the body of knowledge and experience on this site is so far above and beyond mine that I fear I may end up consuming the information here more than I end up contributing. I love the site and am amazed by breadth of knowledge and passion for exploring the pines represented here.
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I stopped by the exhibit opening this afternoon after visiting Quaker Bridge and Washington in the morning. These are beautiful paintings and you should all stop by if you have time. I've been a long time visitor to NJPB and finally decided to join. I hope I can add something to the forums here but the body of knowledge and experience on this site is so far above and beyond mine that I fear I may end up consuming the information here more than I end up contributing. I love the site and am amazed by breadth of knowledge and passion for exploring the pines represented here.

Welcome. That is one of the nicest posts I've read in a long time.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
I stopped by the exhibit opening this afternoon after visiting Quaker Bridge and Washington in the morning. These are beautiful paintings and you should all stop by if you have time. I've been a long time visitor to NJPB and finally decided to join. I hope I can add something to the forums here but the body of knowledge and experience on this site is so far above and beyond mine that I fear I may end up consuming the information here more than I end up contributing. I love the site and am amazed by breadth of knowledge and passion for exploring the pines represented here.

Welcome aboard. Your post makes me really happy. Thanks!


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I stopped by the exhibit opening this afternoon after visiting Quaker Bridge and Washington in the morning. These are beautiful paintings and you should all stop by if you have time. I've been a long time visitor to NJPB and finally decided to join. I hope I can add something to the forums here but the body of knowledge and experience on this site is so far above and beyond mine that I fear I may end up consuming the information here more than I end up contributing. I love the site and am amazed by breadth of knowledge and passion for exploring the pines represented here.

One of the best posts in a while ..... and nice to see it concerns Turtle. For some reason many individuals don't sign up thinking they can't contribute, but the fact is that is not true. The site is a collective collaboration.

I also stopped by with Jessica and was thrilled to see my name mentioned by Turtle. Many of her friends, along with other individuals were there. Jerseyman was one of them. I just wish I had stopped by when Chase had his photo's displaying.




Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Everytime I see her work I fear for my pocketbook. Greenbacks want to fly out and consume her paintings. Seriously, it is that good--like walking into one of those small bakeries or chocolate shoppes that have a glass case filled with things you simply must have.
Everytime I see her work I fear for my pocketbook. Greenbacks want to fly out and consume her paintings. Serisouly, it is that good--like walking into one of those small bakeries or chocolate shoppes that have a glass case filled with things you simply must have.


A most apt description, my friend! I am still drooling over Turtle’s painting of the island in Wading River and may be forced to purchase same for my personal and continuous consumption. I think a supply of bibs are in order when you first walk into the gallery exhibit. It is all a feast for the eyes and the soul!

Best regards,
The opening of Terry’s exhibit at the PPA quickly became a wonderful meet-and-greet! I enjoyed seeing Guy and Jessica there, along with Jim and Linda Stantion. Then Terry began to introduce me to her people who entered the inner sanctum and I engaged in the activity of collecting new friends.

Nota Bene: Do not fail to visit and view what Terry has selected as her personal best or you will live with regret ever after!

Best regards,


Feb 4, 2009
a village...in the pines
Good evening! I finally feel human again after an exhausiting week and a long nap mid-day this afternoon (an extravagance that I never allow myself). I cannot begin to tell you how comfortable Saturday suddenly became as familiar faces joined the day. There really is a sense of apprehensive anxiety before it all begins. The comfort of friends truly makes everything well. Chase and Keri spent good time with me on Fri. afternoon sharing their experience and some good stories about their latest travels. This was great preparation for me and I thank them from the bottom of my heart. Gail and Roni were onsite as well and we spent early Sat. together until Guy and Jess arrived (in full PBX attire :) ) as our first guests (instant relaxation)

For some reason many individuals don't sign up thinking they can't contribute, but the fact is that is not true. The site is a collective collaboration

Thank you Guy, that is so true : I value the contributions that so many make to this site..... there is always something remarkably inspiring to be found here.


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Jerseyman...you are a prize not only to me but to everyone who visits here. I adore your quote indicating the exhibit is a feast for the eyes and soul. Much like your writings are to our hearts and minds. :) And I think that your personality is one of those that collects new friends everywhere you go!
I did sell the Wading River Island piece later that day... and three others! I was also glad to see that we share the same taste in "fashion" sense.

Bob... Marble Spung was a popular print at this venue. People referred to it as "the hiker". They have the same interpretation with the image of my friend Lisa paddling quietly on Bull Creek - "the kayak". I find it interesting how places take on a different association to those with a connection/experience to the place.
(Now really.....bakeries and fine chocolate!)

Thanks everyone for your warm wishes and support. It was an enjoyable day for which I am grateful to have particiated.
The exhibit will be open Mon-Fri 10 am - 4 pm until August 22. There are some Sundays that staff will be at PPA and those will be listed on their website soon. I believe there is consideration to having a Fri. evening reception with refreshments sometime in mid-August before the exhibit closes. I will be sure to share the information if that is the case. Bring your camp chairs and enjoy the grounds.



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