Forty-four years too late...
Never thought I'd be writing about this but here goes..
In 1966 I was walking home from a job I had in high school - around dusk. The street that I grew up on runs from west to east (or vise versa.) I heard a swooshing sound over my head and ducked out of reflex. When I looked up I saw a burning orange ball with a bit of a tail. I would approximate that the object was no more than 500 feet (guesstimate) over my head and the sound was immediate. If I'm not mistaken, sounds travels around 1100 feet a second. The old jet plane sound - look up and it's well past your standing position. If I look at a map, the street that runs from west to east runs easterly towards Ong's Hat, NJ. The radio report the next morning said that a meteor burned up in the atmosphere and it's estimated altitude, according to the news report, was hundreds of miles above the earth in which case I wouldn't have heard the sound at all. After a period of time there was word that a meteorite struck Ong's Hat. Of course from there, the story morphed to a UFO crash. The area was restricted for a number of years.
Over the years, or decades I should say, I've often thought about the incident and would occasionally check the MUFON site where it was listed as a possible UFO crash. Then it was suddenly removed from the site. I've checked other sources using Google search with different types of search scenarios. All came up blank - even the news reference to any incidents at Ong's Hat.
I've seen stories over the years about what I consider some science fictional time travel 'commune' or whatever. From what I've been told by a few Browns Mills and Pemberton friends, there was some type of similar 'commune' back in the 60's or 70's and 'black ops' destroyed everything there. I go through the area about once a week and I've had some interesting things happen - don't want to use the word 'phenomena' because it would sound too - you get the idea! However, sometime last summer on my way to my destination on Rt. 72, a rather violent thunderstorm came up and I was 'drawn,' for lack of a better word, to the area. Again, nothing phenomenal but it was the middle of summer around the same time the incident happened when I was in high school. But I had a strong sense of belonging there at that time and I saw the area where the supposed trailers existed.
With all of this being said and readers saying, "Here we go again, another UFO nut," the complete loss of all data referring to this incident has bothered me.
Hopefully, if you've gotten this far through my tale of woe, I was hoping someone could guide me in the right direction - hopefully not to the time space hole in the woods

- where I could find any documentation regarding this incident. It bothered me for years but when it was taken off the MUFON site some years back and all Internet references to either a UFO or meteorite strike are not to be found??? (And yeah, I know, it's not a far drive to Ancora from there!!!) Real guidance would be appreciated. Really enjoying this site too since I'm new to it.