Meteor strikes in the Pines?


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Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
OK, since we're having so much fun discussing ghosts and bigfoot, this story got me wondering if there have ever been any confirmed meteor impacts in the Pines...

LIMA: Hundreds of villagers have fallen ill from mysterious gases that spewed from a crater after a meteorite landed in south-eastern Peru, but no radiation has been detected, officials say.

Scores of residents of the farming village of Carancas began vomiting and complaining of headaches and dizziness after the meteor struck the area on Saturday, creating a crater eight metres deep and 20 metres wide.
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Jan 11, 2006
The meteor was probably giving off noxious gases.
There probably have been meteor impacts in the pines in the past, but the sandy soil and forest filling in could obscure any craters.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I read that last night thinking what it would be like to see that happen.



New Member
Apr 10, 2011
Forty-four years too late...

Never thought I'd be writing about this but here goes..
In 1966 I was walking home from a job I had in high school - around dusk. The street that I grew up on runs from west to east (or vise versa.) I heard a swooshing sound over my head and ducked out of reflex. When I looked up I saw a burning orange ball with a bit of a tail. I would approximate that the object was no more than 500 feet (guesstimate) over my head and the sound was immediate. If I'm not mistaken, sounds travels around 1100 feet a second. The old jet plane sound - look up and it's well past your standing position. If I look at a map, the street that runs from west to east runs easterly towards Ong's Hat, NJ. The radio report the next morning said that a meteor burned up in the atmosphere and it's estimated altitude, according to the news report, was hundreds of miles above the earth in which case I wouldn't have heard the sound at all. After a period of time there was word that a meteorite struck Ong's Hat. Of course from there, the story morphed to a UFO crash. The area was restricted for a number of years.
Over the years, or decades I should say, I've often thought about the incident and would occasionally check the MUFON site where it was listed as a possible UFO crash. Then it was suddenly removed from the site. I've checked other sources using Google search with different types of search scenarios. All came up blank - even the news reference to any incidents at Ong's Hat.
I've seen stories over the years about what I consider some science fictional time travel 'commune' or whatever. From what I've been told by a few Browns Mills and Pemberton friends, there was some type of similar 'commune' back in the 60's or 70's and 'black ops' destroyed everything there. I go through the area about once a week and I've had some interesting things happen - don't want to use the word 'phenomena' because it would sound too - you get the idea! However, sometime last summer on my way to my destination on Rt. 72, a rather violent thunderstorm came up and I was 'drawn,' for lack of a better word, to the area. Again, nothing phenomenal but it was the middle of summer around the same time the incident happened when I was in high school. But I had a strong sense of belonging there at that time and I saw the area where the supposed trailers existed.
With all of this being said and readers saying, "Here we go again, another UFO nut," the complete loss of all data referring to this incident has bothered me.
Hopefully, if you've gotten this far through my tale of woe, I was hoping someone could guide me in the right direction - hopefully not to the time space hole in the woods :rolleyes: - where I could find any documentation regarding this incident. It bothered me for years but when it was taken off the MUFON site some years back and all Internet references to either a UFO or meteorite strike are not to be found??? (And yeah, I know, it's not a far drive to Ancora from there!!!) Real guidance would be appreciated. Really enjoying this site too since I'm new to it.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Never thought I'd be writing about this but here goes..scenarios.

I lived 3.2 miles from Ongs Hat in 1966. There are no east west roads that are near that area where anyone lives. We never heard a sound, a story, or a rumor until someone posted this several years ago. Also, the nearest school you might attend is Pemberton. That school is 6.7 miles per the crow from Ongs Hat. If the meteor was 500 feet off the ground, and you were walking home from Pemberton High school, I doubt it would have reached Ong Hat. In any case, a burning fire ball would have been seen by more people than you if it was traveling on an arc towards Ong Hat from where you saw it.

I don't believe this story, but then again...I always keep an open-mind. Show me the proof.


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
Forty -four..

I forgot to mention that I live in Burlington City. Probably a very important piece of info. (Maybe it was the drinking water.) My apologies. There was a news report the following morning. At the time, if my memory serves me correctly, WFIL, 560 AM in Philadelphia, was the station that reported the news.
Well, at any rate, I appreciate your feedback.
In Herman Hesse's Steppenwolf, there is a passage, "All is permitted." I rarely discount a friend or acquaintance's stories that are eerie. I think many of us have had a few unexplainable situations or phenomena in our lives. To each his own.
If anyone comes across any other info, please post it on the site.
Btw, I enjoyed the 'signatures' to your emails. They are generally very enlightening to one that has never heard them before.
Thank you and enjoy your day.....


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
So the area in Ongs Hat was restricted? Did you read that or know the area in question? That may make things clearer.


I think he may be confusing it with the BOMARC missile explosion on Ft Dix sometime in the 60's when plutonium was released into the air. The site was sealed in cement and I believe is still off limits.


New Member
Apr 10, 2011

I had dated a girl in Mt. Holly for a few years. We rode down Magnolia Rd. and she commented about the area. Over the years I had heard the same story repeated. I'm not trying to perpetrate a hoax or open up another 'jersey devil' thread. (Actually, 'it' was said to be in a wooded area not far from my home - yeah, right!)
This was an experience I had forty-four years ago. The memory is authentic down to the radio news report the following morning. I have no doubts about what I experienced on that summer evening. (I reread my original post and I wasn't specific about where I lived which apparently led to some factual inconsistencies. I worked at a drug store while in high school and, no, I didn't partake of any of the 'elixirs' on the premises.) :bang:
There's no need to draw this thread out into something it's not so I'd like to express my appreciation for all comments. Just one of those unexplainable things that happen in one's life that will go without explanation.
Now, if I could just find those papers with the strange markings that the 'grays' left me, I'd show......
As they say up the street from me, "Peace, out!" or something of the sort....


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
As they say up the street from me, "Peace, out!" or something of the sort....

Don't go away frustrated. You seem like a nice guy. Why don't you just dive into something about the pines that is is real? There are penty of things to research, and as I always say, anything that gets me out of the house and into the woods is a good thing.

There is history, geology, topography, birding, hunting, fishing, hiking, exploring, etc, etc.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I hope ablackhole hasn't left us. I though his post was very interesting and well written. I have no reason to doubt that he didn't have that experience in '66. It sounds wild, but reasonable enough. I am just not convinced that there is a connection between what he witnessed in burlington city, and Ongs Hat. I am not sure he is convinced either.

Him reaching out to us here for any info seems like a smart logical move, especially considering we have people here who lived in the area at the time. Doesn't seem like there is any recollection of it though.

Wait now, how come bobpbx and Oji always wear tin foil hats everytime there is word of a meteor shower? It is all making sense now....they just aren't talking.

Just having fun. For what it is worth, my vote is Ablackhole= not a crackpot.



Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
In Herman Hesse's Steppenwolf, there is a passage, "All is permitted." I rarely discount a friend or acquaintance's stories that are eerie. I think many of us have had a few unexplainable situations or phenomena in our lives.

Unexplained, perhaps, but unexplainable? I don't think I've ever had an experience that is unexplainable. Well, there was this spontaneous encounter with a beautiful young woman in Halifax in 1985. Pretty sure that will never be explained.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Fact of the matter is that if you're looking for "stories about the Pines" all roads seem to lead to Ongs Hat. It was Ongs Hat that got Beck interested in Ghost Towns, and we heard of the murder back there. Then the supposed "Incunabula" and the dimensional traveler story, meteors, UFO's...

Ongs Hat is a weird area. Makes sense that a lot of people want to build it into something that it may not be. But the stories are fun.


New Member
Aug 10, 2011
Hey ablackhole... I saw that too.. I lived in Bellmawr, NJ at the time.. A few of us were on a neighbors front yard.. No trees to block the view of the sky. Heard what sounded like strong wind on a open flame.. We looked up and saw what you saw.. This THING came in from the south..headed north really quick.. It WAS low and disappeared over the house across the street.. We followed it, or the smoke trail, by foot.. We expected to hear a crash but never we went back. The next day of the guys said he heard on the radio that it was a small meteor and it hit it update NY..

I forgot all about it until I read your posting..