More "Then And Now"


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
It works but depending on the background of the photo it does not always look right. I took your photo and cut out your © and tried pasting it into different photo's and was disappointed. Try doing the same thing with a dark background and it looks funny. So I used light colors and still was disappointed.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Dark images look good with a gray box at about 60% opaque. Light images look good with a black box at 40-50% opaque.

There might be some Mac freeware program that will watermark images for you.

FWIW, your images are automatically copyrighted when you take the picture. That won't stop someone from taking your images and putting them on their own website though. I'm just waiting for that to happen to me. I will have a little surprise for anyone who links to my images from their own site. :)


Guy, what kind of people did they have working on the Manchester Police force? I hope they were all not like that and there aren't any like that today. Did the township recruit that guy from a redneck bar or from the local mental institution? That is over the top! I don't see anything offensive about the term "local yokel." I guess it depends on who says it and how, and in what context. Even if you said something really offensive, cops are not supposed to act that way, and not take things personally. A woman I went out with seem to take offense when I called her a city slicker. She didn't act the way that cop did, though. When she said she wasn't a city slicker, I said that she was living in the city. "But I'm not a slicker," she insisted. I never thought of looking at each of those words separately. The woman was from Puerto Rico, was a social worker who taught a Drexel University part time. She wasn't terribly familiar with all the colloquilisms, slang and idomatic expressions here. She saw a "fly butter" float by. I think the context of my City Slicker remark was our visit to the Pine Barrens.

I wonder if on my visit to the Woodmansie area the time before last, it was a cop who was checking out my car parked at the edge of the road. Anyway, by basically mistakenly driving a sort of loop on the sand roads, I found a better parking spot to explore the switch and railroad tracks, etc. I still will visit Old Halfway/Twin Lakes.

I realize my mistake on my trip now. That's right, I should have crossed that intersection and followed the road to where it turned right. The road more or less curves around the lakes.

One more thing. A city slicker and a local yokel got off at the same train stop. The sign at the depo read that it was three miles to the town. The city slicker asked the local yokel "why is this depo so far from the town?"

"I donno," said the local yokel, "I quess they wanted to put it close to the tracks." :)

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Jeff, why are you quoting Guy's posts and not posting anything else? I deleted your 2 empty posts. All of this garbage just goes into the database and takes up space.

If you have a post that doesn't work, please delete it. If you're having problems email or PM me.

Edit: I created a testing forum for people who want to try things out or see if they have problems with posting. Topics that have no activity for 1 week will be auto-deleted so they don't clog up the database.


I just posted it. I unintentionally quoted Guy on a different spot. Sorry, but we all can't be techo-geeks. And don't take offense at that like that cop did to being referred to over the CB as a local yokel.

Hey! Is it snowing where you are? I looked out my window a short while ago and it was snowing. And it WAS LAYING! I tell you, I could never move to a place like Montanna, where winters are normally much longer than they are here. I like a change of seasons, but like winter and snow for about two months. I've been considering Prescott, Arizona.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
JeffD said:
I just posted it. I unintentionally quoted Guy on a different spot. Sorry, but we all can't be techo-geeks. And don't take offense at that like that cop did to being referred to over the CB as a local yokel.

It's not a matter of being a techno-geek, I just don't want the forums to be a cesspool of "test" posts or other things like that. Everyone has the ability to delete a post that they made, so there is no excuse for leaving crap that doesn't need to be there around.


Sorry, I just didn't notice it right away, and by the time I thought more about it (I was tired from my trip today which added to my usual frustration with technical difficulties), you deleted it and said something about it. No problem about leaving garbage out. I certain can understand that. :) BTW, I loved your little thing about me and buring the forest and running over snakes, etc. I cracked up when I first came onto your site. :rofl:


Yeah. Other things you've said I didn't take as well. But that surprise when I logged in was hillarious, and I took it as a compliment. People have said that I bring that sort of thing out in them. On a bulletin board where I posted until shortly before it went off-line, I was the only one who wrote parodies. Others dabbled in it, but I was the parody King, if not just for the amount of parodies I wrote and posted. Some posters objected to parodies, even from a guy who had an opposing view point from mine. I told him it's great he got into doing parodies, even though I didn't agree with his content. We stuck up for one another when other posters were rude. Now, not only is the bulletin board still offline, but the web site too. It was an alternative media source for Bucks County, which the plutocracy in my county didn't like and wanted it censored. One of the guys who ran it is a reporter on the Trenton Times.


Jan 2, 2003
Hi everyone!

I've been busy hiking, kayaking, fixing plumbing, planting a pasture, etc. Besides, I forgot my password and username for this site.

Guy, a 2001 Focus? What happened to the Escort? What color is the Focus? I'll keep an eye out for you.

I'm looking forward to some more trips, now that I'm getting more time.
May is a nice time to kayak the streams. The turtles are back and the birds and frogs are active. The sweet pepper bush is about to bloom. If anyone is interested, we can make an outing.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

It is nice to hear from you.

Yes the Escort had a bad water pump and it is connected to the timing belt. I normally would replace it myself but that was more than I wanted to do. The estimate was $300 and there also was a really loud clunking noise in the front end that I was worried about. I gave the car to a man I know who has some serious money problems and he had the pump repaired for $250. I told him all that I knew was wrong with it and he did not care.

The Focus is really low to the ground and it scrapes along in the woods. I also almost got stuck at the Eureka gun club this past weekend. Luckily I was on a downward hill and was able to back out. A stick shift is so much better in sand than automatic.

It is white with a black strip along the side.

I am always interested in an outing with you Ed, and there are many places that we have to visit. I am sure Ben will meet with us also for one. You asked me once if I was interested in kayaking and I still am.
