Music for the day


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I liked that one Gabe. I make mistakes a lot when writing (you don't see most of them, I edit a lot) sounds good in my head but comes out oddly.

Do you think most Americans are dumb, or just fools? One thing I detest is all those come-on phrases that the media uses to make you click on a link. They are very insulting--how dumb do they think we are? Apparently very dumb, because they must work. I have collected a few that I really cringe at seeing:

--Learn the secret!
--One ridiculously easy trick...
--What you need to know.
--You won't believe this.
--This one weird solution...
--This one weird ingredient cures...
--Shocking quotes by (insert celebrity name).


I think Jerseyman might appreciate this new song from Weird Al!


Weird Al’s parody was like a symphony to my ears! In part, email and particularly texting is ruining the written word, but so is the instruction provided in modern public schools. People who cannot properly write should refrain from writing at all! With my abhorrence of people writing in the passive voice, most of the material I read today makes me want to gnash my teeth. I spend a great deal of time reading period texts and newspapers, and, compared to today, I have observed a precipitous decline in how we use language. I certainly miss the grammar, style, and vocabulary employed in years past, especially when I review the prosaic and noxious texts of today.

Thank you for thinking of me with Word Crimes—I love it!

Best regards,


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
My older son and I were reminiscing a month or so ago about watching MTV back when they actually played music videos.
Both of my sons and I would watch these videos together when they were seven and six years old.
Both boys still have eclectic tastes in music and thank God they both hate the Dead just like dear old Dad!

DaDa had the tune that stained itself to your meninges but our all time favorite was Black Hole Sun.
