This is my first time looking at this orchid site. I congratulate those who have posted some very beautiful photos. Oji, your identification Wood Anemone or Windflower (Anemone quinquefolia) , which pops up in the fringes of the Pine Barrens, is correct. False Rue Anemone, a rich woods species, has no business being in the Barrens. The very small Southern Twayblade, Listera australis, an orchid once thought to be extremely rare in the cedar bogs of the Barrens, is showing up in maple hardwood swamps with increasing frequency. This is likely because that rather drab plant community was formerly not generally botanized, especially so early in spring. The Showy Orchis or Orchid, Galearis spectabilis, formerly Orchis spectabilis, is generally found in rich ravines outside the Barrens. The Whorled Pogonia (Pogonia verticillata,) an orchid that is more commonly at home in northern New Jersey, where I've seen it growing in large, often sterile, colonies. It is quite rare in the fringe of the Barrens.
Lost Town Hunter