I was a paperboy in about 1966-1967. Pedaled (literally) the Philadelphia Bulletin (I think that was it).
We needed a place to build and store our scenery when I was working at the Opera Company in 1995 and through a contact on the board of directors were able to lease the sub-basement of the abandoned
Bulletin Building, across from 30th Street Station. Huge, cavernous space that was very weird to work in (I believe the Bulletin went bankrupt in the 80's). We were the only people in the whole building and I don't think any fresh air had made it into that space since the 80's! There was a huge freight elevator to move things down from street level.
We were later approached by the national tour of
Phantom of the Opera, that was coming to the Forrest Theater and needed a place to store all their shipping crates. Now, this wasn't just a few things, it was over 30 big semi-trailers full of road boxes! We worked out a deal and a big crew hauled it all down to the sub-basement, one elevator at a time. This was just one little corner of the stuff (you can see the
Phantom logo on a couple of the road boxes).
A few months later, the big freight elevator broke and the landlord wasn't interested in fixing it. The
Phantom management was starting to panic, worried they wouldn't be able to get all that stuff out when they left town. But we came up with a solution, there was a railroad siding inside the sub-basement where they originally delivered the huge rolls of newsprint for the paper, but no direct access from our space. Our crew sledge-hammered down a concrete block dividing wall and the trucks were able to drive over the train tracks to load everything out from there! A few months later we leased a more conventional space at the old Frankford Arsenal and moved our own operations there.
Sorry... getting really far off-topic now, but that mention of the Bulletin brought back a lot of memories!