No more fun in the Pines


Sep 7, 2005
I surely know what you mean.. it is frustrating.
Call it wishful thinking., a way to work within their own boundaries,
stroke them if you will... to be able to enjoy the pines with less
Oh well, lump right.?


Mar 12, 2004
JerseyJim said:
I had the pleasure of chatting with a Ranger up in the Delaware Water Gap last week and he was a super nice guy, maybe he should transfer to Wharton.

Funny you mention that---I had the same pleasure the other day. As I registered for a campsite, we were talking about all sorts of things (very nice woman), and then she glanced passed my head, looked at my car, and issued me a summons for an overdue inspection sticker. Suffice it to say, that wasn't my best camping trip at the watergap.



Apr 1, 2005
In the early ninties, I was friends with a ranger Joe Hogue (sp?) who was transfered from Belleplain to Wharton. He was a nice guy. I little gruff on the surface but I got along with him well. Is he still around? I also had a friend in ranger Bruce Matthews from Belleplain.


Oct 3, 2005
Carson City, NV
Is it just me ...

… or do the rangers force other people off the road to get by.

Today I was going north between Hawkins Bridge and Friendship and Mr. Ranger was going south. We stopped about one hundred feet from each other. I took a quick look around and there wasn’t a place to back into. He had stopped twenty feet past a wide spot in the road but just sat there waiting for me to do something. So I pull over up onto the side of the road so he could squeeze through. I was wondering if he was going to turn around and give me a ticket but he didn’t. Maybe there was coffee :guinness: and doughnuts waiting for him at Batsto.

This has happened a couple of times but there’ve been pullover spots to dive into.



Jun 16, 2003
Boston, MA

I finally got home last Friday night (back to South Jersey) from Philly and I decided to go out with some friends to check out that awesome moon at Friendship. It was freezing outside and there really wasn't anyone else on the trails.

We get there, get out of my truck, and immediately, a telltale ranger Blazer rolls up right next to us. We've talked on this board about the transition from ranger type rangers to more police style rangers. First impression, these two guys looked like they just left the Marines. They had olive police uniforms on, huge black boots, and looked like they were going to make some crime up to give us tickets.

However, I always keep topos and maps of the various Pinelands state parks (plus he noticed my Pinelands plates) in my truck and I started talking about the moon and what not. They actually left us alone, and didn't even ask for my license or registration. I think they were really really surprised that we weren't trying to light a fire or destroy something and actually cared about the Pinelands. It was a Friday night around 10 and most early 20's men aren't out checking the moon and exploring at these times. Maybe it left a positive impression on them. One can only hope.

So, it wasn't bad, I just hate being hassled in the first place. Especially now that I'm usually only out in the Pines about once every 2 or 3 months when I get a free weekend to come home. Can't wait for this weekend with the Christmas holiday to get some quality time in the Pines.

I want my Christmas present to be no harassment from rangers for the new year. That sounds about right.




Aug 11, 2005
I met some rangers about two weeks ago. I was with some friends that had massive 4x4's and it appeared that we were off the trail (although it was all just sand, no damage). Anyway, the rangers were terrific and treated us very well. I really had lost track and not realized that we were off the trail since it was just a sand pit with some puddles. The rangers even told us of some other places to explore, which I thought was really cool. So, I don't feel as odd being in the Pines as I once did - not knowing if I'd catch a beating or not... Just thought I'd share... :)


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
Wow, just browsing through this thread I learned some surprising stuff. I haven't been in the pines for a while but I never remember being harrassed like that! I saw a few posts that interested me-one about the rangers graduating from Sea Girt and one about them wearing big black boots and fatigues. Do they go to the State Police academy to be trained? If so there's your problem right there. Don't read this the wrong way-I have the utmost respect for our Troopers (my brother is trying to become one) and I think for the most part they are great guys. However, putting a guy through what has consistently been called the toughest police academy in the nation (basically Marine boot camp at the Jersey shore) and then telling them "Ok, ride around in the pines 6 hours a day and do, well, pretty much nothing 90% of the time and give out summonses when you can" is a recipe for disaster. No wonder these guys have chips the size of bowling balls on their shoulder. Being trained to do a Trooper's job and actually doing Barney Fife's would probably give me a superiority complex too! :jeffd:


Sep 7, 2005
They really can't be all that bad....
Some years back,
I had a gruesome homemade dunebuggy 350 chevy powered. Once I got it horribly wrecked on the way to the Batso cemetary bridge ( or lack therof ). I slept on the trail that night in the sand by my broken steed till morning when I would hike back to 206 to be in cell range to get help. She happened upon me gave me the appropriate raft of crap and as a forestry truck came by actually stood by as they pulled it free and back to an area where I could make it home.
Strange yes, I must be blessed, I think they just wanted the ugly thing out of their woods. She was kind of cool about it. And they couldn't believe it when I fired it up, headers turned up and out spewing water,sand and flame. It was pretty messed up and they did make me tow, not drive it out.
Well, there's my story sad but true.


tom m

Jan 9, 2006
out of control rangers

i know it's been a few days that this was discussed ,but i had several bad experiences with one certain ranger in bass river, he also would sneak up on you in the dark, (although they are not supposed to enter your sight with out good reason once you've paid for it ).this happened twice in one weekend. i filed a formal complaint against him and the thats when the buck started passing .They ,(meaning the state,)wanted me to attend a series of meetings in trenton which means i would lose time from work,then maybe a resolution could be reached. Well as fate had it he was transfered to another forrest to finish out his time because of a peeping tom incident .they should have fired him, but thats politics. for the most part all rangers are willing to be friendly as long as you are.....tom m


Dec 11, 2005

Hay Tom M., I guess you could say that Ranger "was" a Peeping (at you) Tom?! (Couldn't resist)...unless...that peeping Tom was YOU!!!:v: