on the road to Carranza


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
To Pineypower

It sounds like you found the old Sandy Ridge site. This has just been recently discoverd by some in the group. Lucky me, I always knew about it because my father lived there as a toddler. He had showed me this site when I was a little girl. Later when I moved to Tabernacle, an older lady named Ms. Holloway drove the school bus. She too lived at Sandy Ridge the same time as my dad...Sue...


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
South Park Road

BobM, yes that was my home for over 30 years. My dad who is now deceased, moved out of there about 5 or 6 yers ago. A few different people have lived there since. Charles Thompson, father of Maryann Thompson from the Cranberry Festival, either sold or leased the company to his nephew named Andy. Curious to how long ago it was that you got permission to tour the grounds. Curious too, to who owns the gun club that was so rude to you. The road my house is on is called South Park Road. Down the road from the house on the right, is a road to South Park Gun Club which my ex husband belongs. I still go up there, bringing my sons to participate in the clubs activities. Nice group of men, private property though. ..Sue..

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Pineyprowler said:
Yes, it was called a tunking mill, I think that it got the name from the hammer like noises that it made. I am really not sure. I've noticed that after carranza road turns into dirt about a mile or so to the right there are a few old foundations in the woods. Does anybody know anything on this? Thanks

I wonder if that is Hampton Gate...


May 29, 2003
I wonder if that is Hampton Gate...

That would be something. Did someone notice how old the foundations look in this area. Also, I remember Beck or someone saying about how the "gate" at Hampton Gate was missing. Was this landmark more than just a gate? It would make sense it could have been since it was noted on old maps, but it would also be possible they labeled it as they may a railroad station, that is, being just a prominent gate? Either way, it's very interesting.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
South Park Road

suresue592003 said:
BobM, yes that was my home for over 30 years. My dad who is now deceased, moved out of there about 5 or 6 yers ago. A few different people have lived there since. Charles Thompson, father of Maryann Thompson from the Cranberry Festival, either sold or leased the company to his nephew named Andy. Curious to how long ago it was that you got permission to tour the grounds. Curious too, to who owns the gun club that was so rude to you. The road my house is on is called South Park Road. Down the road from the house on the right, is a road to South Park Gun Club which my ex husband belongs. I still go up there, bringing my sons to participate in the clubs activities. Nice group of men, private property though. ..Sue..

I received permission from Maryann 2 years ago. Very nice lady. And yes, it was South Park who brushed me off.



Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
Birches & Gun Clubs

There are three gun clubs near Birches Cranberry Company. South Park, Garden State and the one on the road to Moores Medows. I might have the clubs mixed up here in regard to the one my ex-husband belongs, but I will find out and let you know. The other club does have a very unfriendly group of men. That was proberly the one that shunned you. Had you asked permission to go back on their property? There are no ruins near any of the clubs that I am aware of. It is good to know that Maryann still has her hand involved where Birches is concerned. I know one time her partner wanted to buy her out and be sole owner of Birches. Not so sure this would have been the wisest thing.........Sue........

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Hampton Gate was actually a large iron gate which went over the road leading into the Hampton tract. IIRC there was a tavern located there, and a good chance that a few other buildings would have been there as well.

I believe that the road leading into the property is what is now known as Carranza Rd.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
From "Place Names of Burlington County"

"Hampton Gate":A small settlement in Tabernacle on its western border near the upper reaches of Batsto River. In 1849, J.Smith ran a hotel at this place. The name is conjectural, possibly "a way leading to Hampton" or probably something to do with control of the water flow on the creek as the stream flowed into Hampton


May 29, 2003
That's the most info I ever heard about Hampton Gate..and probably all there is to know, that is, all that's available to us now. Don't you think the gate would have been across Mossy Spung or other road that heads south from Carranza? I always like the places with the least left for some reason.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
bruset said:
Hampton Gate was actually a large iron gate which went over the road leading into the Hampton tract. IIRC there was a tavern located there, and a good chance that a few other buildings would have been there as well.

I believe that the road leading into the property is what is now known as Carranza Rd.

That would have been Tuckerton Road back then. Tuckerton road came through Oriental and Flyat, and just past the boot camp at that curve, is where Carranza road actually starts, and Tuckerton continues across High Crossing. Over the years they just changed the name of the complete road to Carranza road.

BTW, recently it came to my attention that right in the Hampton Gate area there is a slag pile with the biggest pieces of slag in the pines. As big as boulders he said. I know the approximate location of where it is, and if I can't find it I will have to try to get in contact with the person who talked about it. Something for me to do on one of my free weekends.



Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
Gun Club locations

Yes, Garden State Gun Club is the one with the nicer reputation. (and not because my ex-husband belongs either!) LOL. South Park Gun Club is alittle closer to Birches.


May 29, 2003
Right, I totally see when I look at the maps that Carranza Road was definately part of the Tuckerton Route. It is also obvious that a separate route (probably also considered the same route) that past through "Mount". One of these departures went through Atsion (via Quaker Bridge) and the other through Hampton Gate. If not, there would have been no reason to stop at Mount. Look at the routes which converge at Washington (Sooy's Inn) This route is what makes the area possible and so interesting!

Also, the most interesting thing I have learned about New Jersey via adventuring the Pines...is the lakes. For the most part, every dammed up lake that you encounter is the result of someone harnessing water power. Lakes are just not natural to the mid or sothern part of the state. Find a lake and you'll find history. Even more so, find a lost lake and you'll find even more history. On that note.. look at the wetland depictured on Cook's Topo map and you'll see the approximate outlines of the former lake at Hampton Furnace and the road that used to cross its berm.
Vote NO to Bush!!!!! and give the woods a chance.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
jokerman said:
No, it definately says something like "Tunking or Thunking Mill" and explains it was named so for the sound it made. Yes, I'm sure they are trying to describe a stamping mill, but they are off in it's name and place it would seem. Someone should contact the appropriate historical source to ask more about this site.

I was not in a hurry this morning, so I skidded to a stop and backed up for a photo of the sign. It turns out it says both "Stamping" and "Tunking" on it.




May 29, 2003
They must have used the stream for water power and probably had a dam. Due to the fact that this was part of the iron furnaces, it must have some background. I am going to look into it and hopefully some insight can be brought about.


New Member
May 21, 2004


I'm new to the site but love the photo's and stories that I'm seeing and reading.
But I don't know where i'm going. If i were trying to find the pionner smelting factory ruins and heritage minerals building coming out of South Philly what would be the best route to take. Any info would be greatly appreciated and welcomed.

Thank you,


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The Pioneer Smelting factory has been torn down. The last time I went by there the water tower was still there. The property the last time I heard was under 24 hour guard and if you go there you will be arrested. That may have changed recently, so maybe someone else can tell us more.

But if you want to see the area it was at, cross the Walt Whitman and get on 295 north, and get off at the route 70 east exit. I believe it is exit 36 but that may be wrong. Take 70 east through Marlton, and Medford, and continue on 70 past the 206 circle to the Four Mile circle at route 72. Take 72 east toward Barnegat, and when you come to the RR bridge across 72 turn right. The location of where it was at is a few mile down the road on your left before you get to the town of Chatsworth.

Here is the location.




New Member
May 21, 2004
I finally get directions to a decent place to go look at and it's gone. That sucks.
But thank you for your help, I'll keep the directions handy if I ever get bored and wanna go for a ride.

Thanks again,


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
There are quite a few other places to go other than there. Just spend the day driving around in that area. But with the price of gas that may not be such a good idea.



New Member
May 21, 2004
Anything in peticular I should keep my eyes open for?
Me and a few of my friends are gonna go camping next week but can't seem to settle on a destination. So if there's any haunted camp grounds or anything please feel free to share them.

Thanks again,


Moores Meadow Rd. is a neat place to see. One can see that their is plenty of history on this road, with the old looking piney houses that are falling apart.
1> anyone know what the grave stone is for that is near the pond?
2> does anyone know about the shed on the side of the road that a man is rumored to have killed himself?