ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
There is a very similar beach a mile or two upstream just past Goshen pond. It did not get the same treatment with the signs and sticks. The only thing different is its not an area used by Pineland Adventures, which is in its first year of operations. It makes one wonder the true intentions of some of these closures.


I dare SPS or PPA to deny these facts and failures. These abuses are their failures in management after all. Failures that we are now expected to pay for? BS.[/QUOTE]

So funny!! What happens when this doesn't work - are you going to "double dog dare" them!!?? This forum's belligerence, defiance, and threats will not get you far. Keep mouthing off and keep driving around those NMV signs and see where you are in another 10 years. This isn't YOUR forest or YOUR property - you share it with over 8 million people. You might not want to get all 8 million involved.
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Greg OBrien

Mar 22, 2011
Says the 'helpful volunteer'.

Unlike the PPA, the SPS is accountable for it's actions. Double dares aren't necessary.

How is your chainsaw running these days?


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
Belligerent...I don't think so. Defiant...absolutely, that's the definition of not agreeing. Making threats.....isn't that what you're doing in your post. Invite your 8 million friends to enjoy the pines. Let's see what happens then. The answer doesn't lie on either side but somewhere in the middle. There is very good people on either side that ultimately want the same thing. The unwillingness to truly listen is where it is breaking down. You got you're voice heard we didn't get that chance.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
So funny!! What happens when this doesn't work - are you going to "double dog dare" them!!?? This forum's belligerence, defiance, and threats will not get you far. Keep mouthing off and keep driving around those NMV signs and see where you are in another 10 years. This isn't YOUR forest or YOUR property - you share it with over 8 million people. You might not want to get all 8 million involved.

Mr. Native, turn up your speakers if you have them and pay very close attention;



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
For the past 5 years, the SPS and SPP could've been sitting on the railroad tracks next to 1/4 Mile with binoculars and a picnic lunch, mailing citations to the registration address of stuck drivers. Citations that require a mandatory court appearance. BUT that wouldn't of supported the closure plan... dare I say it? It might of ACTUALLY worked!

Too many bugs and chiggers to do that
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Don Catts

Aug 5, 2012
Indian Mills
I have a question. There are many, many shoplifters in Walmart, there are many, many speeders and drunk drivers on the highways. Therefore, would the PPA's solution be to block all entrances to walmart and cut down good healthy trees across the highways? No, this is not a solution to anything, therefore, there has to be more behind this action. One other question, shouldn't someone be arrested or at least held accountable for cutting down good healthy trees in the state "Wharton Tract Park/Forest"? They destroyed lots of nice healthy 20/30 year old pine trees. This is no way to preserve the pine barrens.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The amount of vitriol and hyperbole spewing all over the internet from both sides of this argument is sickening.

If people can't calm down, educate themselves with the facts, and speak rationally then this problem will never be solved.

If they gave us the information first this would not have happened. They caused this themselves. By they I mean the state.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I went down Sandy Causeway today to check it out. That road is a mess. When the rain comes it will be a mud hole. And someone has already been doing doughnuts along it's edges.



Mar 27, 2014
I was down Sandy Causeway today also. I agree that the rain is going to make a mess of it. Many spots seem to have been made worse. It looks like a disaster.

There was also someone getting stuck in a Prius. How they got as far in as they did I don't know but by the time they were free the sun had dried the sand out pretty good. They couldn't even get out the way they came in. Got stuck again. A couple guys in jeeps kept blaiming a lifted truck for making it impossible for her to drive back out. I tried to tell them it wasn't the truck, it's the road. They didn't seem to want to except that even though their jeeps were making it worse and having trouble too.

Pineyprincess, I want the roads to remain open (unless there is a real reason to close one) and I ride a bicycle in the forest. These newly closed trails with trees and logs laying across them that are still open to horses bikes and people. Am I allowed to ride over them or will that be considered destruction. Can I move them to make the trail passable or is that taboo too. What exactly is the message behind leaving a mess like that?

Sorry if I posted too much hyperbole. Agenda driven bureaucracy gets me fired up.


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
Ok, I spent the weekend exploring. Yesterday morning I went to several locations that are now posted and no motor vehicles. Just on the other side of each I wiped away any tracks with a broom. I went back this afternoon I retraced my steps. In 2 locations there was at least one set of tracks going by. In one spot the wooden sign was ripped down and the plastic sign was cut off at the base. And at one there was so many tracks going by that I couldn't even count them. I actually couldn't even find the spot I cleared. To top it off I drove up on two Pennsylvania trucks with one stuck in the creek at the burnt out bridge on Batsto Fireline Road(which is clearly still marked). After declining to help I told them I would let someone know they were stuck. I stopped and reported it to the girl at the Atsion ranger station. She told me that their best bet was to call a tow company. I told her that they were clearly in a spot marked off limits and I had their liscence plate numbers. She didn't seem to even care.
So I again ask. How is this going to help if even trying to report it they didn't seem concerned. Starting a plan with no hopes of succeeding leads me to believe there is more to it
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Was anyone in a green Subaru near Constable Bridge today?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
So I again ask. How is this going to help if even trying to report it they didn't seem concerned. Starting a plan with no hopes of succeeding leads me to believe there is more to it

I am pretty certain that most all of the employees of Wharton and the Park Police hate this.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
To top it off I drove up on two Pennsylvania trucks with one stuck in the creek at the burnt out bridge on Batsto Fireline Road(which is clearly still marked). After declining to help I told them I would let someone know they were stuck. I stopped and reported it to the girl at the Atsion ranger station. She told me that their best bet was to call a tow company. I told her that they were clearly in a spot marked off limits and I had their liscence plate numbers. She didn't seem to even care.
So I again ask. How is this going to help if even trying to report it they didn't seem concerned. Starting a plan with no hopes of succeeding leads me to believe there is more to it

The girls at the Atsion station are probably seasonal's, they were when I stopped there.

Report it to the hotline, 1-877-WARN DEP (1-877-927- 6337)


They should give you a report number and follow up to see what action they took, if any.