paintings & book


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
Go to and type in my email address of and look under Margaret Bakely paintings album, at a selection of her pinebarrens, watercolor paintings. They are for sale at $30.00 a peice. Feel free to email me if you don't see what you are looking for, since I have more I have not posted yet.
Also, in a week or two, I will be submitting my Friendship story to Plexus Publishing. If it is published, it will be under my new married name of Loringer, hence Margaret Loringer. I was married on 7/23/08.


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
Thank you. Someone has to do it. LOL Not all things end bad :) Nothing ventured nothing gained. I am very happy meeting all the challenges that are making me feel and live young again. Growing old is a funny thing. It means not just growing in years, but also a frame of mind and spirit. I was very old in both. I thank my husband for turing back the clock for me. What greater gift can one be given? It has taken a man much younger and wiser to show me this and give me life again. It has been proven too, that wisdom is not only gained with years, some young people are blessed with God given wisdom that most of us only obtain from many years and experiences here on earth.


Jul 29, 2003
Also, in a week or two, I will be submitting my Friendship story to Plexus Publishing. If it is published, it will be under my new married name of Loringer, hence Margaret Loringer. I was married on 7/23/08.

Yes! I remember when this book venture was first mentioned here on the forum quite some time ago. I'm vaguely recalling this post was about your wanting to re-connect with a childhood/Friendship school-bus driver (?), the research involved in the attempt to do so, and we were left hanging with a ringing telephone. Hope I'm correct on those details. Please keep us informed, Sue, on the book's progress, especially if the publisher accepts it. Good luck!

I need to know who was on the other end of the line. :)



Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
Wow! You remembered. You must have enjoyed the writing and story. The interview I sought out has been completed with great success! Heartfelt rememories of this meeting are written in detail in the Friendship book. Also, included are a couple of photos of our meeting. People will find this book interesting and quite simple. I don't go into alot of detail on locations, mostly focus on actually happenings while living there. It should contain over 30 never before seen photos of my family, buildings and some hunting scenes as well.

Yes! I remember when this book venture was first mentioned here on the forum quite some time ago. I'm vaguely recalling this post was about your wanting to re-connect with a childhood/Friendship school-bus driver (?), the research involved in the attempt to do so, and we were left hanging with a ringing telephone. Hope I'm correct on those details. Please keep us informed, Sue, on the book's progress, especially if the publisher accepts it. Good luck!

I need to know who was on the other end of the line. :)



Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ

My mother's paintings are for sale at extreme discounted prices. You can go to myspace and type in my email address, go to my pics, go to my mom's paintings to see some new art work. Please leave me a message letting me know you were there visiting myspace. I also have many more paintings never before shown. If interested we can set up a date to view the collection. My email address is"
Like I said, just type it into myspace people search, it should bring you to my page.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
My mother's paintings are for sale at extreme discounted prices. You can go to myspace and type in my email address, go to my pics, go to my mom's paintings to see some new art work. Please leave me a message letting me know you were there visiting myspace. I also have many more paintings never before shown. If interested we can set up a date to view the collection. My email address is"
Like I said, just type it into myspace people search, it should bring you to my page.

Sue, I'll send you an email. I'd like to see them.........bob


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
You were right! I got the pics back out and compared it with your pic. I can see where I went wrong. I am glad you are happy with the paintings. I too am happy that they found a great home. Knowing how you will appreciate them gives me great joy.

Thanks for meeting with me Sue. I really like the ones I chose. She had a unique talent. I wish I had met her.

PS: please confirm my suspicion about those two paintings:


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
Yes I do, at least I'm pretty sure. Give me about 2 days, then check out myspace again. I am updating my mom's photos there. Just type in my email address in the people search, I posted this awhile back. If you need my email, let me know.

Hey Sue, I am a sucker for anything with a Ruffed Grouse on it if you have one.


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
New paintings are posted on myspace. Type in my email address in the people search option.
click on photo or pic option and then open mom's paintings. Some are gone (sold), with new ones now posted. If interested, email me either here or with my private email. Once again, there are only a few left at discounted prices.


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ