pasadena/weird nj


May 10, 2003
Just a heads-up to anyone that is fond of the Brooksbrae Brick Company... The newest edition (#21) of Weird Nj magazine will feature an article about Pasadena. This is very unfortunate, as I was very fond of the brick company site and after this issue comes out, it will surely be destroyed in no time. Screw Weird NJ magazine!



Oh no, that's bad. When reading Weird NJ, I always thought, We have all these ghost towns and stuff down here in South Jersey, and they don't know about it. I think they would think it's cool. But then I think to myself, if some of those Weird NJ nuts came down here and started nosing around, who knows what might happen?
stizkidz said:
Just a heads-up to anyone that is fond of the Brooksbrae Brick Company... The newest edition (#21) of Weird Nj magazine will feature an article about Pasadena. This is very unfortunate, as I was very fond of the brick company site and after this issue comes out, it will surely be destroyed in no time. Screw Weird NJ magazine!



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
In 1973 when I first started searching out places in the pines, Pasadena or I should say Brooksbrae was one of the places I looked for. Obviously I could not turn to the Internet, so I was on my own. And of all people my mom came through with it's location. Cherry Hill school's had class trips there, and she drove them there to visit. Ed has mentioned to me his wife's school goes there also, which means thousands and thousands of people know the location. So if they have not been destroyed by now, one issue of a magazine should not hurt. But this does enforce my opinion that some places are better off not found, or they may be in the next issue of Weird NJ.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
The place has stood up to years of paintballers, vandals, fires, etc.

There's nothing that anyone can do to wreck the place. I don't think it's that big of a deal. Besides, the article shouldn't give any specific info on where it is. Hell, I have driving directions to the place on this site.

People will be vandals whether or not they read how to get there on this site. I don't think that any problem will come of it, believe it or not.


Jul 18, 2003
Sparta, NJ
Perhaps, we can stand guard :lol:

Seriously, I hope the place reamins in tact. It appears that this place has been visited many times over throughout the years and still looks to be better than some of the places I've visited.

Now I know why there are soooooo many NO Trespassing signs in the area. Some of these homes are really nice. Others homes in this area really scare me.

Ben, put a block on Weird NJ if they're visiting for here for the information :wink: