Pine Barrens Jamboree



I was there today, along with Renee, her husband, and kids. I enjoyed it. It was my first time at that event. I enjoyed the big tent where all the major environmental (and other assorted) groups had booths set up, with books for sale and free pamphlets. I sat in on a slide show of Railroad History of Ocean County, and another slide show of Endangered and Threatened species of the Pine Barrens.
We missed out on a Lost Towns slide show because we didn't get there in time, and we missed out on a van trip to Forked River Mountain. It ran twice. The first one we missed because we got there too late, and the second one we missed because it was already full up when we asked about it.
There was other stuff too. It was very good.
bunnymom3 said:
I was just wondering if anyone made it to the Pine Barrens Jamboree out at Wells Mills today and if they did how was it.



Sep 27, 2003
Glad we missed the van coming up to Forked River mountains. We were up there before everything started. It was peaceful with just us up there. With the RR history slide show did they say anything about trying to restore the RR around there? I know 2 years ago it was a plan but I haven't heard anything since and where Barnegats part is they have tagged to cut down for more houses.

Sounds like it was better then when we went two years ago. Now I'm sorry we missed it.

Thanks Nykki


Joseph and Joe really enjoyed watching the helicopter spray water over the lake, and Joe talked for a while with the Forest Fire Service.
Joe is signed up for a couple of weekend courses in November offered by the Forest Fire Service to get his red card. Then he'll take his pack test in the spring.
He's going to be doing prescribed burning with The Nature Conservancy, and will also be able to help Forest Fire Service with prescribed burns and putting out forest fires as well. He's really excited about it.
Russ Jeulg's slide presentation on T&E animals and plants was good, too.
I did enjoy the railroad presentation. He focused exclusively on Ocean County lines and talked about the possibility of the RR company using a particular line in the future, but most of it was a general outline of the 3 companies that ran through OC, pics of old stations and where they are now, old wells from the stations, the lines, learning how to figure out if there used to be a line there, etc. It was a different person than has done it in the past.
Also got a picture of Howard Boyd asleep at his table. :)
I also enjoyed talking to an elderly gentleman who did decoy carvings, and also did the carvings of the JD and Smokey the Bear that were out there.
And the chocolate covered treats (strawberries, pretzels, marshmallows, rice krispie treats...) were wonderful! ;)
The little guys painted pumpkins and had their hands painted too.
Though I was a little dissappointed with my lunch from Lucilles. :(
We got there about 11 or so and didn't leave til about 4.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
bruset said:
Nobody asked me to have a table setup for the site... :( I wonder what you have to do to get one.

You know Ben, I was thinking about that while there yesterday. I manned the forked river mountain booth for 3 hours. Just call them and I'm sure you could get set up next year if you wanted to.

Ideas: bumper stickers, maps for sale (laminated), a laptop with a slideshow of your website highlights running in the background. Photos from the site galleries............

eh? 8)

PS; at least 2 people knew about your site..........


Ben, there was information on the Wells Mills County Park that had information for people wanting to set up tables.


If you have a craft, skill or other specialty that represents the Pine Barrens culture and would like to display and/or sell it at the Jamboree, you can contact Wells Mills County Park at 609-971-3085 for an application. Spaces are available under the tent ($25.00) or in the open field ($15.00) before August 16, 2002, but hurry - spaces are limited!

Non-profit agencies are exempt from the rental fee, but proof of non-profit status may be required
