Property Stones And More... Fall 2022/ Winter Spring 2023


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
All those photos on my post this morning were taken with an Iphone. I too just snap and go. Sometimes I'll edit them at home, but not
on these. I may still get a new pocket camera. I wore my Sony RX 100 out.

Guy, that one I think I made it to, but it was wet at the time. That's a xyris you are holding.
Yes, I knew it was a xyris. That is why I took it.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
We have been exploring quite a bit this week but nothing of importance to mention. We did look for another Haines property corner in a cedar swamp this morning. The state website says they own all of the property but Haines cut through the swamp and placed a monument and had his signs on one side of the swamp. Not really sure what is going on there.

Jessica heading into the abyss.


I have never viewed a red concrete monument before.


We walked by this later and checked it out.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj

This morning Jessica and I walked 2 miles from Rockwood to a small tract that in 1859 was passed on from Samuel Lippincott to his son Samuel Jr. Member manumuskin and myself visited there in 2010 and found one of the property stones and we went today to look for more. Unfortunately, we did not find any.

The property.

The Wharton survey showing it.

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Showing manumuskin there in 2010 and Jessica today.

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Looking for one of the stones.

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Rockwood Road

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This video shows us revisiting the stone after 12 years.

Finding The Stone Again

And on our way there on Rockwood road we passed what either were park police or game wardens checking on the hunters at the bog. Notice the warn DEP on the back of the vehicle. Right after we passed and parked a gunshot went off right near us. We though they were shooting at the police. This video shows that encounter as well as the mist on Chew Road.

Rockwood And Chew Road
I remember this trip and since the fire have wondered if you ever went back and looked for the stone that should have been in that open bog.We walked all over that thing hunting for the stone and never found it.Probably under the mud.So far out there I can't see someone ever taking it. By the way my white hairs have progressed considerably since then.
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New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I am asking this out of my own curiosity, it may already have been covered (?) . Were (or Are) there boundary stones around the Brotherton Reservation Tract??


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I am asking this out of my own curiosity, it may already have been covered (?) . Were (or Are) there boundary stones around the Brotherton Reservation Tract??
Yes. I will post later tonight.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Three of the corners of the sports complex on Forked Neck Road were part of the Brotherton tract. BTW, that property was part of Wharton but they traded property with Shamong on 9/2/1997. Anyway, I found all three monuments and here is one of them. No stone.


Jessica and I got permission from a private land owner to search for stones on his property. This is off of Oakshade road and is a Brotherton corner.



We had to cross a stream to get to it. Very remote. I believe this was on the way back. The land owner had arrived back at our vehicle and we discussed our find.


This one is on the state property line in the area of Mighty Joe's. It is part of Brotherton. It may have just been where another property met the Brotherton tract but it is on the line.


I found another one but right now I can't find my photo. I know there is a known one behind another property near Oakshade road but I never was able to visit there. I am sure there are more but it requires getting permission and that is sometimes more trouble than it is worth.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
We went to Manis duck pond today and there was a vehicle parked at the parking area there and Jessica would not go forward. So we headed to Hampton to look for property stones and revisited the old concrete bridge in the canal. My new phone had some issues taking this one. I hope I don't see more like that.


The canal is dry so we walked it easily for 1 mile. Visited 5 locations and found nothing.


We tried to go down West Mill Road later and there was yellow tape which had been across the road at 206 that now was down. The puddle there was huge so we left.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
She will never explore near homes. And she will never continue walking down a road during hunting season when we run into a vehicle or people. She likes being out there deep in the woods with nobody around.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I again took the day off from work and since Jessica did work I headed out early alone. I have a survey that shows a few properties that the state owns but never surveyed them. They are along and around the Pump Branch off of what today is Wharton State Forest road. This survey tells us that John Irick, Daniel L. Miller and Mary Roberts sold exception #4 to Charles Matlock on Sept 1, 1867. It also shows that Matlack sold exception #3 to David Mills on June 19, 1869.

The survey gives the metes and bounds but as always I had to take in consideration magnetic north. With some calculations yesterday I came up with all of the corners as best I could and headed out today to give them a shot. My first choice was to visit the corner with the magenta line pointing to it.


The sun was just starting to show as I walked along the road. As you can see in my photos there are no slow flowing streams with mist in the distance as the sun comes up. Just raw Wharton.


I headed down from the upland following my GPS and walked right up to the stone just sticking out of the ground on a slight dike that most likely many many years ago was made.


A view from the distance with my walking stick and camera case nearby.


I then moved on to the other corners maked with arrows above and could not find anything. A return visit with Jessica and a tape measure hopefully will find the green arrow corner as well as the others.

So I then explored the Pump Branch looking for easy ways across. For the most part I could easily get to the middle of the stream but getting Jessica to the other side will be a challenge. The water will be above her boots. We will work on that.

It really is a nice stream.


I then headed over to the JCRR near the bridge on the Albertson Brook and found this Wharton corner in the briers near the bridge.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I was looking over old deeds and one of them is from 1888 concerning the amount of land that the Raleigh family owned. Mary Raleigh Fitzpatrick, her husband and others sold massive tracks of land to Richard Byrnes. The property stretched from the Jackson Glass Works across Sharps Mountain in Medford and all the way to Apple Pie Hill. Many of the stones mentioned in the deed I have searched out and found over the years.

Anyway, One deed concerns the stone mountains near Hampton Gate.

Also, all the following described tract of land situate, lying and being in the township of Shamong aforesaid bounded and described as follows.
Beginning at a pine stump where formally stood a large pine tree, said to be the same pine that is described in David Cavaliers will as being Marked D. C. and S. C., said stump is on the south side of the large stone hill near Hampton Gate Bridge and is about 15 chains to the westward of said bridge and is one chain from the edge of the meadowed ground up the side of the hill and runs (1) south five degrees east eleven chains to a stake and stone on the top of the little stone hill ........


The meadow mentioned is currently the Wilkinson Gun Club just before the big hill and the little stone hill is one of the other smaller hills connected to the group. While looking them over on Lidar yesterday I decided that I wanted to visit the one hill separate from the rest shown here. I had never been there and wanted to climb it.


So today we parked at Hampton Gate and followed the old road (now a trail) that goes from the Hampton Gate Bridge to Hampton Furnace. We then headed into the woods towards the hill. It is a challenge so I would suggest you not try it unless you are prepared for briers. But we were able to maneuver our way around and made it there fairly easily. I was impressed on how nice the place was back there and it was the highlight of my day. There is an untapped amount of woods out there to explore. What do you think Bobpbx? :D

Looking up. Jessica's heart rate reached 172 when we got to the top.


Looking down does not show up as well. And as expected it was full of stones since it is a stone hill.


Earlier we were at the pump branch measuring from the stone I found earlier this week but did not come up with others. We also visited the Mannis Duck Pond area looking for a township stone and came up empty as well.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

With the rain forecasted to arrive Jessica stayed home and I headed out to the Sharps Mountain area to tidy up finding some of the few remaining stones I have not found yet. It is rough country out there between Sharps Mountain and the power lines that you see when passing Atco Dragway. I always struggle in this area and that is why Jessica stays home. The main stone that almost all of the properties are bounded to was obviously destroyed when the power lines between Atsion road and Jackson road were cleared in the 60's. Without the Wharton survey team surveying that stone in the 50's I would be hard pressed to even start my searching in that area.

The stone was inscribed T. H. and was located at the below location under the power lines that you can see in the photo. I visited this location by myself during a rest stop on a PBX hike in 2008. The stone is gone.



Anyway, today I was looking for a stone that I calculated from the TH location. I followed a motorcycle trail for a short while and then through briers and then across a cedar swamp where I revisited the H stone of Albert Haines.


At the bottom of this photo. It was dark in there.



I then traveled deeper looking for another stone along the Braddock property. The going was not bad and I eventually arrived to find this which is mentioned in deeds before the 1877 deed I have been studying.



From this point on I ran into serious briers and still had a way to go. I pushed on until it was obvious I wasn't getting anywhere. With rain promised I had to give up for the day. You can see on the right where I turned back.

Ignore the dates. It was this morning.

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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Recently I acquired a few new maps with one in particular adding some distances and bearing to a similar map I have that does not. I was out early and with an hour drive the sun was coming up as I was searching.

This map shows the stone I was looking for. Surveyor George Sykes found the stone in 1868 at the upper end of the cedars 3.20 chains from an adjacent property. I did not have this cords but even with them today I just was not able to find that stone.


I was there but the stone was not to be found.



So I moved on to two stones I have looked for many times before. I figured I was in the area I would give them a shot again. I found the upper stones years ago but the lower one eluded me. And they did again today.


On my way back to Carranza I noticed this on Pasadena road behind the JJ White bogs at the old dump that has been there for years.

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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I used to take our trash to that dump in like 1970-1971. My step father had this old blue Chevy (c-10?). I think it had 3 on the column. I hated that job, always had to go at dusk and sometimes in the winter, with no heat.
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Jan 2, 2003
I used to take our trash to that dump in like 1970-1971. My step father had this old blue Chevy (c-10?). I think it had 3 on the column. I hated that job, always had to go at dusk and sometimes in the winter, with no heat.
I heard it was 3 on the tree.
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