I was going to post this in the traps thread, but no reason to bring it even more off topic.... So here it goes....
There are many different and diverse types of recreation that can be enjoyed in the pines. Many times they create conflicts, some more then others. But it's really not the form of recreation that conflicts, most of the time, I believe it’s the participants beliefs, closed mindedness and own stubbornness that creates these conflicts. Now I'm not talking about the outcome that could leave a negative effect to the ecological system. I'm strictly talking about the forms of recreation and the participants. As we all know any person involved in any form, be it leg powered, pedal powered, arm power, horse or gas powered can leave a negative impact on the ecosystem in one form or another and to different degrees. There are hiker and campers that toss their powerbar wrappers, water bottles and other trash on the ground and there are gas powered enthusiasts that purposely enter and destroy areas that should be forever untouched. But in those and any in-between those people are the minorities of the whole. Alot of the people that do recreate in the pines enjoy the outdoors only one specific way and others enjoy it from one end of the user’s spectrum to the other and out of all those people there will always be some "bad apples' to be found. It's will be only when the good majority reaches out and educates the children and newcomers to their sport or past-time how to be respectful of others, the environment and the laws will then the numbers of the bad diminish. This will tip the scale to even more responsible usage and sharing which will in turn benefit all people, the environment and also decrease the environmental impact. When I do things with my son and daughter no matter if in the streets of a city or the desolate woods in the area I speak to them about what good they can do and what they should not do. I can only believe that when they are older and have to make a choice in front of their peers they will remember and make a correct one. Those chats always include not littering, not to be destructive and actively participating in the community. They also include teaching them that because someone is different or enjoys something you do not that you should always show respect and understanding. I think this holds true in race, religion and recreation. I tell them that there will always be people who will not agree with you and will condemn you for your beliefs and actions but to again be respectful. My personal belief is that when everyone learns to get along, cooperate, and respect each other and their form of recreation then and only then will there be the balance needed to protect what we all love and enjoy, be at its peak and be most effective. If your a hard-line environmentalist, a trail hiker, an equestrian or an off road vehicle user, when we all learn to compromise, work to achive a common goal and together strive towards this goal harmony will be found....
There are many different and diverse types of recreation that can be enjoyed in the pines. Many times they create conflicts, some more then others. But it's really not the form of recreation that conflicts, most of the time, I believe it’s the participants beliefs, closed mindedness and own stubbornness that creates these conflicts. Now I'm not talking about the outcome that could leave a negative effect to the ecological system. I'm strictly talking about the forms of recreation and the participants. As we all know any person involved in any form, be it leg powered, pedal powered, arm power, horse or gas powered can leave a negative impact on the ecosystem in one form or another and to different degrees. There are hiker and campers that toss their powerbar wrappers, water bottles and other trash on the ground and there are gas powered enthusiasts that purposely enter and destroy areas that should be forever untouched. But in those and any in-between those people are the minorities of the whole. Alot of the people that do recreate in the pines enjoy the outdoors only one specific way and others enjoy it from one end of the user’s spectrum to the other and out of all those people there will always be some "bad apples' to be found. It's will be only when the good majority reaches out and educates the children and newcomers to their sport or past-time how to be respectful of others, the environment and the laws will then the numbers of the bad diminish. This will tip the scale to even more responsible usage and sharing which will in turn benefit all people, the environment and also decrease the environmental impact. When I do things with my son and daughter no matter if in the streets of a city or the desolate woods in the area I speak to them about what good they can do and what they should not do. I can only believe that when they are older and have to make a choice in front of their peers they will remember and make a correct one. Those chats always include not littering, not to be destructive and actively participating in the community. They also include teaching them that because someone is different or enjoys something you do not that you should always show respect and understanding. I think this holds true in race, religion and recreation. I tell them that there will always be people who will not agree with you and will condemn you for your beliefs and actions but to again be respectful. My personal belief is that when everyone learns to get along, cooperate, and respect each other and their form of recreation then and only then will there be the balance needed to protect what we all love and enjoy, be at its peak and be most effective. If your a hard-line environmentalist, a trail hiker, an equestrian or an off road vehicle user, when we all learn to compromise, work to achive a common goal and together strive towards this goal harmony will be found....