Red Oak Grove (and Union Clay Graves)

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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
bruset said:
I never saw any fridges at Union Clay Works when I was there this winter. That must be new. The only thing I saw was a burnt and upside down 70s Ford or Dodge.


I mentioned to you about the refrigerators when we were there. They are just through the woods from the clearing at Union Clay Works, not far from the foundations we walked to. They have been there for years from the looks of them.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
No I don't believe we actually walked over to them. I found them during my many visits there before I was able to actually find the Union Clay Graves. When I took you there I mentioned them but we did not visit. They are not near the graves and I believe we had other things to do that day so I let them slide.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Went to union clay works yesterday and found a new cellar hole I didn’t know about and a well apparently quite deep with roots crowing across it.I also found some clay pipes left stacked against a tree and a dpression in the pine needles where a jug of some sort had been sitting for some time and then lifted and took?hmmm.
Their were also some major thunderstorms tearing this area up as I approached from the south in hog wallow bogs me and my wife seen some major strikes.when we approached from 72 we were blocked by a freshly blasted pine tree that smelled of sap and a smell I never smelled before.ozone?we had to make a 3 mile detour to get back on track.I am sending the link to the tree gps location as well as the true location of red oak grove.I gpsâ€ed this time and was off half a mile.
thats the lightning tree
thats red oak grove.
manumuskin said:
Went to union clay works yesterday and found a new cellar hole I didn’t know about and a well apparently quite deep with roots crowing across it.

We must have just missed you. After our trip to Aserdaten & FRM I stopped at that very same cellar hole to show KenDawg. I had found that site about 2 weeks ago while exploring the area. Did you notice that small grassy patch just beyond the well? I think it may have been a garden or something.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
yes i noticed the grassy patch and i plan on going back with a light and a rope and dropping it down that well.the caver in me can"t resist.never did find the graves but i wont quit till i do:)


May 29, 2003
I stumbled upon that tree today also. I was able to move part of the branches to one side and get through. It must have been struck by lightning. I ws in Union Clay Works yesterday looking around and discovered some of the smallest ticks Ive ever seen on my legs and ankles. I must have pulled about 50-60 ticks that would be dwarfed by a grain of pepper.

As far as the area on the east side of the road down from Union Clay Works, I have thought that to be the site of Red Oak Grove. There definately was something there. It has large pine and oak trees, obvious cellar holes, pieces of pottery, shells, and some glass. It's obvious from the road due to the Indian grass growing there. If it's not Red Oak Grove, then it was certainly another inhabited area. There is a significantly larger deciduous tree on the western side of the road.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj

I saw your tracks today.I was at the lightning tree and someone has partially dragged it outta the way but I still could"nt get around it.If I"d of had a saw I coulda took one more branch off and made it.What were you drivin?That one branch was pointing south at me and I didnt wand a grill puncture.bout thick as my arm.Red oak grove really isn"t on the same road as the clay works.but it"s between the tree and the works.If you start at the works and head south the main road will swingl eft but a skinny road heads can either take the straight road till it hits a larger road or you can bear left with the main road,go to the next intersection(real sandy here) and turn right.when the next big road heads left look to your right and you"ll see the other end of the skinny road that heads back to the proceed straight a head toward the lightning tree and watch for a grassy patch with a bulldozer scoop outta the left side the road.walk up into this grassy patch and don"t fall into the cellar holes.beautiful mossy hole the big one be.big ass red oak across road and some big ones right on your side.
By the way at the works today I found the kiln remains (just missed it last time)and my wife found the old hand pump.then north a bit i found an old cellar hole with some 6ft long sections of clay pipe in it with smaller pieces too and then my wife found the refrigerators and junk in another cellar hole.these things appear to be old.perhaps they are from the original works.didn"t they function right into the age of electricity?in any case their had to be a road to the cellar hole to dump that heavy stuff in there.It"s only maybe 50 yards off the road but you"d never get a truck up to it now so the stuffs been there awhile.Still haven"t found them graves.maybe have to wait for winter but I"m gonna keep at it till i fulla them stinkin little ticks you were talkin about.Not one big one to be seen.
have you found the cellar and well across the street?awesome well.gotta check that out with a light some day.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
There was at one time a gun club on that little road that heads into the woods near the clearing. It is shown as the black dot below the target symbol in the below map. The refrigerators could have come from there if they had a generator to run them while they were using the club, or it could just be a place where someone dumped their trash. But why go that far into the woods to do that, so I would think it was from the gun club somehow.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I had forgotten about that so it is more than likely they are from the gun club.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
that black square on the map sits almost square on the kiln remains.found some old bottles(liqour) in that area but no foundations other the kiln except north a ways the cellar hole the refrigerators are in and the one east that the clay pipes are in.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I was told there was a gun club there by a historian who visited there years ago. That is the only reference I had heard about that so I was taking it as fact. He visited there after a fire and found many tools that were used in the Clay operations. He was going to bring them to one of our outings in the past but it never occurred. He has asked me to visit his home to see them but we have not been able to set a date so far.



Yes, like the road that runs from the Batsto/Pleasant Mills Church to 206. I found a truckload of what looked like plaster and lath out there last weekend. How sad. And that was quite a distance out.
And near the Atlantic County Goose Ponds there are truck loads of all kinds of trash out there. Although that's only a couple miles from civilization there.
BEHR655 said:
It does seem that a lot of people go out of there way to dump their trash in the woods. There are some real low lifes out there.
Those refridgerators actually could have ran on propane believe it or not.



May 29, 2003
I love the fact that there are other nuts roaming the woods at the same time I am and are picking up on all kinds evidence such as, my footprints in the sand at some fallen tree out in the middle of nowhere in thunder and lightning storms. I will definately have to show this dialogue to my girlfriend to convince her I'm not the only person doing this. I drive a somewhat haggard 89 Jeep Cherokee. You made me feel better about her! It got a flat today which I am positive happened when I pulled through an old gas station before we got into the trails. I perhaps, stupidly, drove throughtout the pines without a spare all day!

I didn't check out across the road from the Clay Works, but noticed that there is another lane there which apparently was made in areas of high traffic! It blows my mind and bewilders to imagine those days. I also initially tried to find what was left of the bldg. that the current topo shows at the end of the small indicated trail and did see the kiln remnants in the approximate vicinity. That would be truly fantastic to see the tools salvaged from this former facility. A picture, as in many cases, would be a dream come true. Do any exist? Also, does anyone know the approximate dates when Union Clay operated?

I have previously followed my topos through straight (as you mentioned) past Union Clay and through the small trail and listened to the metallic screech of branches against my Jeep in the past, but that just winds up turning left back onto the main trail just the same. I see the old maps show Red Oak Grove in between the current main road and the older (narrower) one and I know where the vehicle chasis lies, but found absolutely nothing in that area. Of course that doesn't mean this is not the exact location of Red Oak Grove. It was just the home of a particular investor person if my memory serves me well, so there may not have been significant development there and contained no cellars. Thank God for the installment of cellars by those who did! Those old maps have been pretty accurate as far as the locations of the old towns in association with their placement to the particular roads that used to service them. I think it MAY be possible,however, that they were off in the case of Red Oak Grove, but will of course not jump to conclusions. That cleared area at the curve further up the road is just VERY interesting and is not labeled on any maps I've seen yet. If anyone finds anything out about it, please let on!

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County

This is a picture of my 1990 Cherokee on the small, unused road that runs beside Red Oak Grove.


Cherokees are great trucks, but I want to get a Wrangler soon.


May 29, 2003
Nice Jeep. That's pretty cool that you had a pic of yours from the the road we were discussing. It's good to see both side mirrors holding tight. One of mine sags down like a wounded ear on a stray dog. Mines red, but wish it wasn't. Makes it easy to see when coming back from hikes though. Mine's been fairly reliable in the past but I look forward to an upgrade such as a Wrangler. I think th '79 Jeep was the best thing they ever made, but won't be buying anything older than what I have now. Have you had any head gaskets leaks. Mine has a slow one and I've heard a lot of people who own them complain about it. I'm almost 100 percent sure to buy another Jeep as my next car. They get through just about anything! Love 'em.
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