The Weymouth Man
Piney1125 said:
Does anybody have any clue what happened to the man? Is there anywhere else where I can find the diaries? How about the Batsto Store Books? Where else are they found?
I just did a quick search online, and found a post on mentioning a book that has what I assume is the complete diary. Here is the post.
Just a clarification to my first post. It was Michael Mick, Jr. who was the strawboss a Martha Furnace. The way I wrote it could imply that I meant it to be his son, John Mick.
There is a book by Henry Bisbee and Rebecca Colesar- Bisbee which is a printing of the Martha Furnace Diary. Michael Mick, Jr. is mentioned often. Michael Mick Sr. is listed as a worker.
Here was the reply.
Thanks again For the clarification that it was Micheal Mick Jr. who was the strawboss at Martha Furnace. The next time I can get to New Jersey, I'll go to the library in Mays Landing and Check out the Martha Furnace Diary by Henry Bisbee and Rebecca Colesar-Bisbee. Regards
I believe with all of the info that has been offered to you here, you should be able to find what you want. You are going to have to do some leg work most likely, because a quick search in a few book sites on the web did not turn up that book. That author was writing in the 50's so it may be rare. Contact your local or county library.