Sandy aftermath


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Good to hear folks are safe. We were very fortunate; lost power for about 18hrs, some trees down, no flooding. Can't get anywhere except local. The barrier island is now truly an island and has been cut by the ocean in Mantoloking. I heard a rep0rt that the RT 37 bridges may be unstable and may be closed. This is 10 times worse than the 1952 storm.

Ben, are you still in TR? If you need transportation somewhere let me know.

Info should anyone need assistance at the link.
Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
For those of you who know about Sea Breeze, do you think this was the storm that leveled that area for good? I've followed the posts concerning Sea Breeze and have found the entire history fascinating, however I never did get to there to see it for myself. I'm fearful that I've missed out on that opportunity, for good, because of Sandy.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
So today I just found out that renters insurance does not cover flood damage. I put in a claim with FEMA yesterday so hopefully they will come through with something for me. I have a line on an apartment that I can hopefully stay in for a few months.

What may be the most helpful to me is if anybody has any old furniture that they're looking to get rid of, keep me in mind. I'm probably not going to need much for the new apartment but I'll need to replace stuff once I get back into my house. That will take a while since the whole house needs to be gutted.

You can send Paypal to that address although certainly there are folks out there in much direr straits than I am that could use your support.

I really appreciate everybody's concern. It means a lot!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Ben, sorry to hear of your situation. I just got power back on in Bamber after 3 days. Shreiking wind and many broken trees. The far wall of the storm was the real deal.

I have a full bed you can have, 1930's vintage but serviceable. You'd have to get a matress and box spring though. I'll look around and see if I have anything else you could use.

Evan Wilder

New Member
Jun 21, 2011
Ben, awful. Sorry to hear about your house and everything. Glad you are safe though. Nice of your mom to provide refuge through the storm. Best to everyone enduring through the storm's damage.


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
OMG! Ben, that is horrible! If you need anything I am not far from you. This is the first time I have been on line since Monday. I still have no power. My 4g just started working on my phone. I have not ventured far from Bayville since the storm. Traceys parents and sister have houses in Ortley Beach. We plan on going back to check on total loses when access to the island opens up. I know a few people that lost everything. This storm was the real deal!

Scott, I wish you the best on your boat.



Feb 4, 2009
a the pines
Sigh..... Just checking onto the sight after hearing about Ben from a friend and now worried about the rest of you. I have not had phone/internet since Monday morning. Electric came back on Wed. nite. Many neighbors still without. I am at work for the first time today and updating myself on what's happening.
Homes along the river in Lower Bank/Green Bank sustained moderate to heavy damage as the storm surge pushed in the water. Sad to say, Scott.....the River Road Clam house did not fare well. Our place did better a 1/4 mile from the river. Spent most of the aftermath helping friends and neighbors.....and sharing FEMA info. Hard to keep a chin-up sometimes.

Ben, I have STUFF for your place.... been looking for an excuse to unload some attic contents and it doesn't look like my brother is moving anytime soon. :) I'm here to help.

Til' later everyone....
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Nov 5, 2008
Jersey Shore
No power as of yet but I was lucky that we didn't get water in the house. It came up to the patio. We had about 20% of the homes in Skippers Cove under water. Yesterday I was helping neighbors take out their belongings and putting them on the curb for removal by Ocean Township. I am working off a small Yamaha generator and I am going back and forth on lights, or Internet and fish tank pump. Again, I feel grateful that my wife and I are OK.
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Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Thanks to everyone who sent along some money this morning. That was nice to wake up to.

I'm still waiting on FEMA. I can't get any info from them at all. Other people are seeing adjusters come out the next day, getting calls, etc. I guess I'm a lower priority since I'm a renter?

I tried to attach a pic of my house underwater to the @njpinebarrens twitter account. You can see the latest tweets from the homepage of the site. If not then look on twitter for it. I'm typing on my phone so I have limited access to things.

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
So today I just found out that renters insurance does not cover flood damage.

Sorry to hear that you suffered a near total loss. I know that saying, "Be thankful that nobody was hurt or killed," is an overused and maybe even annoying phrase you'll hear from people, but the older you get, the more you'll realize the truth of that statement. Possessions can always be replaced. You're young, and you will bounce back just fine from this.

Unfortunately I didn't have any better luck with flood insurance than you did with renters insurance. I found out that flood insurance doesn't cover anything below the first "living space" on the house. Everything that was destroyed is below the first living space. :( I lost the bulkhead behind the house on the bay (now the bay is encroaching on the house) both floating docks, one dock ramp, washer, dryer and about 75% of my possessions which were stored in the garage and below the house in the crawl space. Just spent two 16 hour days cleaning up and throwing everything away. I hope to finish today. There's a mountain of garbage, furniture and appliances in front of every house on the street. Myself and most everybody else who walked in the water has experienced a burning sensation on their skin. Now I have infections starting under some of my toenails. I think I need a vacation...somewhere dry, like the desert.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Power is back on at my mom's house. You wouldn't believe the devastation in my neighborhood. Every house has a mountain of waterlogged stuff out by the curb.

Not your moms neighborhood?