Sandy Ridge Wading Harrisville

Oct 25, 2006
Me and my friend George decided to take a photo tour on Thursday at various places in the pines, plus a good hike on Calico Warren Grove Road. I just had to have this pic in my collection.

We then got back in the car and drove down to Sandy Ridge, got out and took this shot.

Another cellar hole, but this is really a shame, no respect at all.

We then got back in the car and drove to the new bridge at Friendship, approaching the bridge, there was a large group of people in the area inspecting the ruins. I took this photo from the bridge.

We then walked to this cellar hole.

We then got back in the car taking the sandy road to where the Alloway Monument is located and photographed this.


Back in the car again, we then went to Hawkins Bridge taking this photo.

We then proceeded to Godfrey's Bridge taking this shot.

Off again to go back to the Calico area to show George where i visited last Sunday, taking this pic on the way.

We arrived at Calico, we hiked to the east on Calico-Warren Grove Road to a little over half way to the bombing range area showing George different sights on the way seeing multitudes of deer, one was an eight point buck, every time i tried to take a picture of a deer they vamoosed.

Arrived back at the car, the flies were out in force, but the cutter deep woods kept them at bay. we then drove back on Oswego Road crossing Allen's Road where on the way to Munion Field we observed this multi-roomed ruin on the left hand side of the road.

We then decided to call it a day, but on the way home either though i visited this marker before i needed a pic for my collection.

I stopped one more time on the way back home to take one more pic, anyone know where i took this one at.

After this last pic it was finally time to go home, on the way the sky started getting real dark to the northwest ( home ), we decided that since Tabernacle where another one of my friend's lives always has ice cold Budweiser ready for consumption we would make a stop.

Around nine i arrived home, and i was just thinking that my friend George finally heeded my advice, long pants, permanone treated boots, he tucked his socks in his boots, shirt in his pants, sprayed his exposed skin with cutter, wow, no complaining finally on this trip.

Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
Nice pics and log of events Jim. The water level look really low, which isn't all that unexpected. I'm assuming you had already visited the Harrisville ruins across the highway from that dam/waterfall? If you've never visited these ruins, you're really missing out.

Edit: After relooking at the pics, I may have confused this area with what I was referring to. Sorry about that.
Oct 25, 2006
Nice pics and log of events Jim. The water level look really low, which isn't all that unexpected. I'm assuming you had already visited the Harrisville ruins across the highway from that dam/waterfall? If you've never visited these ruins, you're really missing out.

Edit: After relooking at the pics, I may have confused this area with what I was referring to. Sorry about that.

Thanks Ray

Harrisville is a place i have always stopped at on the way back from Tuckerton where i kept my former boat at.

I have been exploring there quite alot over the years, i want to show George the place extensively, but that will have to wait until winter, the vegetation as you know is really thick right now.
Jan 3, 2007
Cherry Hill
Nice photos and trip report James. That littered cellar hole really is depressing. There isnt a single place in this world where someone hasnt left trash. Even in the most remote of places chances are good that you will find something someone left behind.


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
I've been looking close at those pics, hoping to catch my cell phone in one of them. I was at many of those same locations on Wednesday and it fell off my belt someplace along the way. Oh well, easy come, easy go!


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Those monuments are adding up Jim :) And the photo's also. Very nice!

I could make a "Then & Now" with your Harrisville dam photo. If I get time I will.

Oct 25, 2006
Those monuments are adding up Jim :) And the photo's also. Very nice!

I could make a "Then & Now" with your Harrisville dam photo. If I get time I will.


That then and now is something i and everyone else would really like to see.
When you get the time Guy go for it.
Oct 25, 2006
I've been looking close at those pics, hoping to catch my cell phone in one of them. I was at many of those same locations on Wednesday and it fell off my belt someplace along the way. Oh well, easy come, easy go!

We did find a knife on Calico-Warren Grove Road, i wish we would have found your cellphone also.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Is that multi-roomed ruin off of Oswego Rd. the ruins of the cement plant? We visited there this afternoon and that's what we were thinking it was.

If I remember correctly, Barry from the Ghost Town site has a map showing that as a failed development. The map shows road plans but I don't believe they were named. This was 5 years ago so my memory may be a little sketchy. Some of the old time members here may be able to tell us if I am wrong or not.



Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
The road atlas for Burlington shows those roads there, and we were remarking on them as we walked around. There were two large ruins, built of cinderblock. The one on the east side had obviously burned, but I'm not sure about the one to the west. Behind the ruins is a large sloping area of open sand. The whole thing is blocked to vehicle access by wire cable covered with PVC pipe, which is just as well. I really thought it looked industrial, but I suppose the front structures could have been clubhouses or offices or something like that. Seems a lot of trouble to make them out of cinderblock, but then I don't know how old they are. There was also a lot of rusting sheet iron, and some of the electrical fittings remaining in the eastern ruin definitely seemed dated and industrial, not residential, consisting of metal junction boxes with metal flex tube connecting them, all well-rusted of course.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Those ruins that Jim photographed I always assumed was a gun club. Those ruins can be easily missed if one is not looking at the right moment.
