

Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
RednekF350 said:
Next week the permit shotgun seasons return until 1-31-06.


What day does it actually start, or has it already?



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
TeeGate said:

What day does it actually start, or has it already?

All zones are currently open for muzzleloader until tommorow, Jan. 6, 2006.
The permit shotgun seasons reopen on Saturday the 7th and remain open until 1-31-06 in most every zone.
There are some zones like 49 that have permit shotgun until February 11.
Here is the link to the regulation sets.
If you go to the Fish and Game website and click on deer then click on Deer Zone map you can figure out what's open where.
I live in 23 where there is only one day of permit shotgun. Zone 24 east of 563 is another one day zone.
Winter bow is now open statewide until 1-31-06.
I am not a club hunter and it is really disappointing to have all of these days available to me and then have to deal with the brown and down gangs that roam 19 and 25 shooting anything with hair throughout the month of January.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
RednekF350 said:
I am not a club hunter and it is really disappointing to have all of these days available to me and then have to deal with the brown and down gangs that roam 19 and 25 shooting anything with hair throughout the month of January. Scott

That reminds me Scott, I was going to ask you something. I have seen drivers for a long time growing up around here, but I saw something at the start of last months deer season that really struck me. I was on my way to work on route 70 just east of Lakehurst. The traffic was heavy as it usually is that time of morning; cars as far as you can see in front of you and moving about 50 miles per hour. Also cars going the other direction towards Philly. Then, a line of 12 to 15 hunters spaced 50 yards apart appeared on the shoulder of 70, shotguns in hand. They were peering into the woods. The third guy had his shotgun OVER HIS SHOULDER POINTING BACK AT THE TRAFFIC! :eek: I had to think, what are they going to do if a deer comes out of the woods in a panic and into traffic? What are they going to do if they see a deer; fire at them with cars less than 5 yards away?

Scott, I have nothing against hunters, but this appeared to be wrong and a little bit pathetic. They all had the best hunting clothes, all clean and spiffy. Definitely did not look like old timers. I saw a cop a little further along coming the other way and thought.."he'll have to tell them to move, he just has to, he has no choice".

What do you think?


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
They would have had to be the drivers.
I have yet to see a club dumb enough to drive a piece towards a road.
The general scheme of driving deer is to drive towards escape cover.
If you follow the edge of any swamp around here you will generally find an inconspicuous trail skirting the perimeter that are maintained by the clubs. Very hard to discern unless you have been on a few.
Nonetheless, when a drive starts I have seen plenty of deer break back through the drivers and go in the reverse direction.
There are also times when a club will be driving parallel with a road towards cover and if they have enough manpower that day, they will "side stand" it with men spaced along the road watching for deer ready to break the road.
I hunted with a club one day during regular shotgun about twenty years ago. We had a deer break back at the start of a drive and it got run over by a school bus.
Luckily there were no kids to witness that stupidity. We salvaged most of the meat.
In New Jersey you can hunt near a road but you cannot shoot across a road.
In Pennsylvania you can shoot across aroad when you are "sure" you are not going to hit someone by vitue of the fact that you have enough elevation above the road.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Thanks Scott, does clear things up a bit. I didn't think they were drivers because of the guns. I always thought the drivers did not carry guns.


Sep 7, 2005
I have lived between (2) two hunting clubs on the same road for years.
I am NOT a fan of their breed of hunting.
Organized chaos.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Both of the clubs that Largo is referring to have had some nearly deadly accidents amongst themselves.
One guy that I know who is a former member of Rosedale Deer Club near Largo's house took a 00 buck pellet to the head from one of his fellow members.
The pellet took a trip under the perimeter of his scalp and exited without any permanent damge.
He was a stander and the next guy down the line decided he would step into the piece to get a better vantage point.
The deer broke to the standers and the guy swung and shot back towards the other standers and caught the guy that I know in the head.
I have hunted as a guest with another club who preaches safety all the time and they insist that all physically fit standers be in tree stands so that they are shooting down at the deer and not at their members.
I know club hunting (driving) is deeply entrenched in New Jersey and it is not likely to end any time soon.
My friends in Pennsylvania look at me with dropped jaws when I tell them the clubs near me drive with muzzleloaders too.
Shotgun buck season, one week in December, forces the hunter to be sure that a deer has an antler at least 3" in length before dropping the hammer That at least requires a little patience on the part of the shooter.
The permit shotgun seasons are inherently more hazardous because the shooter only need be sure that he is shooting at a deer that is brown or at least what he thought was a brown deer.....


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I was around the Mary Ann forge area today, briefly, and look what I found. What do you think?

additionalruinsatMAF 006.jpg (149.1 KB)


  • additionalruinsatMAF 006.jpg
    additionalruinsatMAF 006.jpg
    149.1 KB · Views: 319


Jan 2, 2003
A drive isn't hunting!

There was a drive out here in Shamong in the late 1990"s which stired up alot of deer and caused an accident on 206. Pathetic lack of talent.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
woodjin said:
I was around the Mary Ann forge area today, briefly, and look what I found. What do you think?

What do you think it is Jeff? I have no idea.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Ok. I just saw your other post. It could be a saw mill foundation.



Sep 7, 2005
woodjin said:
I was around the Mary Ann forge area today, briefly, and look what I found. What do you think?

The design gives the impression of a reciever base for just about anything portable.Perhaps someone got a better mousetrap of a saw setup that was smoother sailing than unbolting them.But would it stay in place under use ??
With that theory there could be other machinery that would be more practical with this design.

Now, the concept bears similarity to another structure that was once described to me. Except for the lack of a pit type run off, think portable outhouse or cleaning feature of an outhouse design. My dad told me of a dual stall set-up at the homestead originally purchased as a result of WPA effort.There were two stalls that the guts could be slid out of a reciever base for cleaning and transportation.Very fancy set-up. I am going to have him look at this pic.
The price by the way.... 5 to 10 dollars depending on how elaborate you wanted it.

Past these guesses, I don't really know either, neat thing either way.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I scanned up an article about Saw Mills from the Fall of 1971 Batsto Citizens Gazette. It was written by Joe Wilson, a Batsto Citizen Committee member and former Gazette editor.

One thing the article discusses is what those of us who have visited them over the years have noticed, and that is they almost always have a depression in the ground nearby. It also lists a few general locations of where they can be found, and the author was even able to locate a man who worked at the Sandy Ridge Mill which actually may be the one we visited last weekend.

I had to scan it in two parts and connect them, so the size is about 660K. I will place it on my Comcast website and eventually I will be removing it.

If you have any comments please post, and if you find any of them pass on the coordinates so we can keep this thread going. That reminds me that I did not post the coordinates of the one we found last week.


Here is the article.

BobM said:
I wish I could read that Guy, its too small. Is it just me?

I printed it out on 2 pages using the banner setting in my printer. Your printer probably has the same feature.

Thanks for posting that. It is a great artical. I think I might know the area on QB Rd that they are talking about. I never saw a platform there but I never looked for one.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BEHR655 said:
Thanks for posting that. It is a great artical. I think I might know the area on QB Rd that they are talking about. I never saw a platform there but I never looked for one.


It is a great article as you say! If you come up with the location on QB road pass on the coordinates to me and I will check it out. I was thinking I was going to have to walk the length of that section of road along the edge of the river to search for it.

Bob...Jeff is correct. Even on my Mac you just click on the article and it enlarges. If it doesn't, just download it and open it a paint program such as PhotoShop.


I don't have the coords in my gps anymore but this is my best guess.
39 44' 3.02" 74 42' 34.48"
I don't want to send you on a wild goose chase. I've always thought that this area showed signs of human activity but I've only looked over the site briefly.
