Have you met Bill, the reptile wrangler? He's on the Manumuskin preserve at least once a day. I just put a pic in my album the other day of him radioing in snakes at Manumuskin. He's a really cool guy, let us tag behind him and watch what he was doing. He tracked a particular pine snake over 3 miles in less than a week after its release. He hasn't found any rattlers down there yet, but suspects that Peaslee may have some and is eager to catch one.
I read somewhere, though I don't remember were, that Pine Snake is considered threatened mostly because of its habitat, somewhat like the Pine Barrens Tree Frog. Meaning that, they are not considered threatened when you look at their numbers in the Pines, but when you look at it on a macro scale, and take into account the destruction of their habitat and where they are able to survive on a federal or global scale, they are definitely threatened.