Sorden Family


New Member
Mar 22, 2010
I am trying to find information on the Sorden family that owned cranberry bogs and lived in Indian Mills/Shamong in the mid to late 1800's. John H. Sorden was married to Theresa Ann Weeks. My information going back stops with John H. It appears that the bogs that were owned by the Sorden family were sold at the time of John H.'s death to pay off outstanding debts. Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
This is someone I know who can most likely help you, but they have not been on the site in months. He is a cranberry bog historian and if he shows up one day hey may see the post. I have quite a few old maps showing ownership of bog but that area I do not have many. I will look them over and see if I find anything but I don't recognize the name.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I am assuming you have viewed this?

Hit# 2
Acsn# 69925
Headline: COURT.
Date: October 10, 1906
Page: 3
Column: 7
Summary: ... An order of continuance was made in the estate of John H. Sorden on motion of Richard B. Eckman. ...

Hit# 3
Acsn# 69771
Date: September 5, 1906
Page: 3
Column: 7
Summary: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the accounts of the subscriber, administrator of JOHN H. SORDEN, deceased, late of the county of Burlington, will be audited and stated by the Surrogate and reported for settlement and allowance to the Orphans' Court of said county for October 6, 1906. LEWIS E. PRICKITT, Administrator. 10-2m. (This notice also appears in the September 12, 1906 edition at Page 2, Column 6, the September 19, 1906 edition at Page 4, Column 7, the September 26, 1906 edition at Page 4, Column 7 and the October 3, 1906 edition at Page 4, Column 7.) (This notice also appears in the the October 10, 1906 edition at Page 4, Column 6, the October 17, 1906 edition at Page 2, Column 9, the October 24, 1906 edition at both Page 3, Column 8 and Page 4, Column 7, the October 31, 1906 edition at Page 2, Column 7, the November 7, 1906 edition at Page 4, Column 10 and the November 14, 1906 edition at Page 4, Column 7, despite the fact that the date for settlement and allowance is stated to be October 6, 1906.)

it# 3
Acsn# 69771
Date: September 5, 1906
Page: 3
Column: 7
Summary: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the accounts of the subscriber, administrator of JOHN H. SORDEN, deceased, late of the county of Burlington, will be audited and stated by the Surrogate and reported for settlement and allowance to the Orphans' Court of said county for October 6, 1906. LEWIS E. PRICKITT, Administrator. 10-2m. (This notice also appears in the September 12, 1906 edition at Page 2, Column 6, the September 19, 1906 edition at Page 4, Column 7, the September 26, 1906 edition at Page 4, Column 7 and the October 3, 1906 edition at Page 4, Column 7.) (This notice also appears in the the October 10, 1906 edition at Page 4, Column 6, the October 17, 1906 edition at Page 2, Column 9, the October 24, 1906 edition at both Page 3, Column 8 and Page 4, Column 7, the October 31, 1906 edition at Page 2, Column 7, the November 7, 1906 edition at Page 4, Column 10 and the November 14, 1906 edition at Page 4, Column 7, despite the fact that the date for settlement and allowance is stated to be October 6, 1906.)

Hit# 4
Acsn# 69420
Headline: COURT.
Date: June 27, 1906
Page: 3
Column: 4
Summary: ... ---On motion of Richard B. Eckman, on behalf of Jacob C. Hendrickson, whose continued illness prevents his presence in court, an order was made in the insolvency estate of John H. Sorden, deceased, fixing time for the filing of claims. ...

Hit# 5
Acsn# 68390
Date: November 22, 1905
Page: 3
Column: 8
Summary: By virtue of an order to sell real estate to pay debts of the estate of John H. Sorden, deceased, issued out of the Orphans' Court of Burlington county, on the 14th day of October, last, I shall sell at public vendue at the late residence of John H. Sorden, near Indian Mills, on Thursday the Twenty-first Day of December, A. D., 1905, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, all the following described tracts of land and premises with the appurtenances, being same described in said order, that is to say: No. 1. A farm and tract of land and premises known as the John H. Sorden farm, situate in Shamong township, Burlington county, on the south side of the public road leading from Indian Mills to Dingletown, beginning at a stone in the middle of the public road leading from Joseph LeMunyon's place to a farm belonging to John J. Gardiner, and is corner to late Mahlon Prickitt's land and John R. Wilkinson's land, and runs thence, (1) along the middle of the road the several courses and distances thereof to this place of beginning, containing one hundred and forty acres, more or less; also about fifty acres of uncultivatable cranberry land, to be sold separately, in lots, to suit purchasers, a part of the original farm tract. No. 2. A tract of land of thirty-nine acres and thirty-two one-hundredths, comprising two cultivated cranberry bogs, known as the Fish Pond and Baker's Island cranberry bogs. Beginning at a stone in the late Mahlon Prickitt's line and runs thence, (1) north twenty eight degrees and fifty minutes east, the several courses and distances to the place of beginning. These bogs to be sold separately. No. 3. A tract of land of three acres and two one-hundredths of an acre, known as the Spring bog bounded as follows: beginning at a stone that is corner to the Slab Bridge cranberry bog, a quarter of a mile from the homestead, and runs (1) by said bog south the several courses and distances to the place of beginning. No. 4. A lot of land (cranberry bog) eleven acres and seventy-eight one-hundredths of an acre known as Sorden's old bog, near the aforesaid land, beginning at a stone in David Evans' line by which it runs (1) north through the several courses and distances to the place of beginning. No. 5. A lot of land (cranberry bog) five acres and twenty one-hundredths of an acre, adjoining the last above described piece of land, known as the Than. Brown cranberry bog. No. 6. All that undivided two-thirds of a tract of land in Shamong township, aforesaid, situate near Dingletown, containing thirteen acres and forty one-hundredths of an acre. The whole to be sold, the other third owner William P. Sorden, consenting. People interested in cranberry land will do well to call on James Wills at Indian Mills or at the farm. I. ELY PRICKETT,Administrator of John H. Sorden, deceased. JACOB C. HENDRICKSON, Proctor for Petitioner. November 11, 5t. (This notice also appears in the November 29, 1905 edition at Page 3, Column 10 and the December 6, 1905 edition at Page 3, Column 8.)

Hit# 8
Acsn# 43976
Headline: DIED.
Date: April 12, 1905
Page: 2
Column: 5
Summary: SORDEN.--At Indian Mills, April 4, John H. Sorden, aged 68 years.

Hit# 9
Acsn# 43409
Headline: MARRIED.
Date: July 27, 1904
Page: 2
Column: 5
Summary: MARTIN--SORDEN.--July 17, at Indian Mills, by Rev. W. J. Lister, William Martin, of Atlantic City, and Miss Laura Sorden, of Indian Mills.

Hit# 10
Acsn# 42629
Headline: DIED.
Date: August 26, 1903
Page: 2
Column: 4
Summary: SORDEN.--August 23, at Medford, Hannah, wife of William K. Sorden, aged 76 years.

Hit# 12
Acsn# 64337
Headline: MARRIED.
Date: November 2, 1881
Page: 2
Column: 8
Summary: SORDEN--WEEKS.--At Medford, Oct. 13, by Rev. G. R. Snyder, John H. Sorden, of Shamong, and Miss Teresa Weeks, of Weeksville.

Hit# 13
Acsn# 61304
Date: November 6, 1873
Page: 3
Column: 5
Summary: Will be sold at Public Sale, on Sixth-day, the 14th of 11th Mo., (November,) on the premises, or land owned by David Haines, dec'd., situate about 3 miles above Taunton, on the east side and near the Hopewell road, on the east side and near the Hopewell road, on Kettle Run, adjoining lands of Joshua S. Wills and others, the Timber standing on about 50 Acres, consisting of primitive growth, pine and chestnut oak, suitable for pump logs and saw stuff, and will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. A credit of 5 months will be given, and not less than two years to remove the timber. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp, and to be sold by JOHN N. HAINES. On the day following, SEVENTH-DAY, THE 15th OF 11th MONTH, (November,) will be sold at Public Sale, on the premises, the Cedar, of superior quality, standing on about 3 Acres, or primitive growth, suitable for shingles and saw logs, and will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. It is situated in the Great Swamp on Sorden's Causeway, a little west and near Nancy Gifford's, and about 2 1/2 miles from Israel Chew's, 4 miles from Atsion Mills, 3 miles from Iron Mills, and 4 miles from Hammonton, on the Atlantic Railroad. A rare chance is here offered for those desiring to purchase timber of this description, as it is said to be the best piece of cedar timber in that section of the county. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp. A credit of 5 months will be given and sufficient time to remove the timber. JOHN N. HAINES, Executor. October 29, 1873. (This notice also appears in the November 13, 1873 edition at Page 3, Column 4.)


New Member
Mar 22, 2010
Thank you TeeGate - I had not seen some of that before. John H. Sorden was my great, great grandfather and the Sorden family has been a mystery to us for a long time. We have absolutely no info on John H. Sorden's parents. I was in the Wharton Forest area in March and thought we stumbled upon the remains of the Sorden home. We had an old hand drawn map that listed the family names and tried to navigate from that.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Thank you TeeGate - I had not seen some of that before. John H. Sorden was my great, great grandfather and the Sorden family has been a mystery to us for a long time. We have absolutely no info on John H. Sorden's parents. I was in the Wharton Forest area in March and thought we stumbled upon the remains of the Sorden home. We had an old hand drawn map that listed the family names and tried to navigate from that.

If that map has any landmarks or stones listed, I may be able to find the location. However, if you believe the property is where current homes are near where I posted the link for, I doubt I can help you there. Basically, if you feel it is in the woods I may be able to help.


Piney Progeny

New Member
Where can I find this kind of information about my family? The hits you mention, with obituaries, marriages, etc. I would love to be able to look up information about my family, the Roediger's, from Lower Bank. My dad has a lot of info already, but needs to fill in some blanks. Whatever you are researching looks like a possibility for us. Is there a web site for old newspapers that you accessing? Thanks, Elaine.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Where can I find this kind of information about my family? The hits you mention, with obituaries, marriages, etc. I would love to be able to look up information about my family, the Roediger's, from Lower Bank. My dad has a lot of info already, but needs to fill in some blanks. Whatever you are researching looks like a possibility for us. Is there a web site for old newspapers that you accessing? Thanks, Elaine.

I looked for Roediger and did not find anything. I wish I had more for you.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Thank you TeeGate - I had not seen some of that before. John H. Sorden was my great, great grandfather and the Sorden family has been a mystery to us for a long time. We have absolutely no info on John H. Sorden's parents. I was in the Wharton Forest area in March and thought we stumbled upon the remains of the Sorden home. We had an old hand drawn map that listed the family names and tried to navigate from that.

If you don't mind sharing that map I may be able to help you. I was looking over that last bit of info I sent you and there is a possibility their property was closer to Hammonton and not as close to the Indian Mills (Shamong township) area as I thought.



New Member
Mar 22, 2010
Teegate - this is the map we were using. The Sorden property was located south of Tabernacle and East of Indian Mills.


  • Sorden Family Map.jpg
    Sorden Family Map.jpg
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Okay, looking the map over I would say the location is Tuckerton Road and Forked Neck Road and most likely Tuckerton and Carranza Road. There are old cranberry bogs in that area, but it is well built up also. Check out this map I made using your map and Ben's map from this site. Tuckerton Road is the long road that the circles go through. The locations mentioned on the map are known locations so I suspect my guess is quite good.



New Member
Mar 22, 2010
Thanks Guy, If this area within the Wharton Forest? Do you know if there are foundations from the homes still there? I think we were in the vicinity. We found brick foundations immediately after crossing a bridge that appeared to go over bogs. There were several foundations including what appeared to be a very large structure which may have been a barn.


New Member
Mar 22, 2010
Guy, where did you find the "hits" that you listed above? Do you know or have any information at all on the Sorden family? As I mentioned earlier, we have only been able to go back as far as John H. Sorden. Don't have any idea who his parents were. Thanks,


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I have an email in to the person who I think may be able to help you. I had two email addresses but one came back. Hopefully, the other is still valid.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I have been working on this, and depending on how you want to read the map, here is where my guess is. It seems to me that at one time the road must have extended further where I have drawn the blue line, and if that is true their property would be in what is now today........old cranberry bogs. I drove by there today and was looking from the road. It is private property.


So if the blue circle is correct their house would be here.

And if the red circle is correct it would be here.

I am leaning towards the blue since it shows Tuckerton Road meeting just before their house.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

That location shown on your map is not the same as we are discussing. However, it does agree with the info I posted and may actually be the correct location we need to find. The Shamong map may be leading us to the wrong person or location.

You agree or not?
