Stone bridge on the Mullica


Jan 2, 2003
On Friday we took our third paddle on the Mullica this year from the canoe landing just above Batsto to Crawleys Landing. It's always a facinating trip, be it nature or observing what humans have done to their side of the river.

We've never done this section at such low water, and provided an opportunity to see old bulkheads, from wood and metal, to transmission and other car parts, holding up the bank.

I was also supprised to find out what was holding up an old stone bridge located here:

<link removed>

I am assuming it was a bridge as there is a similar structure on the other side of the river. I don't think the span was stone.

The bottom of the stone wall is supported by a wooden board supported by wood posts. I brightened the pictures all I could.

You can drive to it, but have to bushwack the last 100 ft because the road is over grown.

And let's not ignore the othed side of the river:



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Thanks for the photo's Ed! That is an interesting bridge. I wonder who owns that property? If it is in private hands I hope they try to keep the bridge intact.



Jan 2, 2003
Boyd said:
Wow - imagine all the weight those posts are supporting! I wonder how long they will hold?

It appears that the wood is only supporting the wall at the waters edge, but I really couldn't see more.

The side I posted pictures of is on state land, the other is private and in a much worse state.


Sep 7, 2005
You are only a couple turns upriver of my Uncle's place by the bent creek section on that stretch. Looks like the water was low. Makes for a bugger of a trip! That bridge has always intrigued me as the two sides don't seem to match perfectly.Could maybe just be me. It must be an elevation issue. I often wonder what tales of travelers could be told over those stones. If you look closely there are many other interesting little remains of structures. There is also what I believe although I could be wrong a sort of an Artesian well feeding between two properties from the Pleasant Mills road side. The water is very clear and cold where it hits the river. My daughter loves the Sax playing crock/gator in the swingin' duds! When the water is high the beach right by there is a great place to hang and take lunch whilst cooling in the waters.By far my favorite part of the trip when the water level permits is to go up to the mill itself. Actually have a couple pics in my gallery. A fond memory is back in the summers of the early 90's going up to the Mill, taking out and when he would have an art showing the old theater, Paul... the keeper of many years would let me in to peek around. He would let the place out to local and semi-local talented artist to show their work. It was a fascinating setting just seeing art in display around the old stage! He himself had a knack for arranging a few pieces of this or that he found in the pines on a piece of wood, naming it, calling it art and selling it. He knew my uncle well so he was very open with the place. I recall walking inside the stone wall with his dog, a Collie of some sort if I remember correctly.
Gosh, again I ramble... sorry. It's these things I love so that are my tie in. There are so many interests for so many persons it's as if there is no thirst that can not be quenched.
Hey, glad you had a good day on that interesting little stretch.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
LARGO said:
You are only a couple turns upriver of my Uncle's place by the bent creek section on that stretch. Looks like the water was low. Makes for a bugger of a trip! That bridge has always intrigued me as the two sides don't seem to match perfectly.Could maybe just be me. It must be an elevation issue. I often wonder what tales of travelers could be told over those stones. If you look closely there are many other interesting little remains of structures. There is also what I believe although I could be wrong a sort of an Artesian well feeding between two properties from the Pleasant Mills road side. The water is very clear and cold where it hits the river. My daughter loves the Sax playing crock/gator in the swingin' duds! When the water is high the beach right by there is a great place to hang and take lunch whilst cooling in the waters.By far my favorite part of the trip when the water level permits is to go up to the mill itself. Actually have a couple pics in my gallery. A fond memory is back in the summers of the early 90's going up to the Mill, taking out and when he would have an art showing the old theater, Paul... the keeper of many years would let me in to peek around. He would let the place out to local and semi-local talented artist to show their work. It was a fascinating setting just seeing art in display around the old stage! He himself had a knack for arranging a few pieces of this or that he found in the pines on a piece of wood, naming it, calling it art and selling it. He knew my uncle well so he was very open with the place. I recall walking inside the stone wall with his dog, a Collie of some sort if I remember correctly.
Gosh, again I ramble... sorry. It's these things I love so that are my tie in. There are so many interests for so many persons it's as if there is no thirst that can not be quenched.
Hey, glad you had a good day on that interesting little stretch.




Jan 2, 2003
woodjin said:
The river area near the bridge, is it still tidal in there? I would suspect so.


Barely, if at all. I never noticed the tide much untill I got to the Forks. It's not a problem paddeling this stretch when the tide is coming in, just get out of the channel and it's easy going.


Sep 7, 2005
ecampbell said:
Barely, if at all. I never noticed the tide much untill I got to the Forks. It's not a problem paddeling this stretch when the tide is coming in, just get out of the channel and it's easy going.

It is Tidal, sometimes it seems a bit more than Barely when the tide is up. But yes, when I hug the sides I do fine regardless of the tide. With it behind you, You can really get crankin. The current outwards at that turn on the beach can get moving pretty good. It's also amazing the difference you see depending on what's going on at Atsion Lake. The effects of what goes on that far up and how it affects the lower sections is interesting. Navigating the obstacles takes on a little different dimension.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The retired owner of the company I work for told me that many years ago when they were hunting they stumbled on the theatre there and though it was abandoned. One of the men jumped up on it and started dancing and they then realized there was someone there.

I am assuming I am writing about the same place you are.



Sep 7, 2005
TeeGate said:
One of the men jumped up on it and started dancing and they then realized there was someone there. I am assuming I am writing about the same place you are.

The "theatre" is at the front of what was the mill proper I believe. When you travel on Pleasant Mills from 542 at the church the Lake Nescochague is on your right and the Mill to your left. You pass living quarters first and a stone wall follows around to where the "playhouse" is. It's very small really, the stage was tiny and totally cool given it's decor. It would seem odd that anyone hunting would stumble into the playhouse. the doors just about open onto Pleasant Mills road. I would actually land my canoe down by the spillway and clamber up the side. No easy trick really.
It's a cool old place that was an idea of a woman from the city as I recall. To have this restored playhouse/mill in the serene surroundings of the pines. It didn't last. A very young Tony Curtis played there. ( you can actually read that tidbit in a number of pines related books )
I am pleased to have had the chance to share in stories of the former and one of the longer keepers before his tour of duty had passed. The fellow is a piece of Pines Legacy in my opinion.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The hunting trips were most likely in the 40's or 50's so it may have not been as built up there. He hunted in the 30's along 72. I will have to ask the next time I see him. His mind is still quite sharp.

Apr 6, 2004
Took a paddle on the river today. Some asshole spray painted "nice" on the bridge ruins. Not very nice at all. I wonder if there is a good way to remove the graffiti. May the Mullica drown whoever did this.


Sep 7, 2005
I wonder if there is a good way to remove the graffiti.

Now that really stinks. Those remains are very fragile and I can not imagine a way to remove graffiti that would not be harmful. Scrubbing it off by hand with a powerful cleaner maybe an eco friendly type would do but no easy trick to do high or low tide. Pressure wash way out of the question.
By the way, you picked an awesome day for a quiet paddle. I am envious and hope you enjoyed your day.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
This is why I love the Pines.

Also, this is the reason why we really look down on posting locations of interesting places like this in public on the site. Anybody with a GPS could have come along here, got the coordinates from Topozone, and headed out with a can of spraypaint.
Apr 6, 2004
Ben, you make a good point, but I don't know that the bridge was specifically targeted. I also saw "nice" spray painted on a bulkhead that belonged to a friend of my family who recently passed away. The scumbag even spray painted a wooden post and secured it deep in the mud - a marker for all passing craft to see (I removed it).

On secodn thought maybe the bridge was targeted. This chump clearly had an agenda.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
You never know, but in my humble opinion, better safe than sorry.

I already know that this site had a direct impact on Ace Campground getting demolished, and various other bits of graphitti all over the place. I'd rather not have even more guilt hang over my head.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I already know that this site had a direct impact on Ace Campground getting demolished, and various other bits of graphitti all over the place. I'd rather not have even more guilt hang over my head.

Unfortunately, it is not your head that the guilt is is mine. One simple laps of judgement on my part is as you said more than likely the reason for the early demise of Ace. Looking back on it makes me wonder what the hell I was thinking.

However, I have learned from that.... and I believe I have straightened out my ways...maybe to the extreme. It does make it appear that I keep too much to myself.

Welcome to my nightmare!
