Ted Gordon’s List of Books For Sale

Pine Barrens Historian, Botanist, Photographer, Guide


Used publications (many of them hard to find) will be made available at Lines-on-the Pines (March 13, 2011) or by arrangement. This is a unique opportunity for those just starting out to develop their New Jersey, Pine Barrens, or natural history collections to purchase books and pamphlets at bargain prices.

Geological Survey of New Jersey

These volumes are a “gold mine” of information on New Jersey history in general. Yet most history buffs are unaware of their contents, which goes beyond geology, to include iron mining and furnaces; bench markers; streams, wells, & water supply; forestry; clay & marl mining; and the brick, pipes, and pottery industries and the lost towns associated with them.

Annual Reports (cover 1869-1909)

$10 1888: red sandstone rocks - Triassic; the Great Meadows; iron & zinc ores; artesian wells (87 pages)
$18 1890: iron ores & mines; Franklin Furnace map; terrace formation of Atlantic Coast & along Delaware River (304 pages; cover missing)
$20 1892: overwash plains- Lake Passaic; color fossil illustrations; Cretaceous & Tertiary formations-Monmouth, Middlesex; Artesian wells in southern NJ (367 pages)
$20 1896: report on active iron mines; 1896 flood; surface geology of s. NJ; several maps and charts (377 pages)
$20 1896: “ “
$20 1897: surface geology of the Pine Barrens; clay, brick & terra cotta industries; well records s. & n. NJ (368 pages)
$20 1897: “
$40 1898: soils of southern NJ; artesian & other bored wells and dug wells in s. NJ; s. NJ Pine Belt; Forest Fires and Wood Production (Gifford Pinchot); the Plains; White cedar; pitch and shortleaf pines (350 pages)
$40 1899: Forests of NJ- conditions (Vermeule); effects of fire(Pinchot); the Plains; white cedar; Relation Between Forestry & Geology (Hollick); the Role of Insects in the Forest (Smith); Silvicultural Prospects of the Coastal Plain (Gifford)(327 pages).
$20 1905: changes along NJ coast; fossil plants; Lake Passaic; peat deposits; mining-iron, zinc, copper (338 pages).

Final Reports

$35 1889 (Vol. II., Part 1) Minerology, Botany, Zoology: Catalogue of Minerals and Britton’s Catalogue of Plants of NJ (642 pages hardcover)
$35 1894 (Vol. III) Water-Supply: (C.C. Vermeule)-water supply, water power, flow of streams & attendant phenomena (448 pages; hardcover)
$35 1894 “ “
$35 1902 (Vol. V) Glacial Geology of NJ (R.D. Salisbury) (802 pages hardcover)
$35 1910 (Vol. VII) Iron Mines and Mining in NJ; history & study of NJ ores (W.S.Bayley) (512 pages hardcover).
$5 1976 George Hammell Cook: A Life in Agriculture and Geology 1818-1889, by Jean Wilson Sidar.

Other Reports
$5 Bulletin # 7 The Mineral Industry of NJ for 1911 (1912, 37 pages)
$5 Bulletin # 12 Annual Administrative Report of the State Geologist for 1913; recent storm effects (1914, 49 pages)
$20 Bulletin #23 Geologic Series: Potash in the Green Sands of NJ (George R. Mansfield, 1923, 146 pages). Discusses many southern NJ sites
$10 Bulletin #33 Surface Water Supply of NJ to Sept. 30 1928 (Hartwell, 1929; 301 pages); Division of Waters
$5 Bulletin # 39 Ground Water supply of the Camden Area, NJ (David G. Thompson, 1932; 80 pages)
$10 Bulletin #50- Geologic Series: The Geology of NJ (1940) Henry B. Kummel (203 pages)
$20/set Bulletin #55 Part A(1942, 155 pages) and Part B (1943, 278 pages)- Geologic Series: The Peats of NJ and their Utilization (discusses all the cedar bogs in the state)
$10 Annual Report 1915 Dept. of Conservation & Development (1916): Wharton Project- hunting, development; Clay & Clay working Industry; Report of State Forester (Alfred Gaskill) Report of State Fire Warden (Charles Wilbur) violations. (77 pages)
$20 US Dept. of Agriculture (Bureau of Soils) Soil Survey of the Chatsworth Area, NJ, L.L. Lee, 1923. Contains 2 fantastic soil maps (with place names) worth double the asking price.
$20 “ “
$20 “ “

Annual Reports of the NJ State Museum (hardcover)

$30 1907 Mammals of NJ. Witmer Stone (210 pages + 69 plates). Part I deals with museum exhibits.
$30 1908 The Birds of NJ, Their Nests & Eggs. Witmer Stone ( 432 pages + 84 plates).
$35 1909 Insects of NJ. Prof. John B. Smith (885 pages + illustrations). Still the most comprehensive treatment to date.
$35 1909 “ “

New Jersey Agricultural Society Publications

These booklets are invaluable, difficult to find, and expensive to purchase. When available, they rarely can be obtained for less than $50 per volume.

$25 1949 Pages From the Past of Rural New Jersey, Robert J. Sim (122 pages)
$30 1954 History of Applejack, Harry B. Weiss (266 pages)
$35 1956 The Early Grist and Flouring Mills of New Jersey, Harry B. Weiss & Robert J. Sim (135 pages)
$ * 1971 The Personal Estates of Early Farmers and Tradesmen of Colonial NJ: 1670 – 1750. Harry B.Weiss (102 pages) (Amazon wants $101.18 for this volume. Please make an offer*.)

Bibliographies of Pine Barrens Literature

$10 1989 Compendium II: NJ Pine Barrens Literature. Division of Pinelands Research & Center For Coastal and Environmental Studies (Botany, Geology & Soils, Hydrology, Meteorology , Zoology)
$2 1979 The Pine Barrens: A Bibliography. Bonnie A. Peel. NJ State Museum Report 4. Pamphlets and articles. (25 pages)


Henry Charlton Beck
$11 1956 The Roads of Home. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Very good condition with original jacket. (298 pages)
$10 “ “ 1st Edition. Without jacket.
$10 1937 More Forgotten Towns of Southern NJ. 1st Edition. Many unique photos not in later editions. Contains Underscoring & notes, hardcover. (338 pages)
$10 each 4 copies Jersey Genesis: The Story of the Mullica River. 1945 1st Edition. V.g. condition hardcover (303 pages)
$6 1958 Allaire’s Lost Empire. James S. Brown. (92 pages)
$25 1955 Place Names in Burlington Co. NJ. Henry H. Bisbee, a classic 1st Edition. Hard to find, just like new (115 pages)
$12 each 2 copies Family Empire in Jersey Iron. 1964 1st Edition, a classic. Arthur D. Pierce. Hardcover with jacket (286 pages)
$8 1953 1st Edition This is New Jersey: From High Point to Cape May. John T. Cunningham. Hardcover, chapter on each of 21 counties. (231 pages)
$4 1974 Capsules of New Jersey History. John T. Cunningham. (64 pages)
$3 each 2 copies Cranberry Cookin’ 1995. 1st Edition Vol. III Chatsworth Cranberry Festival recipe series
$3 “A New Jersey National Pine Barrens Monument” July-August 1966, National Audubon Society reprint (6 pages)
$2 “The Pine Barrens and Their Private Frog: Will Man Still The Quonk Forever?” April 6, 1969 article. Philadelphia Inquirer Today Magazine
$6 set The Pine Barrens. John McPhee. Original publication in the New Yorker: Part 1- Nov.25, 1967,pp 67-147. Part 2- Dec. 2, 1967, pp. 66-144.
$4 each 3 copies National Geographic January 1974. “The People of New Jersey’s Pine Barrens” by John McPhee, pp.53-77.
$4 The National Geographic Magazine, May 1933. “New Jersey Now!” E. John Long. 49 illustrations and 2 maps pp. 519-584.
$6 The Delaware Canal. 1967. Robert J. Mc Clellan. Hardcover, new (112 pages)
$7 Looking For America on the New Jersey Turnpike. 1992. Angus Gellespie & Michael Rockland, near new (210 pages)
$1 New Jersey’s Scenic and Historic Tours
$1 Scenic and Historic Tours of NJ (Crossroads of the Revolution). 1976
$4 Tours of Historic New Jersey (Official State Guide). 1965 Adeline Pepper. (274 pages)
$3 Tales of New Jersey, 1963. NJ Bell Hardcover (52 pages)
$15 Home Life in Colonial Days. 1959. Alice Morse Earle. (470 pages) An excellent, illustrated reference.
$10 Natural and Cultural Resources of the NJ Pine Barrens. 1979 John Sinton, Ed. Center for Environmental Research. Proceedings and papers of the first research conference on the NJ Pine Barrens, Atlantic City May 22-23, 1978.
$12 Pinelands Folklife. 1987. Moonsammy, Cohen, Williams, Editors.
$4 Hopewell Village (PA) – an iron furnace village
$4 each 2 copies, Historic Towne of Smithville. 1967 1st Edition. Wm. McMahon (92 pages)
$4 each The Out-of- Doors-Club. 1919, Samuel Scoville Jr. (with several references to the New Lisbon cabin, Lower Mil, etc. 171 pages)
$15 The Lure of Long Beach. 1936. Charles Edgar Nash, v.g. condition, hardcover (170 pages)
$8 Exploring the Little Rivers of New Jersey. 1942. James & Margaret Cawley hardcover. Interesting old photos (146 pages)
$5 Bulltown & Friendship Bogs. (a Pinelands resource of significance). 1974. Presented to Pinelands Environmental Council by the Conservation and Environmental Studies Center.
$5 The West Plaines and Oswego River Extension Tracts. (Environmental inventories of a Pinelands resource of significance.) 1974. Presented to Pinelands Environmental Council by the Conservation and Environmental Studies Center.
$7 Early South Jersey Railroad Stations. 1981. Yesteryear series #4. Compiled by Bailey & Parkhurst (56 pages)
$5 each 3 copies of Historic Roadsides in New Jersey. 1928. 1st Edition. Hardcover with folding map. (115 pages) good Condition
$5 each 2 copies The Outdoor Heritage of New Jersey. 1937 1st Edition. Hardcover good condition (85 pages)
$8 Medford (the internationally acclaimed environmental study of Medford by Ian McHarg) 1974. N. Juneja. University of PA. Well illustrated (64 pages).
$6 History of Upper Township and its Villages, (Cape May Co.) 1989 (76 pages)
$4 Historic Woodbury 1964 (32 pages with folding map)
$5 Municipal Incorporations of the State of New Jersey According to Counties. 1958 ( reprint 1977.) NJ Dept. of Community Affairs ( 87pages)
$4 New Jersey: Life Industries of a Great State. 1928 Ed. Floyd Parson State Chamber of Commerce. (404 pages) soiled cover
$4 New Jersey in the Automobile Age: A History of Transportation 1964. Vol. 23 NJ Historical series. H Jerome Cranmer (139 pages).
$5 New Jersey From Colony 1609-1798. Historical series 1964. Richard P. McCormick (191 pages)
$1 Burlington County and the American Revolution. 1976. Lloyd E. Griscom. (Burlco Cultural & Heritage Comm. (49 pages).
$3 New Jersey’s Indians 1965. Dorothy Cross. NJ State Museum Report No. 1 (105 pages)
$3 The Land Market in New Jersey’s Pinelands. Past Present trends in Land Use & Transfer. 1987 James Neuman ( ANJEC) (49 pages)
$10 Old Mills of Camden County 1962. Charles Boyer with map (66 pages)
$18 Early Forges and Furnaces in New Jersey 1931. Charles Boyer. hardcover, good condition. A classic. (287 pages)
$3 The Story of Ringwood Manor (an iron master’s mansion). 1960. Alden T. Cottrell. Illustrated pamphlet.)


$4 each 2 copies of Peterson Series: A Field Guide to Animal Tracks. 1954, O. Murie hardcover, good condition (374 pages)
$2 Field Book of Insects revised 1948 Frank e. Lutz hardcover, good condition (510 pages)
$4 Peterson Series: A Field Guide to the Mammals. 1964. Burt & Grossenheider hardcover good condition (284 pages)
$2 “Reptiles of Northern New Jersey” by Kenneth Gossner in NJ Nature News September 1962.
$2 “The Amphibians of Northern New Jersey” Irving Black & Virginia Pine article by Jack McComick in NJ Nature News March 1963. (53 pages)
$5 A Guide to the Snakes of New Jersey 1937. (The Newark Museum) by Harold Trapido a little known illustrated booklet in good condition (60 pages)
$5 Snakes Alive and How they Live. 1955 Clifford H. Pope, a well known authority. Hardcover, illustrated ( 238 pages)
$2 Snakes of the Northeastern United States. 1946 H. Pope illustrated (52 pages)


$35 Manual of the Grasses of the US. 1951 Hitchcock. 2nd. Edition revised by Agnes Chase. (An outstanding manual still very much in use; excellent synonomy).
$6 each 5 copies of the Pine Barrens: A preliminary Ecological Inventory. 1970. Jack McCormick. NJ State Museum Report No. 2 . A Classic! Contains an excellent bibliography.
$7 Blueberry Culture. 1966. Rutgers University press. Eck & Childers, Editors. Many contributors. Hardcover.
$10 Field Guide to the Peat Mosses of Boreal North America. 1990. Cyrus McQueen. New. (includes the NJ sphagnum Mosses.
$8 Sphagnaceae (Peat Moss Family) of NY State (NJ has the same species). 1980. Richard Andrus. Like new.
$2 each 2 copies of An Unspoiled Bit of Atlantic Coast (Island Beach). 1970. Wm. Martin. NJ State Museum Bulletin 11.
$2 Wildflowers Along New Jersey Highways and Byways. 1964. Lois Shoemaker. State Museum Bulletin 9.
$5 Shrubs & Vines of NJ. 1965. Lois Shoemaker. State Museum Bulletin 10.
$10 each 2 copies Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide. Lawrence Newcomb. New. Great bargain.
$8 Peterson’s A Field Guide to Wildflowers. 1978. Arranged by color, form, & detail. Like new.
$4 each 2copies of Trees of Eastern & Central US & Canada. William Harlow. Excellent pocket guide.
$3 Common Forest Trees of New jersey. Austin Lentz. Extension Service, College of Ag., Rutgers.
$9 The Ferns of New Jersey. 1947. Chrysler & Edwards. An old Classic. Hardcover.
$5 National Geographic. Vol. 29, No.6. June 1916. “The Wild Blueberry Tamed” (The New Industry of the Pine Barrens of NJ) by Frederick V. Coville, pp. 535-546 & “Common American Wildflowers,” pp. 584-609.
$1 Woodlands of New Jersey. 1958. John T. Cunningham. 4 articles reprinted from Newark News.
$2 William L. Hutcheson Memorial Forest Bulletin (Dedication Issue: Vol. 1, No. 1). August 1957. Murray F. Buell, Editor. Pamphlet on an old growth forest.
$4 How to Know the Mosses & Liverworts. 1956. H.S. Conrad. An old classic.
$10 Mosses with Hand-Lens and Microscope. 1903, 2nd printing 1972. A.J.Grout. Hardcover. Good condition. A popular book.
$4 Common Marsh, Underwater & Floating-leaved Plants of the US and Canada. 1972. Neil Hotchkiss. Good Illustrations.
$8 The Century Plan: A Study of One Hundred Conservation Sites in the Barnegat Bay Watershed. Dec. 1995. The Trust for Public Land. 132 pages + map.

Posted as a favor to Ted.

Best regards,


Sep 7, 2005
I did take advantage of his collection happily. Got some good good stuff.
I am not sure he truly believed me when I handed him 30 bucks money and he looked to give me change and I said no just keep it and as I roam around I will come back and buy books against my "credit line"
we tallied up when I was done messin' and he was two bucks to the good.
I told him just to keep any overage for his troubles. He gave me a funny look.
Probably never had anyone just leave him cash on good faith.
Either that or he thought I was a wack job. I'll go for the latter.



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I bought one of Ted's Petersen's Guide to Animal Tracks to supplement my trapping ventures.
It is an older 1954 edition and includes a lot of literary quotations, which was a nice surprise.
Great illustrations, including scat descriptions and I have already learned that a canine's front foot is bigger than his rear foot.
Field verified on Murph.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I bought one on Marl in NJ and today at work I read the section on Marlton. I believe this book is available to download on Google Books but it is nice to have an original. Anyway, it was printed in 1923 and the researchers would apparently travel by train and stop off at various area's where they knew there was marl, and a driller would drill down taking samples of the soil. This was before Route 70 was there; however, at Route 70 and Elmwood Road in Marlton they drilled in a local farmers field and at 196 feet deep they found a fossil consisting of the cusp of a creature related to a crocodile. This may be my new hobby, drilling deep holes looking for fossils instead of stones :D



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I bought one on Marl in NJ and today at work I read the section on Marlton. I believe this book is available to download on Google Books but it is nice to have an original. Anyway, it was printed in 1923 and the researchers would apparently travel by train and stop off at various area's where they knew there was marl, and a driller would drill down taking samples of the soil. This was before Route 70 was there; however, at Route 70 and Elmwood Road in Marlton they drilled in a local farmers field and at 196 feet deep they found a fossil consisting of the cusp of a creature related to a crocodile. This may be my new hobby, drilling deep holes looking for fossils instead of stones :D


I wonder what kind of a drill they were using. I guess a pretty big one if it was going down 196 feet. I think I heard once that the pine barrens should be littered with dino remains, but because the state doesn't allow unauthorized digging, it is a seldom explored research. I wonder about this though, with our incredibly high water table I wouldn't think you would get very deep in the earth. Spung man would probably be an athority on this.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
He sold every one while there that day.
