The Lure of the Land - A photographic journey through the pine barrens, New Jersey’s


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I just noticed the last group of photo's and video and really enjoyed them. I see in the video you or your frind is a criminal for speeding :)

How much did the gas cost you?

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Bachman's Ivory

Oct 27, 2009
Hazlet, Monmouth County, NJ
We were both criminals... sorta... He was pulled over by a Texas trooper doing 80 in a 75. Apparently anything over in a 75 zone is a huge no no, we were given a warning. On my driving shift I was also pulled over by a Texas trooper for "following too close to the Jeep in front of me". There was no Jeep in front of me, there was a Jeep in the right lane. I think they saw our NJ plates and wanted to bust our chops.

Bachman's Ivory

Oct 27, 2009
Hazlet, Monmouth County, NJ
National Geographic has chosen my night photograph of Friendship Bogs as a Your Shot finalist!

"Thank you for your recent participation in National Geographic Your Shot contest and for sharing your photographic vision with us.

Every month National Geographic Image Collection reviews your submissions and invites a select group of participants to add their entries to our Readers Collection.

One or more of your photographs have been chosen to be part of this diverse group of images and we invite you to join.

This collection comprises the best photographs shared by you, our readers. Not only does it place the images at the fingertips of National Geographic editors, it is also featured on our stock photography website, making the photos accessible to publishers and editors worldwide."

I've been doing a lot of work on the shore recently. I'll get around to updating this eventually, but for now you can see some recent additions at

Bachman's Ivory

Oct 27, 2009
Hazlet, Monmouth County, NJ
Sorry for disappearing everybody. I've started working full time but still manage to take photographs every chance I get. Here are some recent shots.
I'll start with the pines.

Apple Pie Perseid by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr
A Perseid meteor strikes the atmosphere over the Apple Pie Hill fire tower in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. A small crowd had gathered to watch the show last night. When this brilliant fireball sliced silently by, the crowd let out a resounding "Ooooh!".

The Turning Night by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr
Half hour of stars over Governors Pond, Warren Grove

Deep Into The Blue Hour by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

Marsh Moon by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

The Perfect Storm by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

No Regrets by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

Fried Air by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

Lifesaver by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

Plum Island Panorama by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

Step Into The Gray by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

July 4th on the Jersey Shore by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

Blue & Gold by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

The Shrewsbury Swirl by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

Of Stars and Storms by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

Twins by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

Warp Speed by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

Long Distance Call by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

And a recent trip to Yosemite National Park for a friend's wedding. If you've never been, well, GO!

The Merced Mirror by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

Half Light Half Dome by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

The Mercy of the Merced by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

To The Stars by Chase Schiefer, on Flickr

The Mariposa Giant Sequoia Grove at night. I was here all alone. Incredible experience.
Thanks for looking, to see many more new shots browse
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Doesn't "work" really ruin your life! :bang:

Anyway, glad to see you back and I love the photo's. Thanks as usual!

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Pine Baron

Feb 23, 2008
Sandy Run
Great work, Chase! Work doesn't seem to have changed your eye.

The Merced Mirror can't possibly be real. :) It looks like an oil painting. Beautiful!
