The Ramble Inn


Sep 7, 2005
I would have plunked this on any of a dozen older tavern threads but I'll just start here. Anyone familiar with The Ramble Inn? One would have to be from the Nesco or at least Hammonton & Sweetwater area back in the late 50's and 60's. Three amigos I know, My dad, my uncle, and a good family friend who all used to hang, remember the Inn and some details but fall shy of exact local. Best I got is if you are on 542 headed into Nesco from Hammonton and hooked the left onto Neil Road directly at the Nesco Liquor store, you could follow the road back around to it. (possibly off of Richards ave, which gives way to gravel)
It's two claims to fame were a bear in a cage and apparently one immense fireplace that in season raged several feet out into the room. The place burned down (The fireplace perhaps) early 70's maybe? My Uncle remembers the remains of the fireplace many long time ago but not exact location anymore. I may try to find it this winter coming but anyhoo I was wondering if any members were familiar or even if some pics could pop up.

Apr 6, 2004
My Dad told me that he and my grandfather would hang out there. He's a bit fuzzy on the details. I might be able to get the exact location for you tomorrow.


Sep 7, 2005
My Dad told me that he and my grandfather would hang out there. He's a bit fuzzy on the details. I might be able to get the exact location for you tomorrow.

Like my ownself, I figured you wouldn't have it direct but suspected you would have some old blood out there that knew. Scary part is, they probably might have all been in there together at one time or another. Too cool!
I get the feeling coming from your way you would pick it up by coming in from Richards in the other direction if what they told me holds true. Let me know & thanks!



Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
I lived in Nesco for 7 yrs and never heard of it. When I am back in town and run into the right person, I will inquire. I would love to learn more about this tavern and its history and location. Very interesting!
How about the Silly Gator Bar? Anyone heard of that one? That too was on the outskirts of Nesco and Hammonton. It is still there but now a private home with a very unique story behind it that few know.


Mar 9, 2005
Haddonfield, NJ
I lived in Nesco for 7 yrs and never heard of it. When I am back in town and run into the right person, I will inquire. I would love to learn more about this tavern and its history and location. Very interesting!
How about the Silly Gator Bar? Anyone heard of that one? That too was on the outskirts of Nesco and Hammonton. It is still there but now a private home with a very unique story behind it that few know.

Wow. I remember driving past the Silly Gator Bar as a kid and have tried to remember exactly where it was but can never do so. I remember the sign and thought that was such a funny name for a bar.

I found this on the net about the Silly Gator Bar:

A private investigator, who was hired
by Bobby Simone, took the false
statements at the Silly Gator Bar in
Hammonton, N.J. The bar was owned
by [DiNatale’s friend]. Scarfo,
Leonetti and Merlino were present
when the statements were given.
Simone represented Merlino and
Harold Garber represented Scarfo in
the Falcone homicide trial. Both attorneys
were associates of the Family.
Neither the attorneys nor the private
investigator knew that Scarfo,
Leonetti and Merlino had arranged
for DiNatale, [his friend] and the
others to lie in their statements and
when testifying.

Sounds like some very interesting people hung out there.


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
Very, very interesting, since when I lived in Nesco, Merlinos were my neighbor/landlord. Great people, better then most in that town. Anyway, years ago, I took my mom to the Silly Gator Bar. She considered herself to be psychic and often did make some uncanny predictions that did come true.
This day while in the bar, she used the bathroom, which was a true horror with poor plumbing and even the door falling off the hindges. She came out of there with a look of bewilderment on her face. Her prediction was that someone had been cut up and flushed. I laughed it off and blamed it on the old whiskey.
Several weeks later while sitting at work, I was watching tv when a live news station came on showing bull dozers digging up the earth surrounding the bar. The story went they had gotten a tip that Jimmy Hoffa's body was buried there. After mom's prediction, I am convinced that is JH true location.

Wow. I remember driving past the Silly Gator Bar as a kid and have tried to remember exactly where it was but can never do so. I remember the sign and thought that was such a funny name for a bar.

I found this on the net about the Silly Gator Bar:

A private investigator, who was hired
by Bobby Simone, took the false
statements at the Silly Gator Bar in
Hammonton, N.J. The bar was owned
by [DiNatale’s friend]. Scarfo,
Leonetti and Merlino were present
when the statements were given.
Simone represented Merlino and
Harold Garber represented Scarfo in
the Falcone homicide trial. Both attorneys
were associates of the Family.
Neither the attorneys nor the private
investigator knew that Scarfo,
Leonetti and Merlino had arranged
for DiNatale, [his friend] and the
others to lie in their statements and
when testifying.

Sounds like some very interesting people hung out there.


Sep 7, 2005
Not to jump in on the hijack of my own thread but,
This has perplexed me in the past. I have always heard of a Silly Gator bar somewhere out that way but there was one on 561 in Winslow some years ago as well. I went there often when I was younger. Interesting place, till it burned. I was of the impression the original owner's last names were "Silligatta" or some such and the name was a play on that.
I remember one year going to a crazy halloween gig there.
Around 1991 or 1992 give or take.
Anyone else ever been to that one?



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Sam Siligato was the namesake.
His latest escapade was burning down a building for insurance money.
Here is an excerpt from a post I did in 2004 on this site:

05-15-04, 07:20 AM
"Sam Siligato, the owner of the Silly Gator, was just recently charged with having a large building torched to collect the insurance money .It involved some elaborate scheme, the details of which I can't recall. There was an article about it in the AC Press about 8 weeks ago.
When they dug up the perimeter of the foundation of the Silly Gator years ago they weren't looking for Hoffa. There were looking for some of Siligato's "aquaintances" that had not been seen for awhile.
Nothing was found. The bar on 542 in Pleasant Mills was converted back to a house not long after that."

I don't remember a Silly Gator in Winslow.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
5 months served for a 13 year sentence?

Ain't the prison system a beauty?
When you read the artilcle about his conviction, the State makes it sounds like he will rot in hell for his wrongdoings.
The prison system, on the other hand, couldn't wait to put him back out to try again.


Sep 7, 2005
You guys in West Jersey have some really seedy establishments for drinking.

True Bob,
There are and have been some real Beauts. Most of the really good ones are gone now. I played pool for a couple way back when that would make the bar in "Roadhouse" look tame.
Some years ago, I lived in Mays Landing for 5 months (a chick thing).
I became very fond of a place called "Uncle Mike's" on Weymouth road.
Anyone remember that one? Also closed after gruesome discoveries.



Jan 13, 2006
Some years ago, I lived in Mays Landing for 5 months (a chick thing).
I became very fond of a place called "Uncle Mike's" on Weymouth road.
Anyone remember that one? Also closed after gruesome discoveries.


Uncle Mikes closed for good a few years ago, it was still vacant the last time I drove down that way. I knew some people who wouldn't even drive past there, much less actually go in. I never heard the part about the gruesome discoveries.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Uncle Mikes closed for good a few years ago, it was still vacant the last time I drove down that way. I knew some people who wouldn't even drive past there, much less actually go in. I never heard the part about the gruesome discoveries.

Uncle Mikes, in its waning years, was a hang for the Warlocks MC.
I used to hit there for cold sixers on the way to the shore back when it was Michener's Tavern. circa 1977


Sep 7, 2005
Uncle Mikes closed for good a few years ago,I knew some people who wouldn't even drive past there, much less actually go in.

I guess that continues to paint a picture of the kind of haunts I used to frequent. They really had a goodly selection of Pool tables though and Monday's all you can eat Spaghetti & Meatballs for like 6 bucks.
My mind is shot and all mixed up with these many haunts. I was getting the Rare Bird in Winslow crossed up with the Silly Gator. I got around too much I think as a youth.
At least it is safe to say I never graced the Ramble Inn's doors. Came along too late. Back on that note, any info folks?



Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
I,m still waiting too to hear more about the Ramble Inn. I will try some looking on the internet, one never knows. Largo, if you like strange bars, you should visit New Orleans. Look up on google Snakes & Jakes Christmas Lounge in New Orleans (look under images). The search will eventially lead you too a myspace link. In the city they even have pirate lounges situated in back alleys. There is a diner called Clover Grill which serves the best hamburgers ever. I guess it is in how they cook them, in Chevy/Ford hubcaps.

I guess that continues to paint a picture of the kind of haunts I used to frequent. They really had a goodly selection of Pool tables though and Monday's all you can eat Spaghetti & Meatballs for like 6 bucks.
My mind is shot and all mixed up with these many haunts. I was getting the Rare Bird in Winslow crossed up with the Silly Gator. I got around too much I think as a youth.
At least it is safe to say I never graced the Ramble Inn's doors. Came along too late. Back on that note, any info folks?



New Member
Apr 17, 2005
Ramble Inn sounded familiar so I checked with a friend. Her maiden name is Neil and her mother's maiden name was Stewart. The Ramble Inn was a log cabin built by her grandfather Neil and his sons. One of those sons was Farmer John, the father of my friend. He died in 1999. (Google Farmer Neil, Nesco)
The Inn was there during our high school years and probably burned in the early 1970's. She remembers a fireplace so hugh that you could walk into it. They could put the largest logs into it. The only thing that remained was that fireplace which she thinks is still there.
She would not divulge the exact location since her aunt lives in the house in front of the site and is quite ill. My guess would be down Neil Road to where it deadends with Gatto Road. Left is a paved road and right looks like gravel. Do not know!
Also, before becoming the Silly Gator that building was smaller and owned by a Hammonton local - Jimmy "the Cook" Aschane. Does anyone recall that?


Sep 7, 2005
Thank you. All that fits with my Uncle's recollections. The big fireplace,
The approximate location, it's eventual demise (he blames the fireplace and also believes it's remains exist) Their high school years were the late 60's so there you go. The only thing left is the story of the bear. Know anything there? I would certainly not disrespect any property owners adjacent and will not be venturing till the fall anyway. Thanks again for some background.
