Then & Now Photos


Jul 4, 2011
BTW, today there were vehicles with trailers parked along Savoy Blvd and the ATV's and motorcycles were riding all over the old ATV park. The one vehicle still in the trailer was the biggest ATV I have ever seen. Jessica and I looked at each other and were shocked. The door was down and it was parked in the back. There also were a few cars parked on the trail to the ATV park that had been parked by the bridge but when we came they drove up Savoy to the sand road into the park.

In the old days it was very rare for me to encounter anyone in those woods. I could hike all day and not see a soul. No atv's, no motorcycles, once in a while maybe a Piney in a beat up truck.


Jul 4, 2011
Damn that acid rain, global warming, polar ice cap melting etc. !

I don't know about ice caps but acid rain has eroded a lot of old carvings. I used to climb the Catskill mountains in the 60s and on and I carved my initials and the date deeply into the rock every year I went up Windham High Peak. Last time I looked, years ago now, it was barely visible... and the awesome view of the far off Adirondack that used to appear so suddenly once I reached the clearing at the top of the peak - the last in the a Catskill chain - was no more, obscured by the air pollution. The more ancient THOU ART GOD carving on the very edge is still there. They did a better job way back then... and I once enhanced it. I've a photo of myself hanging upside down fixing it up, on the edge of the cliff. The oldest rock carving I found up there on the Escarpment Trail said JAMES 1812...but this is going off on a tangent. I started with acid rain. Sorry.


Jul 4, 2011
I spent quite a bit of time at that intersection. I fell to sleep there once on the ground and woke up to motorcycles going in circles around me. My friends had walked down the tracks. I have photos of me trying to fix the sign that was there. If I get time I will post them tomorrow. I believe I have posted them sometime in the past.

I fell asleep in the desert out here once and awoke to a helicopter going in circles around me. He surely thought I was a dead body!
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Jul 4, 2011
Warren Grove Bombing Range


Cranberry Pump above Martha


Chemical Dump Sooy Road by 72


Quaker Bridge looking upstream


Cranberry Pump above Martha


Sandy Causeway Bridge


I've a photo of me and _____ on Quaker Bridge in '72. Don't know if I posted it on here or not. I didn't know Quaker but I briefly knew a Piney girl named Godfrey, as in Godfrey Bridge, her friend actually, and I believe her ancestry went way back in the Pines history.
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Jul 4, 2011
That friendship photo is really cool. I always wondered what it looked like back there? Does anyone know of anymore photos of it are floating around?

I'm the guy that took that picture. Friendship was already only partially inhabited by then. I've posted this before but I remember that day. I remember the quiet sounds of the farm animals in the little village. I'm sorry I didn't take more pictures there that day instead of all the random woods and stream pictures I did take. I think I was somewhat self conscious thinking that the residents might wonder why a stranger was going around taking photos... "He must be another one from the land department that's trying to evict us and shut our town down. Let's shoot him and bury him in the woods!"
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Apr 26, 2021
I'm the guy that took that picture. Friendship was already only partially inhabited by then. I've posted this before but I remember that day. I remember the quiet sounds of the farm animals in the little village. I'm sorry I didn't take more pictures there that day instead of all the random woods and stream pictures I did take. I think I was somewhat self conscious thinking that the residents might wonder why a stranger was going around taking photos... "He must be another one from the land department that's trying to evict us and shut our town down. Let's shoot him and bury him in the woods!"
Where exactly was the Then picture taken? My family lived on that property! I have fond memories of the pig roasts we had, using the out house and the countless box turtles near the bridge!
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
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Apr 26, 2021
I'm the guy that took that picture. Friendship was already only partially inhabited by then. I've posted this before but I remember that day. I remember the quiet sounds of the farm animals in the little village. I'm sorry I didn't take more pictures there that day instead of all the random woods and stream pictures I did take. I think I was somewhat self conscious thinking that the residents might wonder why a stranger was going around taking photos... "He must be another one from the land department that's trying to evict us and shut our town down. Let's shoot him and bury him in the woods!"
LOL my family lived on that property from the late’50’s til about ‘79 then moved to a new house in Egg Harbor City. Though my grandparents wouldn’t have shot you, my grandmother with her favorite English phrase would’ve given you a scowl and yelled “Get outta here, nobody home!” Thank you for taking the risk and taking those pictures!
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
To be more exact, it was taken right at the intersection.

I'm confused about which building was which...


How would you label the map? This would be looking South from the intersection. I have labelled what I thought was "C", but that would appear on the left if standing in the intersection which is why I thought the camera location was East of the intersection. Or am I wrong in assuming he was looking South?


The location of the buildings comes from various old sources, they probably didn't all exist in 1971. Maybe the USGS topo is a better indication of what was there?

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Jul 4, 2011
LOL my family lived on that property from the late’50’s til about ‘79 then moved to a new house in Egg Harbor City. Though my grandparents wouldn’t have shot you, my grandmother with her favorite English phrase would’ve given you a scowl and yelled “Get outta here, nobody home!” Thank you for taking the risk and taking those pictures!

I spent a lot of time in those woods back then, camping, backpacking, hiking, and canoeing. I don't recall ever meeting any hostile Pineys, aside from the guy in the biplane who strafed me with bug spray!


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I'm confused about which building was which...

View attachment 15340

How would you label the map? This would be looking South from the intersection. I have labelled what I thought was "C", but that would appear on the left if standing in the intersection which is why I thought the camera location was East of the intersection. Or am I wrong in assuming he was looking South?

View attachment 15341

The location of the buildings comes from various old sources, they probably didn't all exist in 1971. Maybe the USGS topo is a better indication of what was there?

View attachment 15342
UGGGHH!!! That Topo is upside down! ThaT would give me coniptions on a gps!
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Who says that North has to be "up"? We live in a three-dimensional world and it makes just as much sense to have the direction you're facing is at the top of the map! Or actually, "up" should be up in a three-dimensional view. As Spock said, "your pattern indicates two-dimensional thinking". :D



Aug 18, 2015
Atco NJ
I'll make 3. I like N up so I can easily see roads that go in the general direction I'm heading.
I'm always up to try a new route to get where I'm going, but not if it's outta my way.
Digital maps spinning in circles makes me dizzy!
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Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
Reversing the orientation of maps is common in some cases and even recommended by organizations such as the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. An example would be on wayside map kiosks where north is behind you while viewing the map. If the map is oriented with north at the top, the trail you want to start off on may go to the right while it goes to the left on the map, which could cause confusion.
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
This is nothing new, cartographers have rotated maps to fit in the available space for hundreds of years, for example

It's clear that putting North at the top is a convention and makes the map easily understandable. But there are plenty of valid reasons to orient it other ways. In a car, makes a lot of sense to have your direction of travel at the top, so you can easily comprehend what's on your left and right. Garmin GPS devices have had a "track up" setting ever since the beginning.

The spinning map is an issue when hiking on foot, you aren't moviing fast enough for the GPS to "understand" your direction of travel and I use North-up for that mostly. At driving speeds, this is not a problem and track-up view - or even 3d view is my preference. The 3d view is especially nice, since you see much more of what's up ahead than a North-up or track-up view would show.

I have worked professionally as a draftsman for about 50 years, and gradually came to understand that some people have a hard time translating a two-dimensional map (or floor plan) to three-dimensional reality. This used to frustrate me, but I eventually came to accept it and try to help them understand (futile though it often is). :D
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