These people are Sick


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Not to change the subject, but did anyone other than Bob and Jeff see this post yesterday? It just showed up tonight as new and it was posted yesterday morning. I went through all the new posts twice yesterday and this post was not there. This happens all the time to me...posts show up days later as new.

Anyway, this proves that there are going to be many many more animals go extinct because of these people.



Jul 19, 2006


May 29, 2003
Kristofferson also wrote Me and Bobby McGee. He's not the best singer, but at least deserves credit for what he writes. Bob Dylan has covered his songs as well.

The Chinese culture is responsible for so many animal injustices and cruelties that I just can't help but be angry at them...shark fin soup, bear gall bladder, rhino horn and just about every endangered species is on their menu for some reason. Now it's time to eat apes and other high level primates? They should be ashamed of this and there should be more public outrage if the general public sees this activity as wrong. The last thing humans need are aphrodisiacs and most of the killing of rare animals are for this reason. I really try to avoid buying products from the orient. I know there are a lot of good Chinese people but the majority are enough to give me my opinion. Sorry!

Here is a disturbing video narrated by McCartney's ex-wife (yuck!) that will make anyone with a soul want to ban the use of animal fur. WARNING, ONLY WATCH THIS IF YOU CAN HANDLE ANIMAL CRUELTY FOOTAGE!


Jun 27, 2004
well China is brought up, but honestly its most of Southeast Asia, and "oriental asia", who eat weird stuff. Its weird to us, especially bugs being served as a main course in dinner. Lets think, they get alot of the rare type stuff from import, and other, so nations could stop this, and force them to raise their own animals. I think complaining about this issue is pointless, a few westerners have no voice into billions of asians who live this way.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Hey Kris Kristofferson wrote Sunday Morning Coming Down. You got the wrong Highwayman..........

Sorry, you guys are correct. I love the Johnny Cash version the most, and I knew it was Kris's, but got the highwaymen confused.

A little background: I took my then 16 year old daughter to a major music outlet to browse. I hated everything in there; hip hop, new age, etc....but what really turned me off was the $18 price of CD's. On the way out, I bought the best of Johnny Cash cassette tape for $4.95 from one of those wire rack displays. Turns out she loved it, asked me to pop it in whenever I took her to town for something.