Mohammad Al-FIE(!) and yers truly braved not-so-great elements and wandered areas near the Mullica and Wading rivers this Tuesday. Ice was pelting my truck when driving to pick Al up this morning and there was serious contemplation of postponing the journey. I'm glad we didn't. This first series of photos was taken as I puppy-dogged behind Al while he "island hopped" adjacent to the Wading River.
We were so close to the Wading; a view could not be resisted.
"Woof! Woof!" (Wait up!)
Mullica River
We visited a couple of nearby cemeteries.
The photos below were taken at the one that spells cemetery cemetary. I'll add a few Johnson Cemetery photos later.
This little guy, plus the stones in the photo below, were outside of the fenced-in main area of the cemetery. Beautiful.
Bury me under a stone such as this ...
Clark's Landing was the on the agenda. On the way there, Alfie noticed a nice cellar hole and property along the road. We pulled over. Here is a stitched pair of photos, viewing the hole from opposite sides.
Clark's Landing (proper) has a small grave on it, but my photos failed. Accessing the grave required crossing a bridge which would be aptly described as being in far from stable condition. One was also required to correctly answer three questions, offered by an aged bridge keeper, to cross. My three were "What is your name?"* "What is your favorite holiday?"** and "What is the WONK velocity of a pine barren tree frog in its most heated moments of spring passion?"*** Piece of cake. Reaching the other side was another story.
Views from the bridge...
Thanks for looking,
* whippoorbill
** Thanksgiving
*** 3600 WONKS per hour