After that post, Ted Gordon discussed this with me and feels that because of the various locations that people considered Sandy Ridge, the Mead and Crane sawmill may have been at the ruins at Sandy Ridge or the sawmill foundation we found on the PBX hike that is on the other side of Carranza Road. I am still a believer, with no real facts except the letterhead I acquired, that the Mead & Crane operation was a business and the other foundation at Sandy Ridge and across Carranza were just basic sawmills that were put up to cut wood and then left. So I decided to not call it the Mead & Crane until more facts come to light. The Mead & Crane sawmill was much earlier in time and may have occupied the site we are discussing until Bozarth purchased it in later years. The facts are we know for sure it was the Bozarth Sawmill according to Beck, so I called it that.
The sawmill on Sawdust Pile Road is unique as it actually has metal gears in it which would indicate to me that it was a business.
1933 photo. Judging by all the various old photos I have viewed from there, the photographer had his back to the wooden building and along the road when taking this photo. Just my opinion.