I went to Friendship yesterday the first time since the beginning of last summer. To my horror I found the terrain permantly destoryed. All the rye grass has been burned similar to Batsto. Mowers were then used even in some of the foundation holes causing some leveling. Foundation stone (alot) has been removed. Deep mower tracks can bee seen throughtout the area. Most natural plants and bushes are now gone, many of the yucca have disappeared. These tracks do not look like quads, though quad tracks can be seen in the usual sandy areas. Even across the road where the main house once stood, the terrain has been vastly disturbed. Alot of the indentations which showed where several buildings once stood, have been flated out. Needless to say, I literally left there in tears. Sadly, I now know how I must end my book. I finally no longer feel a need to go back. The place has beens so cleaned up, one can't help to wonder what is coming next. It looks like a park in the making. Has anyone been there lately and noticed this change.