Whitesbog Trust Rentals


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Well I love the pines, and they are right outside my door. But every now and then I need to climb a mountain (it reminds me of how out of shape I am) :)

There are others around here that know the area better than I do, but if you've never been there, you could start here: http://maps.njpinebarrens.com/#lat=41.03825432142264&lng=-75.02717971801758&z=16&type=topo&gpx=

Pull into the Copper Mine parking area and follow the Copper Mine trail along the stream up the mountain. It's spectacular. You might also want to read chapters one and two of Beck's "The Roads of Home" - they discuss this area. Chapter 2 is about his search for Sunfish Pond, somewhat reminiscent of his quest for Forked River Mountain in "More Forgotten Towns": http://maps.njpinebarrens.com/#lat=41.0025083440068&lng=-75.07155418395996&z=15&type=topo&gpx=