Windows 10


Feb 14, 2009
Had a little icon show up on my desktop this morning for the Win 10 update, now deleted. Where one of the links pointed;

Had a little icon show up on my desktop this morning for the Win 10 update, now deleted. Where one of the links pointed;

I don't understand what makes these things tick. It wasn't until today I read Windows 8 & 8.1 is a disaster and windows jumped past 9 to 10 just to distance themselves of the 8 embarrassment. I have no idea of what they're talking about.
I have Windows 7 Home Premium and I don't "think" I have any issues. My laptop may be having a hard drive issue so I was just preparing myself for a new laptop. I pretty much just use the internet, no gaming or other high tech uses. Any new computer comes with 8.1 that I've seen.

From your comment it appears Windows 10 may also be an issue? I reserved but can cancel or just not load when it's time.
Can you provide some insight on why we should stay with Windows 7?


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Can you provide some insight on why we should stay with Windows 7?

Because it works. :D For me, there is nothing I see in 10 that I need; your needs may be different. I'm still running XP on the system I use for photo's :eek:

BTW, you can still order new desktops from Dell with Win 7 if you do need a new system.
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Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
The time to upgrade from 7 would be when Microsoft stops releasing security patches for it, which is January 14, 2020.

Microsoft is no longer releasing security updates for Windows XP. Anybody taking an XP machine online these days is taking a very serious risk.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I use XP at work in a stand alone computer. It actually works quite well for the limited programs I use.


Jan 2, 2003
The risk that a lot of my older programs won't work with it, besides, I don't see any benefit for me. Windows 7 is fine.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Was just at Wawa, punched my $50 checking withdrawal into the PNC ATM but instead of cash I got an alert on the screen "This program has experienced a critical error and will restart in 15 seconds". Stood there and watched it countdown out of curiosity. The countdown was followed by another alert "Windows is shutting down", then it put up the Windows XP welcome screen. Makes you wonder just how secure these things are? I know they used to be connected to a private network in the past, but do they use the internet today?

Anyway, I got bored waiting for Windows to start up so I just used the other machine, which was fine. As I walked away, I notice that the machine had crashed again with some other kind of alert on the screen...
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Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
They used to use modems but most ATMs connect fast - they probably use a 4G cellular connection or something like a ISDN line.

As far as Windows XP goes, those ATMs are running XP Embedded, which is still being supported/patched by Microsoft. (Not to say that the people with the ATM implementation are patching and updating their machines.)


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I recently got an ATM card for the first time so I have not used them much.


New Member
Aug 7, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
Just find windows annoying to use and too much time to maintain and secure.
Haven't used it for over ten years.

Read an article somehere that states while 10 is free in its basic form some common software will have to be bought from te windows store.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
My wife went to 10 yesterday and today she is back with 8.1. She could not keep a connection to Wifi. The message did say she could go back at any time. I have to believe that when 10 loads in it keeps 8.1 on the drive. Because she used recover and in no time at all she was back using 8.1.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Well, its been over six months since the last comment on Windows 10 upgrade. They've had plenty of time to tweak early bugs out. Has anyone else upgraded recently?

I'm hesitant to upgrade, but still have an open mind about it.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
There would be no point for me to upgrade. I only use my Windows machine for making maps, and all the software is old. It is getting annoying though, after a recent Windows 7 upgrade, every few days alerts pop up telling me how wonderful Windows 10 is. :rolleyes:

If you don't want to update, better check your settings. A lot of people are complaining that their systems have automatically upgraded when they didn't want them to.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I am of the same opinion as Boyd. If there is something you have a burning need for in 10, then upgrade. If not, why bother. 10 is still in its infancy and teething problems are bound to pop up.

There is a go-around to remove the annoying 10 update reminder. I did it and it works, see the link. A search should find one. It is called GWX in the Icon Notification area where at a minimum it can be set to hide.

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Jan 2, 2003
My wife just upgraded an older laptop from Windows 7. I am not happy with it. They just moved everything around so I can't find what I am looking for, such as the control panel. It is there somewhere but I blew an hour looking for it and after a hour I am no better off than with W 7. It arranges programs automatically for you, but it missed some of mine. It turned out to be a lot of work for no gain. It has a serious privacy issue, they set up to automatically collect and share who you are and what you do. Once again a half a day to correct it. A really bad point for me is my very nice Canon flat bed scanner will not work with it, and no new drivers. Some people have reported failed upgrades with a resultant loss of all of their data. Leo recommends creating a computer image before you upgrade. I do that monthly with the free version of Macrium Reflect.

Speaking of backups, I use Carbonite.. It only keeps 1 version of your files and if it detects a change it overwrites the previous version. Well I had a folder of pictures get corrupted and guess what, it saved the corrupted version. Lucky I had those image local backups.