Pine Barren Glory Days


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Great stories guy's!

I had an '83' Honda Cr 480.
I can attest first hand that are one torquey SOB.
My first ride on it I was waiting for a car to pass to cross a road, once the road was clear I revved it up and dumped the clutch. The same way I always did it with my Yz 125. Well let me tell you this 480 was no 125.
After dumping the clutch the bike never moved forward, it just shot skyward throwing me off the back and flipping the bike over backwards.
As I laid there on the ground all I could do was laugh and think WOW what a rush!:D


In 1972(?) I owned that 1970 Yamaha Enduro. They were heavy sheet steel in those days. The distance from the Presidential Lakes little store to the beach is about 250 yards. My not too bright friend Pete asked me if he could ride it to the beach. Sure I said, I'll get on the back. He started out fine, after popping the clutch and stalling about 4 times. There is a sweeping 90 degree right turn when you get to the beach, and right in front of you is a split rail fence on the opposite side of the road. We were about 100 feet from the fence, traveling about 25 mph, and Pete froze solid. He did not turn the bike to the right, and his arms locked up. Whoa Pete I said! He made no response, in fact I noticed his body stiffened in fear. I slid off the back into the dirt and Pete took that fence head on! Luckily, the sugar sand twisted the front wheel a bit, and the bike survived though the handlbars were never the same. Pete had no explanation for the freeze up.
I remember the early 70's - going to the drive-in on Route 72 - I can still recall seeing the scrub pines and sand around there. I think it was where the Holiday Inn is now. I also remember the airport in Stafford; treading for clams in the Bay and selling them at work; and my crab pots off the beach in Waretown - those crabs were so good!


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
These recollections are great! Keep them comming.
Nice new hog you got there Scott!!
As for the I used race motocross on 125's and 250's. But those open classers were insane. I took a cr500 (it was an '86) out once, sick, sick power. They say if an open classer doesn't take 7 years off your life and instantly give you grey hair it is not doing it's job.



Sep 7, 2005
I remember the early 70's. treading for clams in the Bay and selling them at work; and my crab pots off the beach in Waretown - those crabs were so good!

Yer killin' me!!!
I would trade you a story but I don't have ten worth that simple little memory.



Sep 7, 2005
Here is the latest chapter of my 2-wheeled mid-life crisis:
Got it two weeks before Christmas.

Very nice, good luck with it, nice & low. My style. Love 'em just never felt like buying one. Probably will regret it. As you know, you have wonderful open roads out here and clear down to the shore in any direction.
It's obvious how you'll be spending your Spring, till the boat comes out.
Look forward to seeing it passing on Pestletown. Be safe.



Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
I never drank too much or smoked in the pines, too busy going to all those hidden places you people hike, (with people I had no business being with) and getting "jiggie with it". (?)
Only remember once having too much wine and falling down in the woods at Oswego after being with the Chatsworth boys. Real bad day! Ended up with my one and only DWI. That was almost 25 years ago. Ran off the road and ended up facing the Hedger House, sitting in the yard across the street. Never again.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
:) Hey, it was my bike!

Here is another one I owned. I really loved this one. 125 combat wombat. I ran it around Bamber in the early 80's. I road with no helment, just a knit beenie on my head. Stupid.

That was a great bike Bob. A friend of mine in Gibbsboro had one when we were teens.
I loved the names that Hodaka gave to their bikes .
Who can forget the Super Rat, Dirt Squirt, Combat, Wombat, Combat Wombat and Road Toad?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I never drank too much or smoked in the pines, too busy going to all those hidden places you people hike, (with people I had no business being with) and getting "jiggie with it". (?)
Only remember once having too much wine and falling down in the woods at Oswego after being with the Chatsworth boys. Real bad day! Ended up with my one and only DWI. That was almost 25 years ago. Ran off the road and ended up facing the Hedger House, sitting in the yard across the street. Never again.

Sue. Jiggie with it? Pray tell.



Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
Never was much of biker, I had a honda big red quad that just would not die. We used to beat that thing to death. I remember one drunken night in the pines that I realized that you just can't turn them things when they are air borne. I still remember the feeling of reality setting in as I went sailing off the road and into the pines with no helmet. I got lucky with only a cast on my leg and some nice bruises.
On the dope smokin subject I remember a night at apple pie hill, my buddy Ray was walking around with about 2 ozs. of high test in his pocket. I still don't know why he was holding that much. We were drunk as you can be with your eyes still open and the pipe was going steady. We had a fire in the pit up there and wood was scarce. Ray said he had seen a tire down on the side of the hill earlier and we decided to get it for the fire. We had no sooner gone down into the woods when the hill lights up with cop lights. A state trooper had been creeping up on us with all his lights off. We took off on a blind run down through the pines, it was dark as hell. We hid in the woods about two hundreds yards off, while the cops tossed my truck, they were yelling that they were going to tow my truck and charge me with everything they could think of. They knew we were out there but did not feel like looking. We waited till they left, then they came back. Then they left, then they came back. Finally when they were gone a long time we decided to stash the bag and make a break. We got in the truck and tore ass down one of the side roads. They trashed my truck, and took all our beer; heathens! I had a brand new pioneer tape deck and they had jammed a tape in backwards, thing never worked right after that. It was a week before we could get back for the bag, we found it too! We went back in Ray's subaru. We got real happy that night also, so happy in fact that that was the night we swamped the subaru. I told that story in the thread "Stuck!"
I can remember lots of crazy nights in the pines, it's the ones I can't remember that worry me!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
They trashed my truck, and took all our beer; heathens!

That is heathenistic for sure grendel!

In 1978, me and two friends took it upon ourselves to walk from the Delaware Memorial Bridge in a straight line, all the way to Long Beach Island. A noble idea, but we had issues along the way for sure! Here is a photo of us at the bridge:


My pack was 50 freaking pounds! I was carrying an old emergency radio that must have weighed 12 pounds alone. My friend rob got severe blisters, and my friend Don got severe poison ivy. We abandonded the trip on the other side of Oldmans Creek, and had Don's wife pick us up. I felt like a fool for giving up, but we were all beat from various ailments.

I would'nt trade that experience for the world though. Anyway, we ended up starting out in my Jeep the next day to camp along the Wading River. Here is Rob and Don at my Jeep.


Yes, this was brazen to camp right along the river. Anyway, we heard a vehicle coming. Don stashed the pot and southern comfort. It was a ranger, of course. He made us move, so we went legal to Batona Camp, and it rained for two days straight. Not the best of time. Also, as I was backing out of the Wading Camp, my jeep hit a stump and the steering wheel spun fast and sprained my thumb, so I was in a bit of pain. Ahh, the lessons we learn.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

Always great to see your photo’s and hear your stories. Priceless!


I had a different recollection of the pines than most others. I was, and still am a morning person, so the late nights at Old Half Way were rare for me. And because of that I rarely saw people in the pines giving me the opinion that there are many more people out there now than back then. More homes in the area equals more people.

Anyway, here a few quick photo’s that some of you have viewed before. The first one is camping on the FRM in about 1978. The pit was dug by pouring gasoline on the frozen ground and letting it burn for a while to thaw the ground. You could still smell the gas the next time we dug the hole weeks later. Thinking about that now I cringe! You can just see the table we hid in the woods at the very bottom, and the gasoline can that did the dastardly deed. As usual I am in a tree.


This one shows skinny me using a metal detector at Martha’s Bridge. Notice the little island. You could jump off the bridge to the various islands and walk upstream about 100 feet. There were two channels where the canoes could pick to go under the bridge. We were metal detecting because a man in a motorcycle who was swimming there when we arrived had lost his key. The photo (slide) was developed in 8/75.


A man my mom worked with asked me to come along on this trip. We met at the Indian Chief Tavern on 70 and all headed out for the day. One of my rare group outings back then because of antisocial thoughts. You can see my red Land Cruiser waiting it’s turn. The location was at the link below the photo.


And the silhouette of a Jersey Central Train right at the path to Brooksbree in 1975 using a 110 camera. Notice Lady Liberty.




Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Come on Bob. We know it was purely your idea. It's got "Bob" written all over it.

Yeah, it was. I should have given myself all the credit for such an outlandish idea. They agreed, so they were in on it too.

Guy, nice photos from your stash of your Pine Barren Glory Days. Nice train shot.

I too had a metal detector, a cheap $65 model. I poked around several areas without much success. I can hear it now...."Booooop!"

Guy, I'm glad someone had the good sense to capture things in photos back then. My shots were all off-the-cuff, taken by others. Here is one circa 1976, way out by Batsto I think. John is trying to take the quart bottle from me.
